The Survival of Scum Readers

: people? beast? Man-beast?

"Who is Sue? Where is Mary? What have you done to her?"

Suza found this question quite difficult to answer, can't explain to him what is the original plot and crossing, right? She had a headache here and didn't know how to explain it, and the knight had already "inferred" the answer with his strong brains as always.

"Are you the despicable monster attached to Princess Mary's body? It is not enough to attach to her body. Is it still suppressing her soul?" An angry light flashed in the knight's eyes, and he pinched the girl. Throat, roared: "Get out of Mary's body!"

What a powerful brain supplement... Suzha couldn't help but roll his eyes.

"Get out! Otherwise..."


The knight choked visibly.

Suza continued to rob me: "Otherwise, kill me? Do I need to remind you to pinch the neck of the great and noble Miss Mary?" She was too lazy to explain herself, and simply acquiesced to the knight's brain supplement.

The knight hesitated and relaxed his fingers.

"By the way, this is good." Suza pulled his hand away and smiled: "Princess Mary is not full, please have another one."

"Despicable beast! Don't you—"

"Don't do anything? Get an inch?" Su Zha was scolded as a "despicable beast" for no reason, and she was unbearable, and she went on to rob him: "What about getting an inch? By the way, I will make your Mary suffer a bit if you scold me again. Yo~~"

The knight's face turned blue with anger, but he really has nothing to do with "the hateful beast that occupies the body of the pure and weak Princess Mary". It is said that wizards and churches have ways to integrate with the beasts and separate the beasts from the human body, but This kind of secret thing is beyond the reach of the knight. In order to prevent the "pure and weak" Princess Mary from being harmed, he had to "make another one" according to the despicable Warcraft's orders with a green face.

The shameless Warcraft chewed on Princess Mary's beautiful face without image-she actually grabbed the food directly with her hands! She actually crushed the crab shell and spit it out! ! She actually bit out a sound! ! !

The knight couldn't imagine how there would be such a vulgar woman in the world who didn't understand etiquette-well, he reminded himself again that this guy in front of him was just a monster in human skin.

Suza lifted his lips and smiled, showing eight perfect teeth.

"One more!"

The knight turned and left. Suza felt that she heard the creak of the knight's teeth. She smiled and added: "Right, more crabs!"

Teeth grinding turned into a creak of teeth.

Suza added again: "I want a mother!"

The knight plunged into the sea and splashed a big splash of water, expressing his inner dissatisfaction with such an action.

Suzha carried a crab claw and chewed carefully, eating very happily.

After eating this meal until late at night, the plump crab yellow delighted Suza's body and mind. She lay on the beach with her round belly and counted the stars boredly and looked at the moon, and she found that there were only two moons. !

There are obviously three moons in the Abyss of Warcraft!

Looking at the size and color of the moon, the moon here is obviously the small and medium moons in the Abyss of Warcraft, but where is the largest moon?

Could it be that the Abyss of Warcraft and the Orc Continent are not on the same planet? impossible.

She poked the knight: "Hello."

"Please don't say hello to you rudely."

"Ah, okay...Hey, how many moons do you have here?"

The blue veins on the knight's hand became violent: "I don't call "Hey"! Even if you are a monster, please pay attention to etiquette!"

"Well, what's your name? Zhu Xi?"

Zhu...what? Never heard such a weird pronunciation. The knight actually didn't want to answer the despicable monster's question, but since he was asked for his name, he had to answer according to etiquette.

The knight spit out his name with difficulty: "Julian XXXXXX." XXXXXX is a rather verbal surname. Suzha didn't understand it, so he just went straight to XXXXX.

Seeing this guy's reluctant but reluctant expression, Suza found it funny inexplicably, and her scumming interest seemed to have revived.


"Please don't call so intimate!"

"XXXXX..." Suza still couldn't repeat, "I said, who made this surname?"

"Alexander I personally gave the surname!" The knight died with pride.

"Is he against your ancestors?"

The knight's face turned dark, and he muttered, "Ignorant beast!"

"Hey, I'm a little grateful, right?" Suzha pointed his finger at himself, pretending to be aggrieved. "The beast you were talking about was'despicable' and'ignorant' just saved your life once, so you forgot it so soon? Little unscrupulous!"

"..." The knight was shivering with disgust, and moved out without making a difference.

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