The book was put on the shelves on July 1st at 00:00 am, which is today after 23.59 minutes.

Two free chapters have been posted today, just go forward.

虽 Although this chapter is a testimonial, I don't know what to say.

If you really want to say something, the plot in the future should not be as heavy as Akichi High School ... plus your own level is not enough, so the next chapter will go towards the ease.

For all kinds of scenarios, the author needs to exercise again.

This book is so stumbling that it is inseparable from everyone's support, so I hope to support this book after it is put on the shelf. After all, subscriptions are the foundation of a book and the motivation for authors to code.

About Calcan ... Because the new book is on the shelves, there is a monthly new book monthly ticket list. I took a look at the new books that were on the shelves during the same period, a bunch of great gods ... but the book on the monthly list of the new book is just this one, and I ca n’t help but make a difference, which is different from salted fish.

So every three hundred monthly tickets, the author will add a chapter.

If you give a reward, the lord adds two more chapters. The lord [Snake Eye Wife] has owed two chapters before, and will be added to the shelves.

Of course, the updates on the first day of the shelves are all explosions, not additions.

After opening the VIP, the author will send five chapters in a row, and then quickly go to bed, and continue to code after getting up, so on the day of July 1, there should be seven or eight more ...

Although not as good as the tentacles, I will try my best.

Finally, I asked for a first wave of subscriptions. After all, subscription is the author ’s codeword motivation. This motivation is more useful than rewards and monthly ticket lists.

Ji (??? _ ??)?

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