The snowflakes rustled and fell all night.

    Lu Gu used to be most afraid of winter, but it seemed that there was no need to panic this winter. Maybe eating meat and drinking soup made people felt warm all over, and the stomach was full and warm, which was the best against the cold. Even after sleeping, you didn't feel too cold when you woke up the next day.

    Heavy snow covered the ground, and there was a thick layer of snow on the trees and eaves.

    In the morning, the snow was getting lighter. Shen Xuanqing got up early and took a shovel to shovel the snow in the yard. Soon Shen Yaoqing also came out to help.

    When Lu Gu came out of the room, the puppy who was sleeping with the bone in his arms opened his eyes and saw him, opened his mouth and yawned, then got up and went out with him.

    Because the puppy was bigger than before, and he didn't sleep very well when he squeezed in a sack with Dahui, and he rolled down from the sack several times, so Lu Gu used dry straw to make another sack.

    The snow at the door of the kitchen was shoveled clean, so Lu Gu went in to boil water without stepping on the snow.

    It was windy and snowy yesterday, and the puppy stayed in the main room all the time. It was too cold to come out. Today, when the wind stopped and the snow was light, he was having fun in the courtyard. The dog’s paws were all over the ground. He went crazy while playing by himself. Running around, slipping under the legs, he couldn’t stop at all.

      he had grown fat, and it was winter again, the thick fur on his body made him appeared fleshy. His fur trembled when he ran, and his ears were constantly shaking. he was young and it was the first time he experienced snow, and he didn't need to mention how happy he was.

    The three big dogs were much more stable than him, Dabai even stood at the door of the main room to take a look outside, then lay back on the sack and refused to come out.

    Shen Xuanqing was shoveling snow in the front yard, and when he turned around, he saw the puppy digging in the snowdrift, the snow flakes splashed, and it looked as if he was going to dig a hole in the snowdrift, and within a short while, even his head was about to be stuffed in.

    He came back with a shovel, shoveled the snow and quickly threw it on the puppy, trying to bury him in the snowdrift, but the puppy was startled by an enemy from behind, and when he turned around, he barked and shook excitedly. After the snow fell, he straightened his front paws and lay down, apparently out of playfulness. When Shen Xuanqing shoveled the snow on him again, he turned around and ran away. Seeing that the snow didn’t fall from his body, he turned his head and barked at Shen Xuanqing twice.

    Lu Gu was sitting in front of the stove boiling water, and when he heard the movement outside, he looked towards the opened kitchen door, only to see the afterimage of the puppy running past, he was still dazed when he just woke up, thinking that Guaizi had gone crazy early in the morning.

    Poking chickens and teasing dogs had always been the favourites of a lazy man who was idle. Shen Xuanqing played with the dog for a while and turned around with a smile, wanting to continue shoveling the snow.

    Seeing him turned around, the puppy followed him stealthily, he walked carefully wanted to scare people, and when he was close to him, he suddenly pounced on Shen Xuanqing's heels.

    Unexpectedly, Shen Xuanqing turned around suddenly, and moved quickly, he shoveled the snow and threw it at the puppy. The puppy was so frightened that he quickly stopped his attack, and when he was hit by the snow, he let out a scream, which made Lu Gu wake up and come out to see what was wrong with him.

    "It's okay, I just play around with him." His fulang looked at him, Shen Xuanqing scratched his head in embarrassment, feeling that he was indeed too childish.

    Seeing that the puppy was fine, only a little snow was on his body, Shen Xuanqing slowly retracted the shovel in his hand, Lu Gu roughly understood what was going on, smiled lightly and didn't take it to heart. He went to the low house and took a white cabbage, peeled off a layer of wilted vegetable leaves, chopped it and mixed it with wheat bran and chaff and went to feed the rabbits.

    The pair of wild rabbits gave birth to six cubs. In winter, the rabbit cage was placed in the woodshed, and the thick nest was padded with hay and straw.

    The white cabbages were stockpiled at home for people to eat during the winter. There were plenty of them, but after winter, there were few more rabbits. He peeled off and chopped one or two leaves of white cabbage for them to eat.

    There were too many chickens and ducks. They ate rice bran, wheat bran and hay, but Lu Gu occasionally mixed their food with some chopped vegetable leaves.

    It was cold in winter, and the cubs were easy to die without a fire to keep warm, so the male and female rabbits were separated.

    Seeing that Lu Gu was peeling cabbage, they gnawed bones and ate meat yesterday, and today he would like to eat something light, Shen Xuanqing said: "I'll go and buy some tofu, and stew it with tofu at noon."

    "Yes." Lu Gu nodded, he thought for a while and said: "There is still bone broth, do you want me to cut the radish and cook it with bone broth?"

   Yesterday, the six of them gnawed all those bones, and they were very full from eating meat. When cleaning up the kitchen, Lu Gu was not willing to throw the broth from the bone away, but the broth was not easy to put away, so they needed to eat it as soon as possible.

    Even if you had some money, Shen Xuanqing was not prone to squander. Besides, big bone broth was a good thing. He said: "Add some goji berries, why don't you soak some dried mushrooms and cook it with radish and goji berry in bone broth, so you don't have to cook rice porridge at noon, just drink this."

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