The Supreme Sword (Heaven Defying Sword)

【Chapter 949】 One step for a million miles


spn  Fengyun Longcheng, truly the number one person in Central Continent.

He yelled like this and named Xuantian to be protected, which was enough to frighten any strong person who had evil intentions towards Xuantian, even the quasi-emperor.

In the distance, I don’t know how many pairs of eyes saw everything just now.

There is a quasi-emperor!

There is the head of the Sword Emperor Family! [

There are many emperors above level seven!

"Hmph!" In the distance, Huangfu Liuchan snorted coldly. He flashed his body and teleported away. Only a voice came: "Fengyun Longcheng, let's see how long you can survive!"

No one knows the exact age of Fengyun Longcheng except the internal staff of Fengyun Family. According to external estimates, Fengyun Longcheng is at least 460 years old. From what Huangfu Liu Chan said, it seems that Fengyun Longcheng is approaching his end. Not far away, the age is frighteningly high.

"Thank you, senior Fengyun Longcheng, for saving me!" Seeing Huangfu Liuchan leaving, Xuantian thanked Fengyun Longcheng.

Fengyun Longcheng looked at Xuantian, with a slight smile on his old face, and said: "Xuantian, do you have any way to escape from Huangfu Liuchan's hands?"

Xuan Tian nodded.

Even if he doesn't use the space gate to travel through the void, he still has a teleportation talisman given by Xin Wuxia, which can teleport millions of miles. It will not be easy for Huangfu Liuchan to catch up with him again.

Fengyun Longcheng said: "I know that Huangfu Liuchan wants to kill you, but it is just a wishful thinking. The main purpose of my action is not to save you, but to find an excuse to kill this villain Huangfu Liuchan. You don't have to Thank me."

This time the demons invaded, Huangfu Liuchan's performance. It does make anyone want to kill him, but the only one who can do it is Fengyun Longcheng. The other four quasi-emperors are equally powerful as Huangfu Liuchan, how can they let Huangfu Liuchan suffer!

Xuan Tian said: "If senior takes action, I'm afraid I will be hunted by Huangfu Liuchan all over the world. In the day of eternal peace, and he fails to kill me, he may destroy the Sunset Tower in a rage. With one word, senior. Let's go." I turned the crisis into safety, saved the pain of escaping, and eliminated the hidden dangers of Sunset Tower. How can I not be grateful?"

Fengyun Longcheng nodded and said: "Remember, the human race will not let heroes with meritorious deeds die in vain. Although villains are rampant in the world, there are people with righteousness in the hearts of my Fengyun family and Zhan family. They are not a few, among your juniors. I won't pay attention to the fights of grudges, but if there are elders who are disrespectful and want to steal your treasures and harm your life, I, Fengyun Dragon City, will definitely stop it. You don't have to worry about the safety of Sunset Tower. I, Fengyun Family, I will tell the world and form an alliance with the Sunset Tower. If you move the Sunset Tower, you will move the Fengyun Family. I understand that there is no force in the world that dares to directly be the enemy of the Fengyun Family."

At this time, Xuantian had released Yan Gucheng and other emperors and kings of the Sunset Tower from the Holy Cauldron of Chaos. They all looked overjoyed when they heard this. The Sunset Tower and the Fengyun Family advanced and retreated together, and they were considered to have boarded the If the Fengyun Family's ship is not destroyed, there will be no problem with the safety of Sunset Tower.

After Fengyun Longcheng finished speaking, he turned around and left. He teleported more than a thousand miles and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

"It was actually the quasi-emperor ancestor of Fengyun Family who came to the rescue, haha..., Xuantian, now that you are safe in Central Continent, who dares to deal with you regardless of his own life or death? In anger, Senior Fengyun Longcheng, even if the other party is All quasi-emperors should think twice before acting." The emperor laughed.

Yan Gucheng also laughed happily and said: "Xuan Tian, ​​Xiyang Tower has also followed suit, advancing and retreating with the Fengyun family. In this troubled world, we finally have a truly solid backer."

Xuantian smiled and said: "No one should deal with me on the surface, but secretly I don't know. Moreover, senior Fengyun Longcheng also said that he will not pay attention to the grudges of the juniors. Huangfu from the Huangfu family is first-rate. , is a formidable opponent, I have to practice seriously and strive to break through to the second-level emperor and third-level emperor as soon as possible. Walking in the land of Central Continent like that will be considered fearful."

Xuantian, Yan Gucheng and others laughed all the way and soon returned to the Sunset Tower.

After saying goodbye to everyone, Xuantian returned to his residence and immediately took out the Holy Cauldron of Chaos to understand its secrets. [

In the Chaos Holy Cauldron, a huge gate to the void appeared. Of course, this door was invisible to others. Only Xuantian, the master of the Holy Cauldron, could see it. The gate to space in Xuantian's heart was this huge gate to the void. projection.

Previously, Xuantian felt that he could travel to far distances through the space gate in his heart. In fact, he was connected to the void gate in the Chaos Holy Cauldron through the space gate to travel.

Xuantian understood carefully, and he understood more of the secrets of space. As the tide rose, all boats rose, and his understanding of the secrets of chaos also improved a lot.

Chaos is all-inclusive, broad and profound.

Among the nine holy cauldrons, water, fire, wood, earth, yin, yang, wind, and thunder all represent a single great law. Although there are many subordinate secrets of small ways, they are all of the same type. For example, under the great law of water, There are water mysteries, ice mysteries, frost mysteries, ice and snow mysteries, etc., all of which belong to the same type.

The Holy Cauldron of Chaos is different. The special avenues of time, space, life, and death are all in the Holy Cauldron of Chaos. If you understand the secrets of any minor path under the laws of the major avenues, Xuantian's secrets of chaos will quickly improve.

In quiet enlightenment, time flies quickly, and three days pass quickly.

Xuantian has almost understood the way of space in the Chaos Holy Cauldron, and he is determined to try out how far he can travel through the space gate.

With a thought in his mind, a door to space appeared. He stepped in and shuttled through the void. The next moment, Xuantian walked out of the void. He controlled the distance and walked a hundred thousand miles.

Even for a quasi-emperor, the distance of teleportation is difficult to reach two thousand miles, one hundred thousand miles in one step? I am afraid that even the emperor would find it difficult to achieve it.

However, Xuantian felt that the teleportation distance through the Void Gate was far more than one hundred thousand miles, and he had not used it to its limit just now.

Xuantian's mind moved and he took another step forward.

The next moment, Xuantian walked out of the void, and this time Xuantian appeared two hundred thousand miles away.

Two hundred thousand miles in one step, Xuantian still felt that he had not reached the distance limit of the teleportation of the space gate.

With a thought in his mind, Xuantian summoned the door of space again, stepped into it, and kept trying.

The distance he teleported gradually increased, from one hundred thousand miles to two hundred thousand miles...three hundred thousand miles in one step.

Soon I tried to reach 500,000 miles...600,000 miles...

The distance limit of the teleportation of this space gate far exceeded Xuantian's expectation.

Soon, Xuantian took a step forward and exceeded a million miles. At this time, Xuantian felt some pressure and the space channel began to become unstable. If the teleportation distance was further, the space channel might be broken.

However, one step for a million miles is too scary.

What speed is this?

From Yunzhou to Zhongzhou is the edge of the northwest sea area. It is 120 million miles away from the land of Zhongzhou, which is very far away. [

Based on Xuantian's previous teleportation speed of four million miles a day, he would have to travel for a full month without a day's rest before he could complete this journey.

And now?

Xuantian only needs to walk one hundred and twenty steps to reach the edge of the Western Sea from the land of Central China.

How long does it take to make one hundred and twenty steps?

Just a hundred or so breaths.

Millions of miles in an instant. This is completely the effect of moving the talisman. Moreover, the moving talisman can only control the direction, not the distance. Xuantian travels through the void through the gate of space. He travels ten thousand miles in an instant, but it is still a hundred thousand miles. , or millions of miles, can be controlled freely.

A moving talisman can only be used once, but Xuantian can travel through the void multiple times through the space gate.

Space is worthy of being as famous as time, life, death and other special ways. Once understood to a certain extent, it will have incredible effects.

In terms of speed, comprehending the way of space is faster than comprehending the secret of wind.

Just like comprehending the Tao of Life, the vitality is much greater than comprehending the secret of wood. The self-healing effect of the secret of wood is much slower than that of the Tao of Life.

The immortal body contains the way of life.

"A million miles in one step, who in the world can catch up with me? Lu Juechen, one of the five perverted monsters, is said to be the fastest in the world. Hehe... if you compare with me, you will definitely be dumbfounded!" Xuan Tian secretly laughed in his heart.

He tried the Space Gate and left Sunset Tower for millions of miles, but no one knew he had left.

A few steps later, Xuantian returned to Sunset Tower and appeared in his residence. He was truly coming and going, completely traveling through the void and passing through walls with ease.

"It's refreshing! It's so refreshing! I have the best speed in the world, let alone the quasi-emperor. Even if the real Sword Emperor comes, it will be difficult to catch up with me. There is no place in this world for me!" Xuantian felt extremely happy in his heart.

Although at his speed, the whole world can be conquered, Xuantian still has to practice in the Sunset Tower, understand the secrets, and practice the sword and elixir technique to the fourth level before he can walk on the land of Central Continent. The gate of space can see the quasi-emperor. The void confinement, but whether it can pass through some powerful formations that confine the void is still unknown. Speed ​​is only used to escape, and strong strength is the real reliance.

Xuantian took out the two holy cauldrons, comprehended the secrets of thunder and chaos at the same time, and also practiced the ultimate star-guiding technique, sensing the polar electric star, the sun star, the giant Saturn..., one by one, the phantoms of the stars. , rotating around Xuantian, while practicing, he will comprehend all the mysteries that can be comprehended.

The powers of Chaos, Thunder, and Fire are all at the early stage of the fifth level. Among them, the Mysteries of Chaos and Thunder are not far from breaking through to the peak of the fifth level, the Mysteries of Fire are still far away from breaking through, and the Mysteries of Earth are still at the peak of the fourth level. It takes the most time.

Xuantian had a plan in mind. He would first break through the Mystery of Chaos and the Mystery of Thunder to the peak of the fifth level. Then, he would devote half of his training time to understanding the Mystery of Earth and directly refining and absorbing the Hell Emperor Earth.

His Hell Emperor Earth weighs over a thousand kilograms, which is enough for him to practice in the entire Emperor Realm. He can refine and absorb the Yama Emperor Earth, and understand the secrets of the Earth at a speed that is no less than a Holy Cauldron of Earth. (To be continued...)

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