The Survival of Scum Readers

: ☆ Chapter Temporary End and Begin

Suza struggled to swim forward. Without the help of the Silver Silk Seed, it was really difficult for her to escape from the battlefield of the two high-level sea monsters with her physical strength alone. In addition, the two sea monsters were not standing still. The speed of movement is also quite fast, and Suza almost got involved in the center of the battle circle several times, but fortunately, she reacted quickly.

A silver shadow rushed out from the bottom of the sea, grabbed Suza and quickly rushed out, leaving the sea beast's battlefield almost in the blink of an eye.

"A Yin?" Su Zha clasped the silver fox's neck, and for the first time in dozens of days, he was truly happy from the bottom of his heart. "I just thought you couldn't find me for a while."

The elegant silver fox turned his head to avoid the girl's drooling kiss, but did not shake off her hug, but rubbed Suza very slightly.

"Sure enough, the sea monster was attracted? The plan went smoothly?" In the final natural disaster in the Abyss of Warcraft, the creatures with silver light energy were finally thrown into the snake orb. Suza remembers this one in the original setting. Snake Orb has a considerable temptation to the strong in the plot. Anyone who has seen it will do everything possible to get it, but after communicating with the silver fox in the Snake Orb, it is realized that the Snake Orb's temptation to high-level monsters is actually the greatest. If you "smel" the smell from a distance, you will come all the way to fight.

It happened to be cheap for the beasts who kept the beads, they were consumed hugely in natural disasters, and were seriously injured. The nature of the power of this world is somewhat different from that of the abyss of warcraft. The beasts here cannot be as easy as in the abyss of warcraft. The fastest way to recover is of course to directly absorb the power of other powerful monsters.

Where there are snake beads, there must be a battle of powerful monsters, so no matter where the pirates take Suzha-as long as they are still at sea, Suzha cannot be in danger. The big snake can perceive Suza's position, as long as he rushes over with the snake beads and the sea beasts, it is easy for the sea beasts to fight and injure the boat by mistake.

Of course, the serpent is still asleep now, unable to express his will freely, but with Ah Yin who can channel everything, everything will be solved.

Suzha and Silver Fox said what happened to each other after they said goodbye. Suzha will not mention for the time being, all the monsters in the snake orb are still sleeping, and their total remaining energy can only allow the two monsters to move freely away from the snake orb. Because the silver fox is the smartest in mind, coupled with the ability to communicate with the sleeping beasts, everyone unanimously chooses it to occupy a place, and the other is the sea ray that is most familiar with the ocean conditions and the fastest in the water. Fish ray. Just now, Ah Ray was carrying them and leaving the circle faster than lightning.

In a blink of an eye, the coastline is right in front of you. Ah Yin and Ah Ray sent Suza and the knight to the beach. Ah Yin was very reluctant to separate from Suza, and asked suspiciously, "Why does Susu have to keep the beads in the sea? Is it good to go to land? We all I am more familiar with life on land, and then everyone can be together."

Suza replied: "The land of this world is not like the Abyss of Warcraft, but the world of the beasts. On the land there are orcs, insects, treants, and other races such as elves, dwarves, and goblins. Each has its own power. The scope and force should not be underestimated. If you rashly display the power of the snake beads on land, I am afraid that the monsters will be snatched by the orcs before they are attracted. They may not be very friendly to you who hide the snake beads. The situation in the sea is simpler, and the area of ​​the ocean is larger than that of the land. There are more powerful monsters, which is more suitable for you to restore your strength."

Ah Yin understands but understands, although it is smart, it has never been in human society after all. Many things can not be understood by just listening to the description, but it trusts Suza. Since Suza said it is so good, then do so. Bar.

"Then... can we meet again in the future?"

"Of course you can! You can come to me anytime when you can walk away, and you will know where I am when you take the snake."

"But... A snake said he wanted to go with you."

"Huh? It's not asleep..."

"A-Snake said that he wants to be with you anyway, and it is different from us. Its origin has been injured. Once your origin is injured, you can only recover by itself. Absorbing external energy will have no effect. Su Su Your silver thread seed is cocooned, right? When it breaks its cocoon, you will be the second-tier silver-thread demon descendant, and you can no longer directly swallow external energy and grow like you did in the first-tier."

"Ah? Is that right?" Suzha seemed a little depressed.

"Yeah, I don’t know much about the silver silk demon descendant. A snake is the one who knows best. It insists on following you partly because of this. It says that you are just a cub who doesn’t understand anything. I can only rest assured when I look after him. Even if he hasn't awakened, he still has a way to communicate with you in an emergency."

The silver fox passed the big snake that looked like a thin gold chain, and Suzha reached out to take it, and it automatically wrapped a few times around the girl's left index finger, and fell still, looking like a snake-shaped ring at first glance.

Suza looked at this "ring", but for some reason, his heart suddenly became warm.

A huge wave began to appear on the sea in the distance, and it was the two giant sea monsters that shifted their battle lines here. Silver Fox hurriedly bid farewell to Suza:

"We have to go back with the snake beads."

When they agreed to the signal to meet again, Ah Ray pounced on Su Za’s head and kissed hard. Ah Yin, who had always been reserved, did not act so exaggerated, but just rubbed Su Za’s legs with his tail—this is already for the silver fox. It was an unprecedented act of active affection. Sitting on the back of the sea ray, it broke through the waves, but stared in the direction of Suzha until the **** the beach was no longer visible.

Suza sighed and punched the knight in the stomach. The knight who was in a coma because of his incomprehensibility poured water into his stomach and spit out a spring of water. He woke up and looked around with a little bewilderment: "We are..."

"I saved your life again, Xiao Ye Zi~~" Suza unceremoniously took the credit, seeing the knight's face pale, and asked: "How are you feeling now?"

"The ribs... seem to be broken..."

Suza: "..." I definitely can't admit that I was strangled by the excitement and strength!

The knight hadn't eaten for a long time, so he resisted the pain and straightened himself with a wooden stick, then fainted with his head tilted.

Suzha was very guilty, decided to find him something to eat, and didn't worry about throwing himself here. After weighing which transportation method would be less harmful to the knight, a princess simply hugged him.

There may be food in the small woods ahead...maybe someone will be there after a short walk...

The white barefoot left a trail of footprints on the beach, and the orange-red sunset stretched their backs very long.

On the sea far away, the black mist in the water-blue bubbles condensed into a human figure wearing a black robe and a hood. He looked at Suza's direction accurately and laughed hoarsely.

A few quarters ago, when the scarlet thin tube made by his index finger nail was about to catch up with Suza, something took the girl away at a speed that he couldn't even track, and it was only a little bit to catch it. His naughty little pet, this feeling of failure made him a little unhappy.

"Funny little thing, this time is my time coming, next time... but you won't have such good luck." The black robe man's laughter was like night owl neighing, and he stretched out from his wide sleeves. He shot, an egg-sized eyeball rolled around in the palm of his hand.

The black-robed man ordered: "Take it back, beholder."

The egg-big eyeballs turned faster, and after a while, the first thin red thread penetrated the bubble and plunged into the black and white terrifying eyeball, turning it into a bloodshot eyeball. Followed by the second one, the third...

A mess of ship wrecks floated on the vast and boundless sea, and a few floating corpses could be seen from time to time. It seemed that they were dressed as pirates on a pirate ship. The scalp of one of the floating corpses moved with a puff, and the whole skull was lifted, and a red filament drilled out from it. The filament twisted like a living thing, distinguished its direction, and quickly jumped into the sea to swim. .

Only the floating corpse with the skull opened on the surface of the sea is visible through the opened skull. The brain that should have existed in the skull has long disappeared!

More and more filaments are returning, and their source is not only the floating corpses of pirates, but also many rushed from other directions. By midnight, the original black and white eyeballs were bloodshot, and the level of terror was even higher.

The mysterious man in the black robe held the dizzying beholder, and said dumbly: "There are three seems that there is more than one pet that is interesting."

With a wave of his robe sleeves, black mist appeared out of thin air, covering the mysterious person's body. A few minutes later, the black mist dissipated, and there was no trace of the man in the black robe on the sea.

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