The Survival of Scum Readers

: ☆ Chapter loser's fate

This world is a self-filling world, the real world should have no shortage of details, and the real world should have the same popularity. Dark circles, purple lips, and blue nails are everywhere in Gothic makeup. Some dark elves are really suitable for gothic makeup, and they have a melancholy and decadent temperament after painting, but Judy is really not suitable. After applying makeup, he is simply a drug addict.

But Judy likes it very much, and especially likes to scare Suza after putting on makeup.

After several years of authentic wild life, Suza stayed alert all the time during his sleep. She noticed when Judy didn't enter the door, but continued to pretend to sleep and plan to see what Judy wanted to do.

But when Judy was vigorously shaken "waking up", and seeing the girl with a grimace, Suza was still a little horrified.

"I said... Do you have to do this kind of makeup?"

"This is the most popular one now. I specially asked people to learn it. How about it? Isn't it pretty?"

"Pretty... beautiful enough to make people want to scream."

"That's right! Susu, you really have an admiring vision!"

Suzha looked at the sky with both eyes, and deeply realized that he was old and could not keep up with the trend of the times. He really didn't understand what young people were thinking about now.

Judy climbed onto Suza's bed fairly freely, buried his head in the quilt, and did not speak for a long time.

"What's wrong?"

The girl’s dull voice came from the quilt: "There has been no change on my mother’s side for more than ten days. Many people are a little bit eager... just in case mother fails..."

"What happens if I fail?"

"It's okay to just fail in the promotion. If the promotion fails, you will be lowered, or you will simply lose the favor of the servant..." Judy shivered.

"very dangerous?"

"Every year, Daklov has no less than ten big families to carry out family wars, and every year there are families falling down, and there are many families that are much more prominent than ours. Now the first family, Darrell, is seven years old. The former was just a little-known family, because it suddenly gained the favor of the spider queen Rose herself, and suddenly its strength soared, defeated and annexed the first family at that time.—This is the most unexpected example in recent years. In addition, there are countless family battles. The top ten families have changed three or four times in the past ten years. We were not strong at first, and we didn't even have an ancient tree of war. Our existence to this day depends on Nicholas spending a lot of money. I bought the War Arrow Tower and the Mage Group led by my mother, if there is any accident to my mother..."

Judy's face was a little distorted and asked, "Suza, do you know what happened to the families that failed in the family battle?"

Suza shook his head.

"The lucky peripheral members may be annexed to the victorious family, the lucky ones are killed directly, the bad luck and the fate of those direct family members... Have you ever been to the'Sinner's Prison'?"

Suza shook his head again.

"I'll take you to see."


"Now, are you going?"

Suza calmly weighed Judy's intentions in his mind, rolled over and got out of bed, while getting dressed, he grabbed a chubby thing and stuffed it into his sleeve.

"Wait!" Judy stopped her when her finger touched the door.

Suza's muscles tightened slightly.

Entering civilized society from the wilderness and jungle, Suza is no longer a weak body who has just passed through another world, but the vigilance in her heart has not diminished, but has increased.

Civilized society is a more dangerous place than the wilderness. In addition to vigilance and defense, Suza also needs to find allies for himself.

No one can survive surrounded by enemies, but choosing allies is a matter of repeated evaluation.

Can Nicholas be trusted?

Can Judy be trusted?

Suza didn't know, she could only explore slowly and carefully, step by step.

Suza used to get along with Nicholas for several months. Except for the practice that became more and more familiar, she knew very little about this dark elf, but she was not afraid of Nicholas—even if she saw those powerful guards. Revere Nicholas like a god.

Nicholas had something to do with Suza, and he didn't need to say that Suza also guessed that it must have something to do with restoring strength. Shortly before Judy came in, Suza had just received Nicholas’ second letter from a raven, with a drawing attached to it. Nicholas said in the letter that it was found in the remains of the Temple of Nissos. Arrived, it once belonged to a powerful priest. The drawing is incomplete, and the incomplete part is being purchased through various channels. In addition, the text on the drawing is an ancient divine text that has been almost lost. Translation takes time, so the return of Nicholas has to be delayed. Suza can When he comes back, he can practice according to the drawings. You can also learn first, but if there is anything wrong, you must stop immediately.

During the months of getting along, what Nicholas showed to Suza was gentleness and thoughtfulness that was completely inconsistent with his ugly appearance. Strangely, although he knew almost nothing about this ugly dark elf, Suza believed he. After several years of getting along with snakes and other beasts, Suza also has an instinct similar to that of beasts. He is very sensitive to the goodwill and maliciousness of others-other creatures. Every time Nicholas looks at her, there is no malicious in his eyes. , He is more like looking at his former self, the small, helpless self who survives through gritted teeth.

Attached to the drawings is Nicholas’ second letter. The first letter was delivered to Suzha the night she entered the La Sophie family. It described in detail the personalities, preferences, taboos, etc. of the main members of the family. Attached are the countermeasures for different people. Regarding Judy, Nicholas’s comment is: "Innocent and trustworthy." Regarding Julie, Nicholas’s comment is: "Deeply scheming, indifferent to emotions and anger, be cautious about it, but don't care too much, just casual. "

The black-clothed guard who sent the letter said: "You are a person that Master Nicholas values. Except for being careful of the mistress, the entire La Sophie family can walk sideways."

Is it really?

Can Judy be trusted?

How important is it to Nicholas?

Suza tensed his muscles to prepare to take action at any time, turned his head and smiled at Judy who called her: "What's the matter?"

The girl's eyes turned dark red at this moment. She handed a thick coat to Suza and said, "You will need it."

The two young girls left Suza's bedroom one after another. Just before the door was closed, a small shadow in the corner twisted, flashed out of the gap in the palm of the door, and chased after the young girl.

The Sinner’s Prison is a dungeon. From the moment she stepped into it, an indescribable coldness filled Suzha's body, and she subconsciously gathered her clothes.

Judy opened the first door, and an extremely painful scream suddenly sounded in the deepest part of Suza's soul!

Suza couldn't help taking a step back. Judy turned her head and asked her, "You heard it too? That is the screams of all the elves alive and dead in the prison of sinners. It is said that the stronger the soul-sensing ability, the louder the sound will be heard. , Julie can only hear a faint voice, but every time I come, I get clamored to go crazy, like a crappy band playing a terrible symphony."

More than a symphony! The painful scream that echoed in Suza's soul was like a rolling thunder that blew in my ears!

The shadow under her feet twisted slightly, as if something wanted to come out of it, Suza made a gesture where Judy couldn't see it, and the shadow returned to its original shape obeyingly.

Suza used the energy of the silver wire to create a cover to cover herself. She has done the silver cover many times in the forest. She is familiar with it. The silver cover used to cover a forest, but now it only covers herself. In order not to arouse Judy's doubts, Suza controlled the silver mask to only stretch it against the skin, so that the scream was blurred a lot, and it looked like a wolf howling in the distance on a moonlit night.

There are many rooms in the Sinner’s Prison, and most rooms have the same settings: a large "X"-shaped torture erected in the center of the cell, the prisoner's hands and feet are greatly opened, and are tightly tied to the torture frame.

Each of the prisoners has the unique beauty of the dark elves, but each face is distorted in extreme pain, even if it is distorted, it is not ugly, on the contrary, there is another kind of moving.

There are only prisoners and tortures in the prison, but no executioners, or in other words, the executioners are not orcs at all, nor are they dark elves.

Some of the prisoners’ bodies were entwined with black smoke; some were strangely bulging lumps under their skin, and the lumps were still swimming around; some mouths were stretched by something, but they couldn’t see it at all. What's in it; some hands and feet are tied together on the upper part of the "X"-shaped torture frame, the lower part of the body, the secret private part, is greatly opened, and the crimson flesh inside can be clearly seen. Zhang shrinks and shrinks, being pierced and agitated by something, most of the time the murderous thing is invisible, occasionally it shows a shape, but it seems to be deformed after a while, there is no fixed shape at all.

Even more dark elves had their belly high, crawling out from between their legs countless large and small spiders, creeping slime-like monsters of various colors and shapes, two-headed poisonous scorpions, and on their backs. The horrible face of the poisonous insect...

A three-headed **** dog leaned on a dark elf with a very beautiful appearance, shrugged and moved, while moving, not idle in his mouth, while enjoying a delicious meal: the elf’s soft lips, autumn eyes, delicious internal organs, and strong muscles. 'S slender legs...

After enjoying the most delicious part of the elf, the Hellhound dropped the dark elf, who was in pain and twitching, and entered the second cell. The heavy walls and solid metal were no different from the fog to it, and it easily passed through. , Lying on the second beautiful elf.

"This is the incarnation of Nightmare Tooth." Judy whispered in Suza's ear.

Going forward, there are only a few cells that contain the remains of the elves that are not adult, and further forward is a horrible elf with a big belly, a hairy spider about the size of a washbasin, who has just given birth to her sacred descendants. Four long black legs emerged from the place, disgusting mucus gurgled out, and the other half of his body slid out. The elf's belly was visibly deflated to the naked eye. She opened her empty eyes and the tears on her face were still wet, but she probably didn't even know what she was crying for.

The spider glanced at Suza and Judy with eight red eyes, and suddenly disappeared out of thin air. A veil-like thing covered the body of the dark elf that had just given birth.

"This is for her to heal. From here onwards, the imprisoned are the descendants of the noble blood elves. Only the dark elves with strong blood can give birth to the beasts under the seat of Rose God. They are rare tools. It won’t let them die easily.” Judy’s expression was very strange: “It’s actually lucky to be seen by the incarnation of Nightmare Tooth, at least they have eternal death, the other elves...I’m afraid they can’t even tell. How many beasts have been enjoyed, and how many alien species have been born."

"These dark elves, they are all..." Suza's voice trembled a little.

"They are all enemies of the La Sophie family, the enemies that have been defeated. Every family is like this. The winner is king, and the loser has to let it go. Straight line blood is the best tool for sacrifice. Every family of Daklove The gods served are different, but each family also needs sacrifices, a large number of pure blood, sacrifices that make the gods happy. The mother is attacking the sixth rank, praying for the favor of the queen of spiders and the waxy demon. Before that, The La Sophie family serves the beast steward." The girl stared at the woman in the cage who was too painful to scream, and said: "If my mother fails, Julie and I will end up worse than them."

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