The Supreme Sword (Heaven Defying Sword)

(Chapter 956) The Man Like the Wind (Supplement 14)


spn Of course, Xiangji’s luck has made Xuantian’s wedding dress!

"With so many ghost fires, I won't have to look for any place of flames to understand the mysteries of fire in the future. The ghost fires are comparable to any flame holy land, unless I understand the secrets of fire to the seventh level or above. Only ghost fire will lose its effect."

After harvesting so much ghost fire, Xuantian felt extremely comfortable, especially looking at the piece of fire element petal. The secret of fire inside had reached the fifth level. If he took it, he would definitely be able to quickly increase the secret of fire to the fifth level. .

In this way, all the conditions for practicing the Fourth Transformation Sword Pill are met.

"I originally thought that it would take two months of meditating in the ancient land of the Teng family to comprehend the secret of fire to the fifth level. With this fire element petal, I'm afraid one or two days is enough, haha! Take the fortune and drink it. The cold water is filling my teeth, my fortune is getting better, and someone will give me a pillow when I want to sleep. It seems that my fortune is really good, haha..., it’s refreshing! It’s so refreshing, Huangfu family, you think you can kill me by looking for Skull Valley, you guys I must have never expected that Skull Valley failed to kill me and even sent me a pillow before I went to sleep, hahaha...!"[

Xuantian felt extremely comfortable.

"Refining and absorbing the mysteries of fire in the Fire Element Flower is the fastest in the Land of Fire. I refined it here. It is guarded by the eight-door sky-locking formation. Even if the ninth-level emperor comes to kill me, it will take a long time to break the formation. A certain amount of time, and I can travel millions of miles through the void at any time, and even if the quasi-emperor comes, don’t even think of touching me at all." Xuan Tian thought.

Empress Xuantian was worried, got out of the Holy Cauldron of Thunder, put Xiaohu into the Holy Cauldron, and ate the 1400-year-old Huoyuanhua petal. In the blazing flames of the Tengjia ancient land, the mysteries of fire in the Fire Origin Flower began to be refined and absorbed.

After taking Huo Yuan Hua, a burning heat sinks down the throat and into the Dantian. It soon turned into the pure secret of fire, which was absorbed by Xuantian Buduan and turned into his own understanding.

There was a huge formation aura surrounding Xuantian, covering a radius of more than forty miles. After being attacked once by the killers from Skull Valley, Xuantian did not close the formation. Used for protection.

With this formation aura, even the quasi-emperor cannot come in. He needs to break through the formation aura in a strong form first.

And once someone attacks the formation air shield. Xuantian would naturally know immediately that he could not catch up with him even if the quasi-emperor came.

so. Xuantian can refine with peace of mind. Put your heart and soul into refining the fire element petals.

Every minute and every second, Xuantian's understanding of the secret of fire is progressing rapidly.

This Fierce Domain has a radius of millions of miles, and the Teng Family Ancient Land also has a radius of tens of thousands of miles. It is filled with blazing flames. Even if someone comes to understand the mysteries of fire, it is difficult for them to encounter Xuantian.

And there are very few people who know that Xuantian is in the ancient land of Teng family. All the killers in Skull Valley were killed by Xuantian, so naturally no one bothered him again.

soon. One day passed.

The next day, a wind-like man came to the ancient land of the Teng family.

This man looked to be in his twenties, about 1.8 meters tall, and was wearing a green windbreaker. When he walked, he felt like he was walking on the wind, rising and falling in the void. Wherever he passed, there were sometimes strong winds and sometimes gentle breezes. Sometimes the wind gathers into a line, sometimes it spins into a vortex.

Wherever this windy man comes, the wind is everywhere.

Soon, this wind-like man entered the ancient land of the Teng family. The blazing fire danced with the wind, and the fire assisted the wind, making it even more fierce.

The floating fire continued for dozens of miles, but there was not a single spark beside the wind-like man. There seemed to be a hurricane vortex, blowing the flames hundreds of meters in radius in all directions.

Ten miles away from the wind-like man, a burst of flames floated, and a human-shaped flame ripple was revealed.

The wind-like man glanced at the human-shaped flame ripples and said: "The killer of Skull Valley? Get out!" [

There is indeed a killer from Skull Valley hidden there, a seventh-level emperor killer, a senior figure in Skull Valley, and an elder killer.

Sickle Thorn is the king of killers of the new generation in Skull Valley. He came to assassinate Xuantian. According to the progress, there should be news reported to Skull Valley last night.

But no one reported the news last night, so Skull Valley dispatched a seventh-level emperor killer elder to come and investigate.

As soon as the assassin elder arrived, the wind-like man came and immediately hid his figure.

A seventh-level emperor and the assassin elder of Skull Valley chose to hide his figure when he saw a fourth-level young emperor. This shows that this wind-like man is not simple.

Hidden figure, although there is no trace, but under the fluctuation of the wind, it can be hidden everywhere.


It's just one word, but it can't hide the domineering power in the words.

In the distance, a man shrouded in a black cloak appeared. He did not roll away, but smiled, "Lu Juechen, you are not old, but your tone is more arrogant than the enemy in the wind and cloud. You don't even look at it." Who is I! Tell me to get lost, hum!"

A powerful aura erupted from the black cloak, setting off a torrential wave of air, unleashing the seventh-level emperor's cultivation.

Lu Juechen!

This wind-like man is Lu Juechen, one of the five most perverted monsters in Central Continent.

When he was in the realm of kings, Lu Juechen's reputation was inferior to that of Feng Yun Di, Zhan Lang, Wei Zhenyu and other extremely powerful geniuses. At that time, Lu Juechen's strength was speed.

However, after becoming emperor, Lu Juechen's cultivation speed exceeded everyone's expectations. He became a fourth-level emperor one step earlier than Feng Yundi, Zhan Lang, Huangfu Yiyi, and Wei Zhenyu.

From then on, Lu Juechen was the first among the five perverted monsters. He was the youngest, one year younger than Wei Zhenyu, two years younger than Feng Yundi and Huangfu Yiyi, and half a year younger than Zhan Lang, but his cultivation Because it is the highest.

Lu Juechen became a fourth-level emperor half a year ago. It was only two months after the demon invasion ended. The topic of everyone's conversation was still the demon invasion, but it still caused quite a stir.

"Seventh-level emperor! It seems that you are a big shot among the killer elders of Skull Valley!"

Lu Juechen looked at the man in black in front of him. His words seemed to be compliments, but his tone was contemptuous. He said: "You heard the next words clearly. The holy cauldron on Xuantian's body belongs to me, Lu Juechen. I can only It's up to me, Lu Juechen, to get it back. Anyone who wants to seize the Holy Cauldron, I, Lu Juechen, will not let go. Take these words back and you can get out!"

"What did you say!"

The sound of gnashing teeth came from the black cloak. He was a seventh-level emperor. Among the assassin elders of Skull Valley, he was also ranked high. In the five major sword emperor families, the seventh-level emperor was also a high-level figure. However, he was unexpectedly killed. Lu Juechen was so contemptuous, almost treating him like an ant.


Suddenly, Lu Juechen's clothes swayed, and a force seemed to explode. His hair flew in all directions and stood up. [

Jule's wind suddenly rose.

I saw Fierce Lu Juechen slashing with both hands, like a dragon and a snake striking out. Two wind blades suddenly appeared in front of him. The shadow of the dragon and snake appeared in the wind blades, and they struck at the killer elder of Skull Valley in an instant.

At the same time, Lu Juechen's body swayed lightly and he took a step forward towards the man in black.

The assassin elder's eyes suddenly changed, showing that he was taken aback. He was furious and wanted to teach Lu Juechen a lesson so that the latter could restrain his arrogance and stop being so arrogant.

Instead, Lu Juechen attacked him without saying a word, which was beyond his expectation.

The dragon-snake wind blade was mighty and extremely fast, and the strong winds dancing in a radius of dozens of miles seemed to be like thousands of troops, cheering for the dragon-snake wind blade, which made the assassin elder feel nervous.

As a seventh-level emperor, he felt an unstoppable feeling in his heart.

This feeling was pressed by him in an instant, and being able to become a seventh-level emperor, who is not a genius?

The gap in strength between the sixth-level emperor and the seventh-level emperor is much larger than the six-level emperor who was separated by one realm before.

When you are a third-level emperor, you have the combat power of a sixth-level emperor. After becoming a fourth-level emperor, you may not be the opponent of a seventh-level emperor.

Therefore, the assassin elder would never believe that his strength would be inferior to that of a descendant of a fourth-level emperor. Even if Lu Juechen was a perverted monster, he would definitely surpass him in the future, but that would be in the future, not now.

Boo hoo hoo hoo hoo…

In an instant, the sword light suddenly rose, and the elder killer took action. The speed of the sword was shocking, and the sword light was like a curtain, killing the dragon and snake wind blade.

Bang bang bang bang bang...

The two people's attacks collided, and explosions sounded continuously.

In an instant, the strength of the two people was different.

I saw two dragon and snake wind blades swinging their bodies, and the overlapping sword lights collapsed layer by layer.

The next moment, the dragon-snake wind blade slashed directly at the assassin elder, and the black cloak instantly shattered into pieces, with several scars emerging and blood flowing out.

This assassin elder seemed to have been cut into pieces by a thousand knives, with no intact skin left on his body.

The emperor-level sword in his hand was instantly released and was sent flying a thousand meters away.

At this time, Lu Juechen landed lightly in front of the assassin elder. He stretched out his arm and turned his palm into a claw, grabbing the neck of the retreating assassin elder and lifting it up.

Lu Juechen was surrounded by a hurricane whirlpool, and he was the center of the whirlpool. The wind was as strong as a blade, making the assassin elder scream repeatedly.

"Get lost!" Lu Juechen looked into the eyes of the assassin elder and said, "Do you understand?"

"Hmm! Hmm...!" The assassin elder was choked by Lu Juechen and was speechless, his eyes darting around.

Lu Juechen flicked his arm, and the assassin elder was immediately thrown thousands of meters away.



This assassin elder is a seventh-level emperor. He has lived for more than three hundred years. He has never had his life in someone else's hands, but he has never been able to resist. Lu Juechen was so frightened in his heart that he dared not stop any longer. He didn't even dare to pick up the emperor-level swords here, so he quickly ran away.

"The Holy Cauldron of Chaos and the Holy Cauldron of Thunder are two holy cauldrons. Xuantian, you are truly my noble person. You have given me such a precious gift...!"

The corner of Lu Juechen's mouth curled up, showing a comfortable smile, and he walked towards the depths of the Teng family's ancient land.

Not long after, Lu Juechen came to a huge formation aura mask. On his forehead, he suddenly opened a vertical eye and shot out a piece of earth-yellow light, looking at Xuantian who was more than twenty miles away. Got it crystal clear. (To be continued...)

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