Fortunately, after two days of separation, Shen Xuanqing came back, looking more natural, with a smile on his handsome face, and besides the fox fur, he also brought back the honeycomb.

    "I dug a big nest and there were several of honeycombs. I took out three and left two for them. I didn't took all of them, but it’s enough for us." Shen Xuanqing put the honeycomb into the jar, broke off a large piece of honeycomb for Lu Gu to eat.

    Seeing that Shen Xuanqing smiled, and Lu Gu ate something sweet again, his brows and eyes were slightly curved, and there was also a slight smile.

    The previous matter was thrown to the back of their minds like this, neither of them thought about it anymore, and kept silent about it.

    However, there were still changes, at least for Shen Xuanqing, who didn't figure it out how to have sex for a while, and would never touch Lu Gu again, he was afraid of losing face in front of his fulang, so he would cover it with work. Concealment was the best, and when hunting was busy, you could separate your mind from thinking about other things.

   Autumn rains, the sky was dark and hazy, and the undulating mountains in the distance were shrouded in rain and fog.

    The rain was getting heavier and it was rushing down. Lu Gu hurried into the yard wearing a coir raincoat and a bamboo hat. Shen Xuanqing, who was also dressed in the same attire, followed him, and the bamboo basket he brought back was filled with grass.

    Just now the rain slowed down, the drizzle was not heavy, and the dwarf deer and pheasants had no grass to eat, so they went out to gather some grass and came back.

    As for Lu Gu's chickens and ducks, no need to worry, he happened to harvest some chicken grass and duck grass yesterday, as well as grain bran for the chickens and ducks to eat.

    The old hunter also used the woodshed to keep his prey, so the woodshed on the mountain was quite big. After the rain, Lu Gu drove all the chickens and ducks to the woodshed, and surrounded a place with firewood to prevent them from running around, otherwise the mountain rain outside would be too cold , wet and cold would make you sick.

    Even the dwarf deer was brought into the woodshed, but the hemp rope was shortened by Shen Xuanqing to save Lu Gu from worrying about the chickens and ducks being stepped on by it.

    Taking off the bamboo hat and coir raincoat, Lu Gu added a piece of firewood to the small medicine stove at the entrance of the main room. Fish soup was being stewed in clay pots on the stove. The thick white soup boiled quickly, and the fragrance was overflowing. After getting up, Shen Xuanqing went to fetch the bowl and spoon.

    The two of them had already eaten in the middle of the morning, and it was really cold when it rained and the wind blew, so they simply stewed some hot soup and drank a bowl of hot soup to eat a few pieces of meat to keep them warm.

    The puppy and the big dogs also stayed in the main room, otherwise they would go out to get soaked in the rain. Shen Xuanqing threw a roasted bamboo rat to each of them to eat.

    There was not much wind outside, only the rain was falling, dripping down from the eaves like a curtain.

    "There's not much salt left." Lu Gu said after drinking half a bowl of soup, thinking about it.

    "Well, I'll go down the mountain to buy some in two days." Shen Xuanqing replied.

    The two of them drank hot soup while looking at the mountain rain outside the house. They felt a little leisurely, and they didn't stay idle after drinking. Lu Gu took a sewing basket to embroider with the light, and Shen Xuanqing took the bamboo he hadn't finished weaving last time. The atmosphere was perfect, and sometimes they said a sentence or two, although not many, but also tender, it was much better to have someone with you than to be alone.

    The soil was wet after the rain, and the sun came out, but the ground was still wet and not suitable for walking long distances. Otherwise, your feet would be covered with wet mud, and you would have to scrape with branches after walking for a while to avoid heavy feet.

    Shen Xuanqing carried a bamboo basket on his back and went with Lu Gu to pick up mushrooms and vegetables. The autumn leaves fell all over the ground, some of which were still stained with cold rain water and hadn't dried yet.

    "The day after tomorrow, it's almost done, and it's time to go down the mountain after tidying up tomorrow." Shen Xuanqing said while picking up vegetables.

    He got six red fox furs and one miscellaneous fox fur that was not good quality. These could be kept for the time being. After all, it was a long way to Fucheng. Wait until you saved more and sold them. It would get colder after a while , no need to worry about the fox furs not being sold.

    The pheasants, the rabbits, and the dwarf deer should be sold. The dwarf deer was injured and not strong enough. Although Lu Gu fed it well, it was imprisoned and depressed. It would be a pity if it lost weight later on. He could sell more while it was still fat.

    Hearing this, Lu Gu thought for a while and said: "Then bring medlars, a basket has already been dried. I also found some tianwogen, let’s take them down, let brother Daqing to cover it with soil."

Shen Xuanqing thought of the huge pile of tianwogens that Lu Gu had accumulated, and the two of them couldn't finish it.

    Two days ago, he asked Lu Gu why he dug so much, and Lu Gu told him that it was winter rations to take down the mountain.

It was hard to get up. Lu Gu was walking, when he saw dipicai, he squatted down, and said: "I dried the bamboo mushrooms, saved some for rations, and sold them in the town."

Planning what to sell and what not to sell, Shen Xuanqing seldom intervened in this matter, just nodded and agreed.

    And when talking about going down the mountain, Lu Gu was too busy picking up dipicai and didn't pay attention, Shen Xuanqing secretly sighed, his handsome brows were slightly frowned, he couldn't figure out what to do about the intercourse, and he had to find someone to ask after going down the mountain to ask.

    As for who to look for, he frowned and thought for a while, Shen Yaoqing was no good, who would tell his family such a thing, the village chief and the others married a wife, but if he asked, he would be laughed at for a while, Fortunately, he remembered Luo Biao in the end. Although Luo Biao didn't marry a wife, he often stayed in the brothel, and he thought he could help.

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