The Sword Deity in Tokyo

Chapter 112: Reading Tokyo

Qiu Yilu and Gao Senyang Qing chat over, Kimura and tree feel more relaxed.

It seems that chatting with middle-aged people really helps physical and mental health. And Gao Senyang Qing's mood is obviously much better, he will have to take a hot bath and get a good night's sleep when he returns.

Because they both want to return to Jinwen District, they are also on the same tram.

Gao Senyang Qing asked Kimura and Shu carefully in the car, "Do you think I want to report this to the police visual hall?"

According to him, such an important matter should be handled by the police. But after chatting with Kimura and Shuji for a while now, he feels that he should respect each other's opinions.

Whether it is the life-saving grace or the understanding of Kimura and the tree after chatting along the way, he attaches great importance to Kimura and the tree.

"There is no need to tell the police station." Kimura and Shudan said indifferently, "If you really want to report, you can find someone from the Fuming Temple and tell them."

There was no official monk organization in Japan before Reiki revived. This is actually similar to Huaxia.

On each of the famous mountains in Huaxia, there are monk organizations. Although they did not join the country, they will accept the order of the country. If there are ghosts that harm people, they will rush to the demon to remove the monsters.

Hua Xia has seen monks entering the DPRK in ancient times, and then persecuted monk organizations. They wanted to bring all monks back to the government and ended up dismal in the end.

Sometimes my desires do not know what people will do.

作为 As a country with a strip of water in China, a similar thing happened in Japan. Since then, the monks at the Fuming Temple have also tabooed contacting the country ...

This phenomenon did not change until after the rejuvenation. Huaxia established a spiritual institute to oversee monks nationwide. The Japanese ghost **** Fuming Palace did not know what contract was signed with the country. The state power was controlled by the emperor, and all matters concerning monks were controlled by the **** ghost Fuming palace.

Whether before or after resuscitation. The demon fuming palace is the largest monk organization in Japan. Of course, because he guessed that he was crossing, not rebirth, he did not know whether there is still the **** Fuming Palace in Japan, or it was replaced by other organizations.

Gao Senyang Qing smashed his lips, "That's still it ... it's enough to deal with your extraordinary person carefully. Going to deal with an unknown person, my middle-aged pressure will be even greater."

Most importantly, Gao Senyang Qing knew that if he reported it, he would be busy. I used to live a peaceful life and really don't want to break it. And he is an ordinary person who really doesn't want to touch the things of those who are extraordinary. If he accidentally makes a mistake, he will plunge himself into various events.

Soon, the two separated after arriving in Jinwen District. Kimura and Shushu looked back at the disappearance of Gao Senyang Qing. They only hoped that the other party should not report to any police department. Otherwise, his peaceful cultivation life might be disrupted.

When I returned home, Kimura and Shu first took a bath. Then I started to absorb the aura in the sun and moon sword ...

The two-armed evil spirit and Kiyomi Motohashi are two fast-evolving evil spirits, and their aura is really huge. However, there are many impurities. Fortunately, the quality of Reiki is red. Although it is very light, the requirements of Kimura and the tree itself are not high.

He waited until the next day when Kimura and the tree had absorbed the aura, and then he entered the five foundations of Zhuji.

The higher the realm, the more aura needed. Two auras of evil spirits can transform him from building a base to four levels. Thinking of it, Kimura and the tree sighed. In the future, they will need more and more auras, and they do n’t know when they will become mortal.

In contrast to destroying evil spirits, he is more inclined to complete the obsession of good spirits.

According to his previous thoughts, the difficulty of obsession affects the quality of Reiki. Like Hanazawa Mingjiang's obsession, his brother can stand on his own. This general obsession seems difficult to accomplish. But Kimura and Shu found a way and soon completed this obsession ...

Helping Yamamoto's grandmother pass on a message, and let Yamamoto's obsession [believe that Rieko is a liar] is very simple. But simply, the quality of the reiki produced is not very good.

Of course, because there are not a lot of examples, Kimura and Shuk don't know that this guess is incorrect.

During the lunch break, Kimura and Shu received messages from Shiba Chiba.

"The first chapter of Yuriko's novel and I was written, do you want to read (??? _ ??)?"

so fast? Kimura and Shumei frowned slightly, a little worried about quality. If it's a lot of money ... it's only a few days since the two started discussing. Are light novelists so powerful?

"Send me a look."

Soon, he received a text file named Tokyo.txt.

Open it for a look. Because of the meticulous reading, he finished reading more than three thousand words after six or seven minutes.

Although Kimura and Shu are not light novelists, they also know that the first chapter of a novel should not see anything, but this "Reading Tokyo" is a little different ~ ~ The story is about An ordinary person named Maya Kitashima, because of the recent migraine, saw a doctor in neurology. On the second day of his hospitalization, a large number of policemen wearing dark 'police' uniforms broke into the door, shot him on the knee, and subsequently took away the incapable of him.

I waited for Kitashima to wake up and found herself sitting in the interrogation room. It was later learned from two interrogated police officers that he was arrested as the mastermind for releasing gas in the square. However, Beixia Zhenxia did not do it, naturally refused to admit it, and was tortured by endless torture, forced to sign a confession, and then shot in the wilderness. 】

Chapter one, Kitashima, who is the protagonist, died. But because of the title, Kimura and Shu knew that the other party might read the file. Even if he hasn't read the novel, he knows that the protagonist will probably use the ability to read the file, and in the fleeing life, he will slowly correct the real murderer.

This is indeed a crime novel. But the protagonists' crimes were all forced out.

Tochimura and Shu must admit that Chiba Shiori's novels are really powerful. In the first chapter, there is a desire to let him look down, and there are many doubts.

But I don't want to ... It's my own preference. He sat at the dining table and said to the four sisters in the ancient bridge, "I have a light novel here ... just one chapter, written by my friend. Can you help me see if there is anything that needs to be corrected, can you?"

"What's the light novel in chapter one ..." Gu Qiao Qiu was not finished muttering, he was beaten with a hand knife by Chun Yang Gu Qiao.

"Of course!" Chunyang smiled at Kimura and Shu.

Xia Wei and Donghe are also curious ...

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