The Sweetest Medicine

Chapter 549: Heart, he doesn't like me

Chapter 549, I don’t like me.

After a while, Lin Jiayu smiled and said softly: "I never thought that I would have another relationship. Maybe every betrayed girl might have such an idea, but just think about it. I still love when I should love, but I really don't want to open another relationship, it is more like a waste of time for me."

Yu Gangan smashed: "..."

She is thinking, is it because of Lu Xuechen's heart?

Lin Jiayu's fingers rubbed the next cup and stared at the waves of water in the cup: "He is very kind to me, and he likes the children in my stomach. I care about taking care of me. When I am sick, I am more anxious than anyone else. It’s good for my parents at the same time, but unfortunately we are people from different worlds. He is a favorite of me, and I seem to have something like you think...”

The last two words, she did not say it.

In Gan Gan, I told her the following two words: "Heart."

Lin Jiayu silently drank water, and his white face was a bit red.

Yu Gangan smiled softly, and she smiled and claped: "Is this not a good thing?! You are a husband and wife. He accepts the children in your stomach for you, and you like him. It is not just a smooth chapter." Together? Why are you lying with him?"

If Lu Xuechen is so beautiful, if it is a woman, it must be a typical fox, but also a charming and demon, the kind of beautiful beauty who blames the country and the people. Now he is a man. Although he sometimes deliberately makes himself rough, he is still a beautiful woman. The character of the person is also very good. For Lin Jiayu, it is not surprising that Lin Jiayu will like him.

If they can make a fake come true, it can be said that they are all happy!

Lin Jiayu’s mouth twitched with a little helpless smile: “But he doesn’t like me.”

Yu Gan frowns: "He is so good to you, how can you not like you? Is it that he and you, he has a woman who likes?"

"It’s just a woman."

Lin Jiayu blurted out and immediately closed his eyes and covered his mouth.

"Not a woman, is it a man?" Yu Gangan widened his eyes in surprise.

She was shocked, stunned and incredible!

For a long while, this made a sound: "The last time you asked me if there was any way to straighten the man, is it Lu Xuechen?"

Lin Jiayu quickly took hold of Gan Gan’s hand: "You must never tell anyone, I promised that he would not say anything."

She is not intentional.

Yu Gangan blinked and swallowed his throat: "You must never tell me, is Lu Xuechen's favorite person knowing the cold?"

"No... no." Lin Jiayu shook his head.

This killing can't let Gan Gan know that she has repeatedly waved her hand: "Absolutely not absolutely not, you should never think about it, Lu Xuechen does not like Fang Zhihan."

Yu Gangan: "..."

The shock inside is like seeing the tsunami facing up, and the shock has not slowed down for a while.

The relationship between Lu Xuechen and Fang Zhihan is quite good. It is also rumored that the two men have one leg.

But as she and the two men get along, I really feel that these two people are clear and white, and that the cold is, Lu Xuechen should be.

I still remember that in Baiyang City, there was a man who confessed to Lu Xuechen. Lu Xuechen’s anger and dislike at that time were really not performed. He was very repulsive and resistant.

(End of this chapter)

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