The Survival of Scum Readers

: ☆ Chapter Love at First Sight

With the sound of the shackles, Julian drank the concoction in one go. He dropped the medicine bowl and leaned on the iron fence to gasp.

"If you, or any of your subordinates, dare to touch Princess Mary a finger..."

The knight's hoarse voice made the leader of the Scary Cat stop. The woman-looking Scarlet Cat man turned and stared at the pale Julian, and hummed: "Why? Do you cry for us?"

His men roared with laughter.

"You will get the corpse of a knight."

The head of the beautiful caracal cat laughed, and the deep lines on his cheeks that are unique to the caracal cat tribe trembled, like a beast staring at its prey.

"What gave you the illusion that you thought you could threaten me? Oh, don't tell me you thought I fell in love with you at first sight."

"Because of the medicine I just drank. The medicines that can dissipate the anger and not cause too much harm to the body are all extremely expensive. Since you have invested so much, you must make more money back, don't you want to lose your money?"

The leader of the Scary Cat pursed his mouth, and for a moment, he laughed: "It depends on whether you behave well or not."

Although all the men in the slave-trafficking squad-including the men in the slaves-salivated at the girl, under the restraint of the leader of the cat, no one actually touched a finger of the girl indecently.

Suza couldn't help but sighed in secret.

She can see everything the girl controlled by the plot sees and feels everything the girl feels, just like there are two personalities in a body, or two souls. This time, she clearly sensed the thin "membrane" between herself and the "Plot Personality". The "membrane" is very flexible. She can't break it after thinking many ways, but not being able to take over the body doesn't mean that she can't do anything. With the eyes of the plot personality, she observes the characters and hobbies of the slave trap members and observes their vigilance. With the regularity of shifts.

In addition, the state of the soul made her more sensitive to energy. She found that the sleep of the silver silk species did not take away all the power. There was a little bit of cold energy and a little bit of blazing energy left in her. An energy channel connected to the silver thread is formed in the soul of the soul. In fact, the soul absorbs this kind of energy unconsciously every day, and they are transmitted to the sleeping seed through the energy channel.

Suza also discovered that the power related to the silver thread species only exists in the soul, but the silver light energy seems to be only related to the body, and it is difficult to absorb the silver light energy after leaving the Abyss of Warcraft. No wonder Ah Yin, they have to find a higher level. Trouble with Warcraft. But does this mean that the power form of native monsters on this continent is different from the abyss of monsters?

Julian has had a bad time this time, but it can also be said that it is very good. He has drunk dozens of bowls of medicine these days. The first dozen bowls dissipated the knight's anger he had cultivated so hard, and the last dozen bowls were medicines and tonics for the treatment of broken bones. The prison car was also covered with soft bedding, and the three meals a day were exquisite. If he were not still wearing heavy shackles, he would have lived a life of nobleman.

But that's it, Julian often refuses to eat, and the leader of the caracal cat actually allows the body under the control of the plot personality to feed him!

The delicate silver spoon filled the delicious soup from the silver bowl, and the girl's slender white fingers lined the silver spoon between her fingers, and she couldn't tell which one was more white and smooth. The knight drank a spoonful of soup in the girl's hand, looking at the girl with worry in his eyes.

"How are you... these days? Are they embarrassing you?"

The girl shook her head, her white teeth bit Ying Hong's lower lip, her big eyes were covered with hazy mist.

"What's the matter? Don't cry... They bullied you?" Julian stretched out his hand to wipe away the girl's tears, but the length of the chain limited his movements, and he couldn't help sighing.

The girl sobbed and said: "I'm sorry, it's all my fault, it's all I'm hurting you, if it's not me..."

Julian held tightly the chains on the handcuffs and forced herself to smile and comfort her: "It's okay, I can take you out in a few days."


"But you have to feed me first."

The girl burst into tears and laughed, and filled the soup with a silver spoon.

Julian opened his mouth, and when the spoon was about to touch his lips, he turned a corner and placed it in the girl's lips.

"You eat better than me, didn't the leader of the scary cat really fall in love with you at first sight?" The girl muttered, without using a spoon, she just picked up the bowl and drank all the soup.


"Hey, it's me. Was it disappointed to see me?"

"No, I'm very happy!" Julian solemnly promised.

"What are you happy about? You won't be able to take your Princess Mary away in a few days?"

"In my current situation?" Julian shook the heavy shackles with a wry smile, and said, "I'm just comforting her."

"Oh, so you are looking forward to my force?" Suza killed the knight's snacks in twos or twos. "Why do they eat so well for you?"

"Probably...because no lady is willing to buy a skeleton slave home, even if he was once a knight."

"Wait, why is a lady?"

Julian couldn't even smile bitterly: "You think that **** has abolished my vindictiveness, and why does he feed me deliciously?"

Suza looked at him strangely for a while, and found that he was a little fatter these days, and there was some meat hanging on the bone shelf that was originally skinny, and he had the appearance of that handsome and mighty knight again.

"I remember what you said, ‘Honor is above everything else?’"

"Yes... but if I die, what will Princess Mary do?"

Really strong! Suza knelt. She felt that she should cheer for this earth-shattering love, but for white-collar Suza, feelings must always give way to reason.

"Well, are you ready for your escape plan for your Princess Mary?" Although Suza herself has made a plan, she has never played a strategy game, so it is more reliable to listen to the opinions of experts.

Sure enough, Julian's plan is much more reliable than hers. Suza's combat consciousness is so good that even the secret post and the secret post are completely unaware of it!

She used the blazing energy to secretly destroy the shackles on Julian's hands and feet, while expressing her worship of the torrential river, making the knight dumbfounded.

"Although I was praised by you, but I always feel unhappy..."

"Eh? That pseudo-mother cat even buttoned your waist? Does he use you as a butterfly demon? I'm going to have a thin waist!"

"Butterfly demon? You mean the insect man of the butterfly tribe?"

"No, it's the gourd baby."


"Don't mind such trivial matters, when shall we act?"

"The sooner the better, I still have the last bit of vindictiveness to use now, and I will be a completely useless person until tomorrow."

"Well, I'll wait for your secret signal tonight." Suza tried to pretend to be meek and virtuous in the plot and cleaned up the empty cups and trays, and suddenly remembered something before leaving the prison wagon. "Julian, there is another question of life and death!"

"What? Why didn't I think about it?"

"Look, Princess Mary is a snake-man, and the pseudonymous leader is a cat-man, Julian, what kind of orc are you?"

The author has something to say: Thank you for the 4174165 mine! Hold on to your dear!

And: The author is still in class, and the saved manuscripts in his hand have been used up, so the update is slow...It will take a month, dear friends!

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