The Supreme Sword (Heaven Defying Sword)

【Chapter 921】 Star Sword Sect


spn   The land of Middle-earth is vast and vast, with a width of 69 million miles from east to west and a length of 83 million miles from north to south.

The surrounding sea area is occupied by monsters, and it is even more marginal.

In the vast Central Continent, kings can be seen everywhere, and there are not a few emperors. Just from the human race, there are thousands.

As for the imperial forces, there are nearly a hundred and hundreds of them, distributed in various regions of Central Continent.

Each domain ranges from millions of miles in radius to millions of miles in radius. [

Among them, there are five royal families, the most powerful, namely the Fengyun family, the Huangfu family, the Lu family, the Zhan family, and the Wei family. They are known as the five super families and stand at the top of Central Continent.

Among them, the Wei family is famous for its sword array. It is located in the Beichang region in the northern part of Central Continent. Their ancestors once had sword emperors who once dominated Central Continent and were famous.

The Wei family has a large number of talents. Today, Wei Zhenyu, an unparalleled genius, is not only mentally powerful, but also extremely talented in the sword formation. He is also very unparalleled in his cultivation. He has already stepped into the world before he was forty years old. Enter the realm of kings.

Now in his early forties, Wei Zhenyu is already a second-level emperor and a famous emperor-level sword formation master.

The Wei family has a quasi-emperor in charge, and then there is the genius Wei Zhenyu, and there are many other powerful people, and the whole family is flourishing.

On the northwest edge of the land of Central Continent, there is a large area called the Xingshu Area.

The Star Sword Sect is located at the Star Viewing Peak of the Xingyue Mountains in the Xingshu Region and is well-known everywhere.

The Star Sword Sect is a powerful imperial force. There are five emperors in total, and each of them is a powerful sword formation master.

Compared with the strength, the imperial power of the same level. They are not as good as the Star Sword Sect.

The leader, Xin Wuxia, is a fifth-level emperor and possesses an emperor-level sword array. It is so easy to super kill enemies that even the top emperors of the seventh level will be intimidated and feel inferior.

However, although the Xingchen Sword Sect is powerful, the sect's strength ranges from the leader to the disciples. But one person is so complacent that when talking about the sect, he feels ashamed.

turn out to be. Two thousand years ago, the Star Sword Sect was extremely prosperous and its strength was far greater than it is today.

At that time. Star Sword has sent out seventh-level and eighth-level emperors. Using the sword formation, you can compete with the quasi-emperors of the five superpowers.

The Star Sword Sect was once on equal footing with the five superpowers.

Unfortunately, this grand occasion did not last long. As several powerful emperors perished in the ancient ruins of Beihai, the strength of the Star Sword Sect declined sharply.

To this day. The Star Sword Sect only retains its former reputation, but its strength and the five superpowers. The difference is very far.

The current strength of the Star Sword Sect is still relatively high among the imperial forces, but it cannot hide the fact of its gradual decline.

Stargazing Peak, Star Hall. [

The leader, Xin Wuxia, frowned. A recent incident made him worried.

Recently, there have been frequent conflicts between the disciples of the Star Sword Sect and the disciples of the five super aristocratic families, the Wei family.

It seems that the Wei family and the Star Sword Sect are at odds with each other, and the Wei family disciples always stir up trouble.

The Wei family is one of the five super aristocratic families. The Star Sword Sect is no longer what it was two thousand years ago. It cannot afford to recruit or offend, and it has repeatedly given in.

In the past six months, disciples of the Star Sword Sect have gone out many times to fight with disciples of the Wei family. At first, the disciples of the Wei family only hurt people, but later on, they became more ruthless, causing the Star Sword Sect to lose many disciples. There are some extremely outstanding ones among them.

As the saying goes, if a dog is in a hurry, it will jump over the wall. Although the Star Sword Sect is not as good as before, it is not a soft persimmon that can be pinched by others.

Last month, the disciples of the Star Sword Sect laid a trap and hid some masters in the team. The Wei family provoked another dispute and attempted to kill people. However, the Star Sword Sect counterattacked and the entire army was annihilated.

Several times in a row, the Wei family also lost a lot of people.

The disciples of the Wei family died, and the Wei family was furious as if they had been touched.

The head of the family, Wei Shilin, personally ordered an explanation to the Xingchen Sword Faction, otherwise the Wei family would go to war with the Xingchen Sword Faction to decide life and death.

Wei Shilin's condition was very simple. He asked the Star Sword Sect to hand over the secret manual of "Great Zhoutian Star Sword Formation" as compensation.

The Great Zhoutian Star Sword Formation is the treasure of the Star Sword Sect. Thousands of years ago, the founder of the sect obtained it from the ruins of the Sword Emperor in the ancient ruins of Beihai. It is said that this sword formation is one of the emperor-level sword formations. The existence of Waiting for One, if there are enough emperor-level spiritual swords, can allow the swordsman to break the rules of the avenue in the emperor's realm and cross four realms to kill the enemy.

Since the establishment of the sect, no one in the Great Zhoutian Star Sword Formation or the Star Sword Sect has fully mastered it. Therefore, there has never been an ultimate sword formation master who can kill enemies across four realms in the Emperor Realm.

But this does not hinder the reputation of this sword formation at all.

Even though the strength of the Star Sword Sect has declined over the years, many strong men still remember the power of the Great Zhoutian Star Sword Formation.

"Conspiracy! The disciples of the Wei family deliberately stir up trouble. This is a conspiracy!"

"The Wei family has been waiting for our sect to counterattack, and then we have an excuse. All the provocations in the past six months were originally intended to obtain the secret of the "Great Zhoutian Star Sword Formation"!"

"This formation is the treasure of our sect. The Wei family, if you want to go there just by saying a word, you think too highly of yourself."

Xin Wuxia sat on the big chair, tapping his fingers on the table next to him, and his mind was spinning.

"Although our sect has declined and declined, it is not something that you, the Wei family, can just control at your will. If you, the Wei family, want to capture Star Observation Peak, and even if you want to take away the secrets of the sword formation, you will have to pay a heavy price!"

"Even if you, the quasi-emperor of the Wei family, come in person, you can't easily break the sword energy formation left by the ancestors of our sect. When I get angry, the sword energy will run wild, and the emperor of your Wei family will have to be buried with him...!"[

Do you want the Star Sword Sect to hand over the secret manual of the "Great Zhoutian Star Sword Formation"? This is impossible!

Xin Wuxia refused immediately.

The Wei family's attitude was also very tough. They really sent many strong men to the Star Hub Region and Star Viewing Peak to attack the Star Sword Sect.

However, the quasi-emperor of the Wei family did not come. When he reached the realm of quasi-emperor, he only wanted to break through and become an emperor, change his fate against the will of heaven, and gain another five hundred years of life. Basically, there were few things that could make the quasi-emperor take action.

What surprised Xin Wuxia was that not even the eighth or ninth level emperors from the Wei family came.

Outside Stargazing Peak. The leader of the powerful Wei family is a seventh-level emperor.

A seventh-level emperor, Xin Wuxia relied on the Great Zhoutian Star Sword Formation. It can be dealt with, not to mention the sword energy formations set up by many ancestors on Stargazing Peak, each of which is very terrifying.

The Wei family shouted loudly, but the strong men who came to attack the Star Sword Sect were not too strong in Xin Wuxia's eyes. Some of them surprised him, or he was confused.

The strong men of the Wei family had been attacking for a while. However, they were easily blocked by the Star Sword Sect. Seeing that the strong men of the Wei family could not even climb up to Star Viewing Peak, the first wave of attacks was over. Temporarily evacuate.

After presiding over the battle, Xin Wuxia returned to the Star Palace to rest for a while.

"Senior Brother Head!" At this time, a voice came from outside the hall. Wait until the words fall. The visitor has already entered the Star Palace.

This is a man in his fifties, with a face as sharp as a knife and a bit lanky.

"Junior Brother Tuoba, what's going on?" At this troubled time, Xin Wuxia stood up.

The person who came was Tuoba Chen, the deputy head of the Star Sword Sect. His face was very ugly. He walked quickly towards Xin Wuxia and said, "Brother, the head. Something bad has happened. I heard that the Wei family The Quasi-Emperor has arrived. He is about to launch a second attack on our faction."

"What?" Xin Wuxia's expression was suddenly shocked.


What Xin Wuxia fears the most is the quasi-emperor of the Wei family.

Although it is not easy for the Quasi-Emperor to break through the sword energy formation set up by ancestor Li Dai of Guanxing Peak, it is just not easy, and he still hopes to break through the formation.

If the quasi-emperor of the Wei family had arrived early in the morning, Xin Wuxia would have already guessed in his mind, so he would not be so shocked.

Now the Wei family has launched the first wave of attacks, and the strongest one is only the eighth-level emperor. Now the quasi-emperor suddenly arrives, making Xin Wuxia suddenly panicked, and even a little lost.

call out

At this moment, a bright sword suddenly appeared and pierced out from Tuoba Chen's hand.

Tuoba Chen and Xin Wuxia were within ten meters of each other. As a third-level emperor, he suddenly took action as fast as lightning. The moment Xin Wuxia lost his mind, the sword sank into his lower abdomen and penetrated directly. In the Dantian.

Tuoba Chen retreated with one strike, like lightning.

"court death!"

At the same time, Xin Wuxia reacted instantly, shouted loudly, and a bright sword light rushed out of his body.

Unfortunately, Tuoba Chen retreated too quickly and escaped the attack of the sword light. The bright sword light turned into hundreds of spiritual swords.

Among them, there are at least a hundred imperial-level spiritual swords.

"You...!" Xin Wuxia's face suddenly turned pale and his body swayed, "The sword is poisonous? You betrayed our sect...!"

Tuoba Chen's face was a little frightened, but also a little excited, and said: "Brother, head of the Wei family, the head of the Wei family has said that I will be the head of the Star Sword Sect from now on. You have been poisoned by the Ten Thousand Poisonous Snake King, and you won't live long. The more you destroy the Gang Yuan, the faster you will die. Senior brother, you are no longer my opponent... As soon as you die, the Wei family will ask for his secret book of the Great Zhoutian Star Sword Formation, and I will be the head of my Star Sword Sect. , everyone is happy and everything is fine, don’t you think so, senior brother?”

"You...!" Xin Wuxia pointed at Tuoba Chen. Before he could say anything, a mouthful of blood spurted out. The blood was pitch black.

Xin Wuxia felt a tingling all over his body and felt light-headed. Suddenly, a green pill appeared in his hand and he drank it instantly.

Boo hoo hoo hoo hoo…

At this moment, a bright sword light flew out of Tuoba Chen's body, and hundreds of spiritual swords struck at Xin Wuxia in an instant.

After taking the pill, Xin Wuxia regained consciousness in an instant, and hundreds of spiritual swords rushed out to block Tuoba Chen's sneak attack.

With several bang bang bang bangs, Tuoba Chen's sword array was instantly shaken up and fired in all directions.

Xin Wuxia was about to take advantage of the situation and kill Tuoba Chen, but the poisonous gas began to attack his heart again and his body shook.

"Hehehehehe...! How can you fight with me now that the poisonous gas is attacking your heart? Before I came in, I had already set up a blocking formation near the Star Palace. The outside doesn't know what's going on inside, hehehe...!"

Tuoba Chen smiled and said, "I'm waiting for you to die now. I know the secret of the formation, and it must be with you."

"You will never get it." Xin Wuxia suddenly had a Taoist talisman in his hand.

He crushed it violently, a stream of light flashed, and Xin Wuxia disappeared instantly. (To be continued...)

ps: The plot of Zhongzhou is unfolding, and it’s a bit slow. I’ve been thinking about it all day today. I’m sorry, but I can only update it once. I’ll start updating it tomorrow.

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