The Survival of Scum Readers

: ☆Chapter **** reader development record

Since coming to this world, Suza has never had such a sweet sleep.

She dreamed of a soft and cute author sister.

Focusing on scum readers for many years, Suza naturally knows that the new shoot authors are soft, squeamish, pretentious, and IQ. In fact, there is no difference between the composition of the author and the readers. They are just ordinary people, including those great gods and little gods. Maybe you just met her at the roadside ice cream shop and licked her face with a cup of ice.

What is so cute about ordinary people? What is so cute about them? What's wrong with ordinary people? What's wrong with them.

So when Suza is looking for seedlings that can be cultivated, he needs to choose and observe: first, the text must be decent, and the structure will not be arranged. It doesn't matter, but if you don’t express your meaning, the sentence is so divided that you can’t breathe. Diligent clauses insist on pulling a breath into more than a dozen paragraphs to breathe, typos are flying all over, etc., it is absolutely to be eliminated.

Secondly, the author should have a soft personality and be able to listen to persuasion, like the kind of boss and my second, the coldness is entirely due to your low-level culture/appreciation of poor eyesight/damn the website suppresses newcomers/who is Jinni Ma Huai is not met/I have posted the post with appreciation, you gang of minions have not come forward to thank you quickly! …For such authors, Suzha has always had only one sentence: Haha.

Satisfying the above two basic conditions, no matter how widely you cast the net, and slowly cultivate, there will always be people who miss you. It is also lucky for Kilimanjaro to run into an author girl like "Snake Nature".

Not every good seedling can be found, and not every good seedling can grow into a big tree.

So the scum readers concealed their ecstasy very well, posing a high face, carefully poking private messages with words and sentences, and making suggestions. When poking a private message, you must be able to point out the shortcomings of the article sharply, and you must also control the severity so that the young bud author will not be attacked and directly discard the article.

Properness is not easy to handle, and scum readers who are only level four after the private message is sent are also very worried.

Fortunately, the shoot author responded quickly, with an unabashedly ecstatic tone.

Awesome! God helps me too! Yeah! The scum reader circulated in front of the computer with excitement, violently competing with scissors. The corners of his mouth were still cocked when he sat back at the computer and typed a private message, but the text he typed out was calm and mature, similar to Jiang Shang who had been sitting by the water and fishing for ten years with a straight hook.

The author's sister who was successfully fooled by scum readers rewrote the outline—or wrote the outline. The first time the newcomer Xiao Nengya wrote, he wrote whatever he thought of. The outline was never picked up at all, let alone the outline, chapter outline, etc. The main character's personality development, thousands of miles buried thread and so on.

After finishing the outline, Sister Ruanmeng re-edited the preface with tens of thousands of words, and then published three new chapters in a row, stopping at a small suspense. The author's sister poked a private message to scum readers nervously: Zaza, do you think... can it work? Will someone really watch it?

Kilimanjaro: There are definitely people watching, don't worry! [Grinning face

Author sister: Can it really attract readers?

Kilimanjaro: Definitely attract readers! Trust me!

Author sister: Also...Also, I always feel embarrassed to write a plot like this...It's even more embarrassing to write such a plot...[Blushing emoji] + [Finger emoji]

Kilimanjaro: Hehe. It’s okay. The saints all say that food and **** are also natural, human, will you feel embarrassed because of eating and drinking water in the toilet?

Author sister: Uh... listen to Zaza you say that... it seems to make sense...

Kilimanjaro: [Smile] Come on! Just get used to it and you will fall in love with it!

Author sister: [Blushing]

Although the stew was served, the author's sister only posted a few days after all. It is impossible to get a lot of readers immediately. Kilimanjaro said: The time to show "true love" has come!

As a good reader, the most important thing is to leave a message before the author has not signed a contract and the novel has not entered VIP! Leave a message, let the author feel your love!

So Suzha commented on the message from start to finish at home, and left it again at the work unit during the lunch break. He left the comment on his mobile phone during work breaks, and did not forget to check the wifi for a meal. She has several senior vests on this website, each of which has its own personality and common tone. It is true to life and self-defeating. No one can do it except for the group of friends who are also scum readers. It can be seen that the various vests that are being debated fiercely are actually just one person.

Not everyone can be a good scum reader. A scum reader must be able to leave a message, be cute, distinguished, climb the wall, win the fight, get the outline, do a sane fan, and play as a silly brain.

—It's easy said than done!

The scum readers silently paid a lot in places where the soft cute author's sisters couldn't see it. The only thing she needs is that her scum idea can be written in the next step of the soft cute girl pen, from the buds to the buds, from the buds to blooming, it is best to have more delicious stew.

Kilimanjaro is picking up a good bud this time. The soft cute girl is like a piece of jade. Simple carving made her reborn. Kilimanjaro opened the door to a new world for her, and she built a beautiful castle by herself. Later, the author's sister really fell in love with meat. Meals were richer and more juicy, and Suza was very satisfying.

Mengli Suza was lying in front of the computer, her eyes lighted up, and a voice yelled in her ear: "No! Stop it!"

Suzha didn't know how to listen, and typed six words on the keyboard: "Go on the ball! Don't stop!"

The author's sister replied: Should I write less meat? It's also time to whet the reader's appetite.

Kilimanjaro: Don't stop! ! !

Suzha roared "Don't stop" and woke up, a pair of huge golden vertical pupils belonging to reptiles blinked in front of her, revealing quite human doubts.

Suza was stunned immediately.

Immediately afterwards, a crisp and itchy sensation rose from the deepest part of her body. She felt that her whole body was very hot. Her white skin was filled with emotional blush, and tiny beads of sweat hung on the soft jade skin. Slowly sliding down along the curve of the body, drop, drop, drop after drop.

The fragrance is more moving.

The body twisted spontaneously, his legs were pinched impatiently, and rubbed, his arms stroked the proud pair of white rabbits on his chest as if he had self-consciousness, each time he fiddled with the pink buds and the girl's cherry red lips In the middle of it leaked the touching breath and choking.

The author has something to say: In the evening there is a chapter of long commentary to be added~ Everyone will leave a long commentary for Mo Yanjun to sprinkle flowers (^o^)/~

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