The village at the foot of the mountain was peaceful. The sky was not very good in the morning, it was gray, and it was like this in the cold winter. The days passed quickly, and it would be the twelfth lunar month in a few days.

    The smoke was rising from the kitchen, and even though there was little work in the winter, the second room of Shen's family still ate three meals a day. If they didn't fill their stomachs when they got used to eat three meals a day, they would feel agitated.

    The breakfast was simple, Lu Gu cut a few salted duck eggs today, and when he saw a lot of winter bamboo shoots in the bamboo basket after eating, he said to Shen Xuanqing: "Why don't you kill an old hen and stew it with the bamboo shoots? The old hen is old and won't lay eggs in the future, and we haven't made soup for sister-in-law in the past few days."

"Okay, I'll do it." Shen Yaoqing heard it from the side, he didn't let Shen Xuanqing go to the backhouse to catch the chicken, and he went by himself.

    Taking advantage of the fire at the bottom of the stove, Lu Gu added a few more firewood to scald the feather later.

    He brought the bamboo basket over, he sat in front of the stove and peeled the shells and cut the roots of the winter bamboo shoots, the silver bracelet on his wrist was shining.

    Shen Xuanqing squatted down to help him cut the root of the winter bamboo shoots when he had nothing to do. When he saw the bracelet on his wrist, he felt that he bought it right. Compared with the hairpin, the bracelet was better.

    "Didn't I go to Fucheng the day before yesterday? I passed Fenggu Town on my way back." Shen Xuanqing's voice was low, feeling that there were still somethings to tell Lu Gu.

    Lu Gu didn't speak, but looked up, waiting for him to continue.

    "Lu Wen entered the Li family's gate in the town. The young master of the Li family is called Li Mingshan, and he becomes Li Mingshan's concubine." Shen Xuanqing took a piece of firewood from the side and sat down, he couldn't squat for a long time, after that he said: "I heard people said that Li Mingshan's mother married him a main wife just three days after he took a concubine."

After he got the official seal and came back, he first went to the town to find Luo Biao, and got a general understanding of the situation.

    Because of Lu Wen's matter, Li Mingshan and his mother had quarrel. His mother, Mrs. Zhang, doted on her son, but she was a powerful one. Li Mingshan bought a house for Lu Wen to live in and he ordered the maids and servants from the Li family to serve Lu Wen.

    Li Mingshan was also stupid, he didn't bother to buy maids and servants, so he got two good people from his home. He felt that the maids at home had been taught the rules, so he didn't need to worry about how to serve others.

    Lu Wen thought it was inappropriate at first, but after he took the maid out once, someone recognized that the maid was from the Li family who often bought things on the street. That person thought that he was a relative of the Li family and that person’s flattering and fawning gave him face.

    Besides, Li Mingshan was the only son of Li's parents, and everything in the Li family would belong to him in the future. Since Li Mingshan said that he didn't need to care, he didn't refuse.

    And the money in Li Mingshan's hands was taken from his family. Mrs. Zhang didn’t treat her son badly, she never asked how much money he spent, but if she really counted it, Li Mingshan's plan couldn’t be hidden from her, and she found the house soon.

    The maid who had been beaten by the board and was slapped in the mouth was pushed into Lu Wen's house. Only then Mrs. Zhang knew about the affair between him and Li Mingshan. Mrs. Zhang got down from the sedan chair and she was helped by the big maid to the house gate.

    Mrs. Zhang's sneer and other people's gazes made Lu Wen almost faint. Li Mingshan rushed over after receiving the news. After a confrontation, Mrs. Zhang was so angry that Lu Wen turned pale with embarrassment. The unmarried adultery was revealed, and he was ashamed, but he also knew that only Li Mingshan could save him, otherwise he wouldn’t be able to live.

    Fortunately, Li Mingshan had a bit of a conscience, so he said on the spot that he wanted to marry him. After the quarrel, Mrs. Zhang was not cruel in front of her son, and reluctantly let go, but Lu Wen could only be a concubine, otherwise , she would go to Anjia Village, and let the villagers take a good look at what kind of shuang’er they raised.

    No one else knew what Du Hehua and Lu Daxiang were thinking, Luo Biao watched the excitement in the town for a few days.

    Lu Wen was carried into the door of Li's house in a small sedan chair. There are no three books and six ceremonies, let alone to be officialy wed. After the adultery was revealed, he couldn’t hold his head up in front of Mrs. Zhang for the rest of his life, so even if the Li family didn't even set up a banquet for him, he didn't dare to have any complaints.

    Mrs. Zhang originally thought that her son would be able to inherit the family business, But she never thought that he was a credulous person that could be grasped even by a shuang’er from the country. After checking, she even knew about Li Mingshan's visits to brothels. She was so angry that she didn't eat well for several days, in the end she forced Li Mingshan to marry a main wife.

    In her opinion, even if Lu Wen was not pleasing to the eyes, it was better to marry a wife and take a concubine than to go to a brothel, otherwise the money would be emptied, and those dirty things would pollute her son.

    Li Mingshan's main wife was Luo Hongsi, the daughter of Ranfang Cloth Shop. She was not bad in appearance, but compared with Lu Wen, she was obviously not good enough, and Lu Wen, a concubine, actually entered the Li family before her. “Marry a wife and then take a concubine”, but when it was her turn, it was the other way, how could  she feel at ease.     

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