The Supreme Sword (Heaven Defying Sword)

【Chapter 945】 Entering the Demon Realm


spn In an instant, the Thunder Tribulation Electric Snake spread all over Emperor Jiuye, blasting out several cracks all over his body.

A golden sword gang slashed dozens of miles out of the lightning snake.

It is the Great Tiangang Jin Geng Sword Qi.

Quasi-Emperor Wei Yide used his powerful spiritual body to withstand the attack of the Thunder Tribulation Electric Snake, and delivered a decisive blow to Quasi-Devil Emperor Jiuye.

Jiuye Quasi-Devil Emperor felt the danger of his life. Even though he was severely injured by the Thunder Tribulation Electric Snake, he reacted instantly and turned his devil's palms into claws to grab the golden Jin Geng Sword Qi. [


In an instant, one of the devil's palms was broken into two halves and was completely cut off by the Great Tiangang Jin Geng Sword Qi. The other devil's palm was also cut with a scar more than ten meters deep.

Normally, Jiuye's quasi-demon's clutches would have been enough to withstand Wei Yide's Great Tiangang Jin Geng Sword Qi, but under the attack of the Thunder Tribulation Electric Snake, his defense dropped to the lowest point, and Wei Yide was naturally severely wounded.

The Quasi-Demon Emperor Jiuye howled shrilly and retreated quickly.

Huangfu Bainan and Zhan Honggang, two ninth-level emperors, were located behind the Quasi-Devil Emperor Jiuye. In an instant, a white tiger sword energy and a fire dragon sword energy flew out, flying twenty or thirty miles away, as fast as lightning, Cutting through the sky, he struck at the Quasi-Devil Emperor Jiuye.

On both sides, there were other emperors who launched their strongest attacks, trying to kill the Quasi-Demon Emperor Jiuye completely when his defense was at his lowest and he was severely injured.


Jiuye Quasi-Demon Emperor let out a howl like a ghost cry, and the aura in his body suddenly surged. He flexed his legs and suddenly rose into the sky, killing the ninth-level emperor Lu Dingxiao above.

There were many strong men surrounding him from all directions, but Lu Dingxiao was the only one in the air. Although Lu Dingxiao was a ninth-level emperor and extremely powerful, Jiuye Quasi-Demon Emperor could only fight with all his strength. Only by repelling Lu Dingxiao and rushing out of the encirclement could he escape.


At this moment, there was an explosion in the sky, and the lightning snake struck down.

Lu Dingxiao no longer blocked the Quasi-Demon Emperor Jiuye and quickly moved to the side.

In an instant, another wave of thunder disaster came.

The terrifying lightning snake. In an instant, the entire space with a radius of five to six kilometers around Xuantian was enveloped. Xuantian, Wei Yide, Lu Dingxiao, and Quasi-Devil Emperor Jiuye were all hit by the Thunder Tribulation Electric Snake.

Xuantian stood in the middle of the thunder tribulation. A holy cauldron appeared in his hand, containing a large number of thunder and lightning snakes.

Wei Yide, Lu Dingxiao, and Jiuye Quasi-Demon Emperor were all injured in this wave of terrifying thunder disasters. Wei Yide serves as the quasi-emperor. It was only a small injury. Lu Dingxiao was at the highest altitude and was hit the hardest, but it was not serious.

Only the Quasi-Devil Emperor Jiuye, all the thunder and lightning snakes came to greet him.

A shrill scream rang out, and Jiuye Quasi-Devil Emperor's thousand-foot-long demon body rushed into the sky. In an instant, it was riddled with holes by the Thunder Tribulation Electric Snake, and he suffered huge trauma. Suddenly it was chopped down from the sky again.


There were ten voices, ringing from all directions. The emperors all around used their special killing moves, sword-gang palm seals, and attacked the quasi-demon emperor Jiuye who was struck down by thunder.

A golden sword energy suddenly burst out.

It was the Great Tiangang Jin Geng Sword Qi again. Wei Yide endured the trauma and once again struck a fatal blow against the Quasi-Demon Emperor Jiuye.

In an instant, under the siege of everyone, the Quasi-Devil Emperor Jiuye's Qianzhang Demonic Body collapsed and was chopped into several pieces, dying.

Another quasi-demon emperor died.

A total of six quasi-demon emperors from the demon clan have invaded Central Continent, and two of them have died so far. The main reason is Xuantian's thunder disaster.

Now there are only four quasi-demon emperors left in the demon race. Even if Xuantian stops taking action, they are no longer opponents of the human race.

The four quasi-demon emperors led an army of nearly a thousand demon emperors and nearly a million demon kings and fled quickly towards the whirlpool passage.

The five quasi-emperors of the human race led the human army to pursue them. Many demon kings and emperors were caught up and died in the pursuit.

However, the battlefield was only about ten thousand miles away from the whirlpool passage. Soon, the demon army fled here. The four quasi-demon emperors got directly in, and the demon emperors and demon kings filed in behind.

During the escape, at least two-tenths of the demon kings and demon kings of the demon clan were caught up and killed by the strong humans. The losses in this battle were much greater than those of the humans.

Coupled with the death of two quasi-demon emperors, the demon clan was completely defeated.

The human army chased to the side of the whirlpool passage and stopped. Passing through the whirlpool passage was the territory of the Demon Realm. The quasi-Demon Emperor who came this time obviously came from a small place in the Demon Realm. The vast edge of the Demon Realm was as vast as the entire Sword Realm. Extremely, there are countless Demon Emperors inside, and there are countless quasi-Demon Emperors. Pursuing them into the Demon Realm is purely seeking death.

After repelling the demons, and then destroying the vortex passage leading to the demon world, that is the right way.

Xuantian was holding the thunder whirlpool on his head, and the little tiger had turned into a black cat, returned to his shoulder, and came towards the whirlpool channel.

Every time the thunder tribulation strikes, the thunder tribulation electric snake will cover a radius of five to six kilometers. Wherever Xuantian passes, the strong human race will not retreat, and no one wants to be shocked.

Seeing Xuantian coming over, the powerful human beings blocking Xuantian's front moved to both sides to avoid him, and Xuantian rushed directly into the whirlpool passage.

The fourth level of immortal golden body technique is located in the Zhongmozhou Temple on the other side of the whirlpool passage. Xuantian has now become an emperor, so he naturally wants to learn it.

"Hero, that's the gateway to the devil's world...!"

Seeing Xuantian rushing into the whirlpool channel, many powerful human beings screamed in surprise.

Xuantian turned the tide and allowed the human race to turn defeat into victory. Naturally, many strong human beings regarded him as a hero. [

"Xuan Tian, ​​it's dangerous to go to the devil world!"

Several quasi-emperors also sent messages from their souls to dissuade Xuantian.

"Everyone, I left something on the other side of the passage. Go get it and come back soon!" Xuan Tian smiled slightly, and without slowing down, he rushed into the whirlpool passage in an instant, and only a voice came out.

The huge thunder whirlpool in the sky split off countless lightning snakes and blasted them into the whirlpool channel.

This whirlpool channel connects the human world and the demon world. It is expanded by a space crack. It is not a man-made teleportation array. It exists naturally and will not be destroyed by thunder.

Xuantian shuttled through the void at extremely fast speeds in the whirlpool channel. All the thunder and lightning snakes chased him and struck him, unable to hurt him at all. On the contrary, Xuantian's understanding of the secret of thunder became more and more profound.

In just half a moment, Xuantian passed through the whirlpool passage and came to the other side.

The thunder whirlpool above the sky in Central Continent disappeared, and at the same time, above the sky in the Demon Realm. A huge thunder whirlpool appeared in an instant, and the terrifying thunder disaster was still blasting towards Xuantian.

Doom has come. No matter how many worlds Xuantian travels through, he will never escape.

In the demon world, around the vortex passage, many demon kings have just passed through. Afraid of being chased by strong human beings. Running in all directions.

However, the lightning snakes suddenly struck down, and tens of thousands of demon kings were blown away, including several demon emperors.

Xuantian's catastrophe of becoming an emperor became more and more fierce as it progressed, naturally. Those demon kings and emperors were chopped into dust and annihilated in an instant.

"Ah! Xuantian has come to the Holy Realm to escape the tribulation...!"

"He brought the terrifying thunder tribulation to the holy world...!"

In the distance, the powerful demon clan screamed in horror.

Even the four quasi-demon emperors had a look of horror in their eyes, staring at the whirlpool passage, very vigilant, thinking that the strong humans would chase them.

However, after a few breaths, no strong human race came through the whirlpool passage. Apparently, only Xuantian rushed to the demon world.

At this time, Xuantian glanced around and saw that the Zhongmozhou Temple had been moved to the ground. It was a little different from the last time he came, but he still quickly discovered the stone house not far away. With a teleport, he arrived at the stone house. Before that, drill into the stone house.

"Xuan Tian, ​​you dare to come to the Holy Realm alone and want to break into the Holy Land? You are simply seeking death!"

An angry shout sounded a thousand meters behind Xuantian, and a quasi-devil emperor who was thousands of feet tall suddenly teleported over and grabbed Xuantian with a huge devil's palm.

This quasi-devil emperor is so murderous that he is the first Qisha to reach Central Continent!


What greeted the Seven Kills Quasi-Demon Emperor was a terrifying thunderstorm of electric snakes.

The lightning snake struck the Seven Kills Quasi-Demon Emperor, and a scream rang out. The Seven Kills Quasi-Demon Emperor immediately jumped up and retracted its claws that were grabbing at Xuantian.

At this moment, Xuantian stepped forward and entered the hell cave.

The thunder vortex above the demon world's sky disappeared instantly.

In the hell cave, a void appeared above Xuantian's head, and a huge thunder whirlpool appeared. This hell cave turned out to be a space of its own and did not belong to the demon world, otherwise this thunder disaster would not follow.

Xuantian glanced at the dark statue of Emperor Hades, wondering if he would break the statue of Emperor Hades if he was here to survive the tribulation?


At this moment, jle's lightning snake struck down, and the entire hell cave was bombarded by the snake.

However, when this wave of thunder and disaster receded, Xuantian looked around and saw that everything in the hell cave was as usual, without any damage.

This Hell Demonic Cave obviously does not exist naturally, but is man-made. The Heavenly Tribulation will destroy all things that do not naturally exist, but it cannot destroy the Hell Demonic Cave. This shows that the Hades Emperor is indeed powerful, and the avenues of heaven and earth cannot help him.

Xuantian no longer cared about the Underworld Emperor or the Hell Demon Cave, and his eyes fell on the wall next to him.

The last time he came here, he was only half a king. Looking at the carvings on the wall, they were all incomprehensible ghost symbols.

Now that he has cultivated to the level of an emperor, things are really different.

Immortal golden body!

Fourth level: The predecessor is immortal!

Fengyun Di has cultivated the fourth level of the Immortal Golden Body. His naked chest is pure gold. It seems that the golden body covers his predecessor.

After reaching the fourth level of cultivation, both arms, legs, and front body are covered by the golden body, leaving only the back body and head as the weak points.

Xuantian's Emperor's Tribulation lasted only a limited time. He wanted to rely on the Emperor's Tribulation to deal with the demon quasi-emperor. He must quickly memorize the secret of the fourth level of the immortal golden body in his heart and rush back to Central Continent.

Meditate! Keep God!

Although the rumbling thunder and calamity was strong, Xuantian ignored it and focused on watching the cultivation secrets of the fourth level of the immortal golden body and keeping them in mind.

After watching it three times, Xuantian had a deep memory in his heart. With his memory, he could not forget it again. (To be continued...)

ps: tonight’s update is a bit late, sorry, there will be more later

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