The dignity of the knight made Julian unable to say "I am also very valuable" by himself, so after Suza said it for him, he was really grateful for this "shameless beast".

But this little gratitude was immediately dissipated by the hand moving on his ass, Julian glared at the wicked thin pirate, if it weren't for the knight's manner, he would have already bitten it!

The scumbag in Suza's heart reappeared, and watching the knight deflate made her a little happy. But what should be done is still to be done. She can’t really let the pirates take Julian’s "joy". Looking at the pirates, it seems that women have such things as "chaste". It doesn't matter, as long as you are careful not to kill you, there will be a ransom anyway. She heard a few good pirates discuss this loudly and unabashedly, and praised the knight who pays attention to etiquette and dignity.

Has the knight ever heard such obscene language? He was so embarrassed and angry, but **** so immobile, he could only close his eyes and inhale deeply.

The pirates roared with laughter at his reaction, and the discussion became louder.

Suza whispered: "Great and noble Mr. Captain?"

Captain Cyclops: "Huh?"


The captain waved his hand: "Jane! Let the princess live in your room, go and squeeze with Old Doug!"

"Yes!" It was the pirate with wicked eyes that responded. He rubbed his hands, his eyes wishing to be buried in the girl's amazingly white breasts.

Suza moved behind the captain in small steps, and said weakly: "Mr. Captain...I'm afraid...Can my knight"

She raised her head, looking at Captain Cyclops with pure and clean eyes, full of innocent trust and dependence.

The captain pinched the girl's chin and looked at her deeply for a long time, so Suza couldn't hold on to the weak little Baihua. Just before Suza was about to break the power, the pirate captain smiled and said, "Okay."

The pirate captain raised his voice and ordered: "Old Doug! Take the princess to Jenny's room! Bring that leaf knight with him, find the pair of handcuffs to cuff his hands, but loosen his legs."

Suza breathed a sigh of relief. Old Doug is the "not enough bacon" cook, in contrast... it's safe.

But the pirate captain... his smile just now seemed... don't mean anything?

Old Doug brought Suza and the Leaf Knight to the room with his front feet, and Captain Cyclops followed his back feet. The captain sat on the only chair in the cabin, rubbing his chin and looked at the two for a long time.

Suza recalled the manner of the Queen of England participating in the London Olympics, smiling with a shelf.

The leafy knight Julian was stunned: the pirate captain was sitting with his legs wide open, his sitting posture was extremely inelegant, but he inadvertently revealed the grace that only the upper class and even the nobles can. But that’s okay. It’s not uncommon for bankrupt aristocrats to become pirates willingly, but Su... When did that rude and shameless despicable beast have such an elegant demeanor? Even Princess Mary, the innocent, pure and beautiful Princess Mary, does not have this noble taste in her body.

The knight didn't know that before Suza's journey, in addition to reading novels, he also had a cosplay hobby. He liked to imitate various two-dimensional and three-dimensional bosses. Queen Fan had practiced in front of the mirror countless times.

The captain and Suza looked at each other for a while, and the one-eyed man showed a strange smile and asked: "Are you really the princess of the Kingdom of Snark? Can you have proof of identity? Are you sure that you dare to deceive me? Brothers haven't been for many days. It's uncooked."

Julian was taken aback. Regardless of whether the woman in front of him was a beast, her body was the body of Princess Mary, the knight could not watch the princess be ruined by a group of dirty and humble pirates, and hurriedly said loudly: "Yes. Yes! Princess Mary carries with her the orb that is only available in the royal lineage!"

"Oh? I don't know if I have the honor to open my eyes?" The pirate captain asked with interest, his tone casual, but it sounded like he couldn't refuse.

Su Zhaqing replied indifferently: "It was originally there, but it was a pity that it was lost in the sea."

"Speaking of which, you are a princess of a country, why did you live on an uninhabited desert island?"

"This is a royal affair, so you won't worry about it."

"Well, but you don't want to explain this, and you don't want to show it, how can I believe that you are the princess of Snake?"

Suzha opened his mouth and recited a large list of names, hair color, and pupil color: "Master Captain can go to check the noble genealogy."

"Family crest?"

"Two-headed snake."


"A thousand flowers in the forest is worse than a bird in hand." Suza proudly stands tall: I think my sister was obsessed with "Song of Ice and Fire" when the author's sister wrote this story. This is the setting created by the sister. what!

Thinking of the soft and cute author sister and the life before crossing, Suzha couldn't help feeling sad.

The Cyclops winked at Old Doug, who turned left and right, not knowing from which corner he turned over a large and thick book, and he really turned the pages to find it.

There are actually people on this tattered pirate ship who understand the noble pedigree? There is still a book? The knight's eyes widened in disbelief.

It's not easy to find a person's name in a large, thick book written in swashes, but Old Doug seemed to be proficient in this type of work, and he quickly found it, and nodded to the one-eyed Captain.

The captain once again looked at Suza deeply, and walked out of the cabin and shouted: "Turn the rudder! Let's go to the Kingdom of Snark!"

The author has something to say: finally rested! For seven days in a row, life is better than death!

Is there any sister paper who has finished the college entrance examination! Hahaha congratulations! Have fun in the summer vacation! Be sure to go back to school to show off to those juniors and sisters who make up classes in the third year of high school! ! ! Hey_(:3」∠)_

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