The Supreme Sword (Heaven Defying Sword)

The seventh update of the post has exploded, asking everyone for a monthly pass. . .


spn  The seventh update has been posted.

Although the number of tickets has not exceeded 5,000, it is only 700 votes away. I believe that if the brothers just throw in two tickets if they are happy, they can break through 5,000.

This month is a special month. Jianni ushered in its first anniversary and Jianni ushered in its second seal.

This is a festive month.

But this month’s monthly ticket ranking is very lagging behind. [

The previous updates were not good enough, and Chocolate was too embarrassed to ask for a monthly ticket.

It was the fifth update yesterday and the seventh update today. Chocolate felt a little bolder and shouted: I’m asking you for a monthly pass! ! ! !

Please give me your support. Chocolate would like to say thank you in advance.

If you still feel that it is not satisfying enough after reading it, you can read my old book "Pure Yang True Immortal"...

It will make everyone happy^_^(To be continued...)

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