The Supreme Sword (Heaven Defying Sword)

【Chapter 964】You are so unlucky (Supplement 16)


spn “Sword Castle!” Xuantian looked at the two big characters above the city gate. (Searching on Baidu, these two words turned into an emperor-level spiritual sword in Xuantian’s eyes. This is what Xuantian wants to get most when he comes to Beihai Ancient Ruins.

The Great Zhoutian Star Sword Formation was originally a secret manual obtained by the founder of the Star Sword Sect from the ancient ruins of Beihai, including a large number of imperial-level spiritual swords.

Different people look at the sword castle and think of different items in their minds.

Like Xuantian and Wei Zhenyu, as sword masters, they think about spiritual swords.

As for other people, some thought of sword tactics, and some thought of swords. [

"Let's go -!" Feng Yun Enemy took the lead and everyone followed, passing through the city gate and entering the castle.

Passing through the hundred-foot-long city gate, everyone arrived within the city wall.

The huge castle is right in front of you. Between the city wall and the castle is an open space about five hundred meters wide, extending for ten miles to both sides.

In front of everyone, there is another gate in the real castle. This gate is more than two hundred feet high.

At first glance, the entire castle seems to be tightly sealed, and the only way to enter is through the gate.

This door is also open.

Huangfu Yiyi and others remembered that the door was closed before, and it must have been opened by a strong demon clan person.

Xuantian's imperial eye glanced left and right and found no danger in this open area. Everyone moved forward and soon arrived in front of the castle gate.

Inside the gate is a huge, empty hall, probably more than a thousand meters long.

Xuantian could see through the Emperor's Heavenly Eye that the void inside was a little distorted, indicating that there might be a formation shrouding the hall, but the Emperor's Heavenly Eye could not see the reality.

"There is a formation inside, a very advanced formation!" Xuan Tian said, "But it doesn't look like an attack formation. There is no danger."

"I'll give it a try!" Feng Yun Di said.

As he spoke, a sword appeared in his hand and he threw it in.

call out--

The sword flew only ten meters before disappearing. The next moment it moved, it flashed more than a hundred meters away and disappeared. An instant later, the sword light flashed again hundreds of meters away.

"It seems there is no danger, what's the details? We can only go in and have a look." Feng Yun Di said and walked directly into it, and his figure almost disappeared.

However, the figure soon appeared again a hundred meters away, and then disappeared again.

The figure of Fengyun Enemy loomed. Getting further and further away, and soon completely disappeared into the distance.

Xuantian and others also followed into the hall. [

As soon as he entered the hall, Xuantian felt that the void around him had changed. It seemed to be flowing rapidly and the space was very chaotic.

In an instant, Xuantian traveled through the void and appeared more than a hundred meters away. After a while, he traveled through the void again and teleported more than a hundred meters.

He shuttles through the void, but the direction is not under his control. More than a dozen people entered the hall. They were not far apart when they entered, but they soon dispersed along with the chaotic flow of void.

Although teleportation is uncontrollable, there is still a general trend. Xuantian went deeper and deeper into the palace.

After teleporting hundreds of times like this, Xuan Tian didn't know where the others were. After the last teleportation, he appeared in a corridor.

Behind him is the void, which should be the palace. He is coming from the palace, so this corridor should lead deeper.

Xuantian walked down the corridor. Suddenly, there was a wave of movement behind him. He turned around and saw someone appearing where he had just appeared.

He is a fourth-level emperor from the Huangfu family, named Huangfu Yongcheng. He is only over sixty years old this year. He is also a genius. He has the combat power of a fifth-level emperor, and even has a record of defeating a fifth-level emperor.

Huangfu Yongcheng suddenly appeared in the corridor. He first shocked everyone around him with a surprised expression, and his eyes suddenly fell on Xuantian in front of him.

Then Huangfu Yongcheng looked around again and found that he and Xuantian were the only two people in the corridor.

Huangfu Yongcheng's eyes fell on Xuantian again, but it had changed.

He showed an excited smile and said: "Xuan Tian, ​​it seems that you are really unlucky, haha... Now Feng Yun Enemy and Zhan Lang are not by your side. Without their protection, you are actually with me. We met together, haha... This year is indeed a year of good luck, and I, Huangfu Yongcheng, are destined to have good luck and make great achievements."

Xuantian looked at Huangfu Yongcheng calmly and said, "The Huangfu family killed my friend Li Yifeng, right?"

Huangfu Yongcheng shrugged and said: "If you kill a little person, just kill him. Do you have any objections? Oh, I forgot to tell you that the head of the family ordered him to be killed, and it was me who did it...!"

As he spoke, Huangfu Yongcheng raised his right hand, pinched it with his five fingers, and then said: "This is the hand, kill that boy, and today, you will also die in my hand, haha..., this is my luck. Right hand...ah!"

Suddenly, Huangfu Yongcheng let out a shrill scream.

He was holding up his right hand, when a red light suddenly flashed past, and the entire right palm was broken off at the wrist.

Blood suddenly spurted out from the broken wrist.

Four turns red!

The red light flashed, and it was a sword gang containing the power of the Four-Revolution Sword Pill.

Xuantian has cultivated the fourth-level sword elixir, and his combat power is even more powerful than that of a sixth-level emperor. The art of sword elixir focuses on speed and attack power. When a sword is suddenly struck, even a sixth-level emperor can hardly resist it. What's more, Huangfu Yongcheng has only the fighting power of a fifth-level emperor, how can he hide?

"Is this your lucky right hand?" Xuan Tian walked towards Huangfu Yongcheng holding the imperial sword. [

The excitement on Huangfu Yongcheng's face had long since disappeared with the moment of cutting off his right palm. At this moment, he looked at Xuantian with only fear in his eyes, and shouted loudly: "How is it possible? Why are you so fast? What...what do you want to do?"

"I'm just collecting some interest from the Huangfu family...!" Xuan Tian said coldly.

"No..., I am a genius, don't kill me... don't kill me...!" Huangfu Yongcheng screamed and retreated quickly, trying to rush back to the hall.

call out

A red sword beam shot out in an instant.

The distance between the two was only a few dozen meters. As soon as Huangfu Yongcheng's figure moved, the red sword had already slashed through his body, splitting him in half and killing him instantly.

Xuantian released the little tiger from the Holy Cauldron of Thunder. Soon, Huangfu Yongcheng entered the little tiger's belly. The little tiger returned to Xuantian and spit out some treasures, and Xuantian put it into the Thunder Cauldron. In the Holy Cauldron.

Entering the Beihai Ancient Ruins, Xuantian kept Xiaohu in the Holy Cauldron of Thunder. There were dangers everywhere in the Beihai Ancient Ruins. Xiaohu was not allowed to appear unless necessary.

After waiting for a while, no one appeared in this corridor anymore. It seemed that there were more than one corridor connecting the palace, and there were a lot of them. Otherwise, seventeen people would not have entered, and only two people happened to appear in one corridor.

Seeing that no one came in, Xuan Tian turned around and walked deeper into the corridor.

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