The Sword Deity in Tokyo

Chapter 104: I'm here to resign!

Guqiao Xia Wei was in the room, air-conditioned, and wrapped his body with a quilt. She has two mobile phones, one is chatting with her sisters. The other is chatting with the members of [Kimura and Tree Support].

社团 In the past two days, the community was discussing. We would have to make a few posters of Kimura and the tree. At that time, they would be posted in the classroom of the community. It must have a great atmosphere.

She looked at Qiu Naifa's message, and could not help but become angry and anger, "What do you like Kimura, Qiuyou you don't talk about! And you have a middle two disease, please don't call me Gabriel. The first guy caught , They are still talking wildly in the group! "

"Don't we form the Archangel Alliance to fight against the big devil? The group names have been changed to" Angel Alliance ". As for me, I was just caught by accident while spying on the enemy. After all, scouts are existences that are not remembered by history. "

"Ha ha."

"Ha ha."

"Ha ha."

"Heh what! Xia Wei is all you. When the aunt came to bewitch us last time, it was your unwillingness that affected Chunyang and Dong and them. As a result, the Great Devil Kimura became our tutor. I see You are the traitor who the Great Devil of Kimura broke into the angel! You fallen angel! Traitor! "

When Chun Chunyang and Dong He saw this message, they stayed in the room with a guilty conscience, afraid to speak any more, for fear of being implicated.

Xia Wei, an ancient bridge, said angrily, "Why didn't you give an opinion then? And I asked Kimura to be a tutor to help him."

Guqiao Xia Wei is the person who knows Kimura and Shu the most. She knows that Kimura's seniors are usually poor, so she wants to help each other without hurting their self-esteem. That's why she thinks it's not bad to have Mr. Kimura as their tutor.

I just… it ’s impossible to change the nature of not learning.

"Why don't you stick to it." Guqiao Qiuni naturally wouldn't say that she was eating at the time and didn't pay attention. She snorted softly on the sofa and typed quickly, "You are completely immature, and you want to help the Kimura Principal, after bringing him as a tutor, you ca n’t persist after studying for a few days. This is not very Strange? Isn't this a joke? "

The three of them were suddenly speechless.

"What do you think of Qiu Nai?" Chunyang asked.

"First of all, I don't agree with Mr. Kimura as our tutor." It's not because I don't think Kimura and Shushu teach well, but because they don't like to study or are forced to learn, it's even more tiring. So for anyone When people came to be their tutors, the ancient bridge Qiu Nai resisted.

Uh ...

"Classmate Chunyang."

Hearing the voice, Guqiao Chunyang typed, "What to do ... The senior knocked on my door, should I go out? Would you like to speak to him clearly?"

Obviously, Chunyang has been convinced by Qiu Nai. In other words ... she didn't want to learn at the same time. In other words, Xia Wei is still struggling, because she thinks that learning is still very useful, at least to help small friends in the community.

"Don't ..." Guqiao Qiuda da da typing, "Wait when the Kimura Dean is gone, we are talking to my aunt clearly. Let the aunt help the Kimura Dean find a job at that time!"

The three of them did not send any more messages, apparently by default.

He soon went downstairs with Kimura and Shu, and he knocked on all the doors, and no one responded to him. Came to the sofa, he looked at the ancient bridge Qiu Nai, he calmly said, "Qiu Nai, you call them all, I have something to tell you."

"Chun Yang, they are not at home, and they went out to play."

Tochimura and Shuki smiled. He sat in a chair and whispered, "I'm not here to teach you, I'm here to resign."

"What?" Qiu Qiao was surprised, "Learn ... the senior ... you want to resign?"

"Of course." Kimura and Shu nodded, and to be honest he didn't have the idea before he came, because this tutor's salary is really rich. But when he was blocked outside the door, he realized that the four sisters really didn't like learning very much ... so in the case of not being able to fight or scold, it would be difficult for the four sisters of Chunyang to learn well. . And in the long run, it is easy to create contradictions.

Coupled with that, he didn't want to get paid for nothing, which is not in line with his personality.

Therefore, after thinking about it, Kimura and Shu feel that it is okay to resign. Now that they want to come and take over this tutoring work, the ending is already doomed. He has never been a tutor, and naturally has no experience. Even temporary tutoring is not as good as other professional tutors. Then other tutors ca n’t teach these four girls. He is a novice teacher, how could he be better than those professional tutors.

In addition, in the previous life, he just sullenly studied everything about Fu Xun and Reiki, and did not teach experience at all. This is why he is only a doctoral student, not a mentor.

The reason why the Fengjian Department worked hard to study was because of his violent suppression, because these students were self-motivated, they also had self-control, and they were also supervised.

The same is true for the teacher's substitute class. The students are taking his reputation and dare not speak in class. So his teaching is very simple ... now I want to come, maybe because of this, so that he had an inexplicable self-confidence in serving as a tutor.

Of course, although I intend to resign, it is also well thought out. Now he has the kendo heritage of Liu Sheng's heart. Even if his kendo strength has not yet reached its peak, it is still a top batch. He can go to the Kendo Museum to make money as a swordsman instructor. It is not worse than the salary of a tutor ~ ~ Even if the salary is lower than that of a tutor, he can also work as a Chinese-Japanese translator.

This is actually the job he was looking for before, just because the salary of the tutor is enough for him to live, plus the need to cultivate, there is no pressure on himself.

Qiu Guqiao was stunned, but she quickly reacted and picked up her cell phone and said in the group.

Soon, they went downstairs.

After I went downstairs, I looked at Kimura and the tree sitting on the chair, all of them looked embarrassed.

"Sit all." Kimura and Shu smiled, he was completely calm now, and was a little speechless when he was blocked at the door. After waiting for Chun Yang to speak to them, he said, "In fact, I asked you to come down and have a question to ask. Miss Yongshan told me before that you were very resistant to tutoring. But I learned that I was your tutor for you, and you all agreed. Anymore? "

For this tutoring work, Kimura and Shuji have made preparations. Funds were arranged for Chunyang ’s Kendo Department, and Qiu Nai and Dong He were released. However, according to the saying of Yongshan Qiannai, the ancient bridge Xia Wei strongly supported him.

Hearing this question, Chunyang, Qiu Nai and Dong He all looked at Xia Wei.

Gu Qiao Xia Wei's eyes dodged, but she finally whispered and apologized, "Senior, I have always admired you before and I think you are an omnipotent person. You can take good care of Sakura Nine and let Sakura 9 The climate has changed, and I can always keep first in my studies. So I have investigated you and know that your family conditions are poor. I think you should not be tied to money by seniors. "

That's it ...

Tochimura and Shu felt relieved and smiled, "Thank you."

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