The Sword Deity in Tokyo

Chapter 125: National High School Kendo Competition

After school in the afternoon, Kimura and Shu came to the student union.

When they saw Kimura and Shuki, everyone greeted them with restraint. Kimura and Shuki didn't stay in the student council too much. He picked up the "short-term life goal questionnaire" on the table and planned to leave.

As a result, Yanagawa Izumi looked weird, "Minister ... you wait."

Kimura and Tree wondered, "What's wrong?"

Liu Chuan Yiquan gave a cough. He pulled out a pile of money from the table, divided it into more than half, and counted it, about 200,000. After handing it to the minister, I saw Kimura and Shu looking at him, and he whispered, "Minister ... This was given to me by Haruyo Koguchi, who is a year higher. She asked me to give you the money, saying thank you. The last time I helped the Kendo Ministry's community fees ... the money was returned to the Fengjian Ministry. "

The ancient bridge Sakura Jiu heard this, and her expression was unnatural.

Kimura and Shu frown, what kind of illness did Chunyang have? And 200,000 is too much ... As a result, he hasn't spoken yet, Yanagawa Izumi gave him another pile of money, his face glowing with ambiguity, "This 100,000 yen is for Guqiao Xia Wei to let me hand it over. Your ... said that the Kimura and Tree Support Department she founded did not get your consent from the minister, which is a fee for paying the minister your right to name. "

Guqiao Sakura almost didn't yell ... what happened? Xia Wei even set up Kimura and Shuhui Department in the students? Isn't this showing love naked?

Kimura and Shu Leng's eyes glanced at Yanagawa Izumi, frightening the other side to recover the ambiguous emotion, revealing a thick expression.

"I see." He didn't ask why, and brought the money back, planning to return the money to the two men tomorrow. By the way, ask Chunyang and Xia Wei, what's crazy all of a sudden?

He went out with a stack of "short-term life goals questionnaires ..." and soon came to the classroom. Except for the students who are still studying in the class, others either go home or participate in community activities. Take out the form filled out by Chunyang's four people. As for the other ones, you can put them into the table at will and give them to the teacher in the first grade, so that the teacher can have a better understanding of his students.

He first picked up the survey form of the ancient bridge Chunyang.

After a rough look, I was relieved. As he thought, Chunyang's short-term life goal is to lead Sakura Jiu Kendo to win the national high school Kendo championship.

Guqiao Yingjiu also saw her daughter's goal in life, and she was also relieved. It seems that after her death, Chunyang did not give up Kendo.

And Kimura and Shu also looked at the short-term goals of Xia Wei, Qiu Nai and Dong He.

It was found that Xia Wei's goal was to become the president of the student union of Sakura Nine High School, while Dong He hoped to dub an animation in the short term.

As for Akino, after Kimura and the tree watched, he twitched.

Ancient bridge Akino

Short-term life goals destroy and save the planet

The reason is that the human beings in this world have an endless demand for desire, let God be disappointed with the world, send angels to play the trumpet horn, and doomsday judgment comes.

The end of the world is here, and humans are now divided into two factions, the insurgents and the coalition forces, and the countries of the world are fighting.


Kimura and Shu roughly looked at this pile of reasons. The more they look the more they are wrong. What is the confrontation between the insurgents and the alliance ... will this not be the background story of the game world that the other party is doing?

Although Qiu Nai did not write it explicitly in the questionnaire, he guessed that Qiu Nai's short-term goal should be related to the game being developed by the other party.

Generally speaking, after the development of a game, as a game designer, it is naturally very concerned about the sales of the game. Because sales represent popularity, the higher the sales, the broader the game audience, and the more recognition and praise you receive.

Then it is not difficult to guess the short-term goal of Guqiao Qiu.

This made him a little relieved, as long as it is not the kind of unsolvable problem, then there is a way to accomplish it.

Guqiao Yingjiu was speechless when she saw it. It seems that Qiu Nai is the same as a child, and is still ancient and strange. But let her know in the morning that Qiu Nai now seems to be more obsessed with games ... It seems that except Chun Yang, Xia Wei and Dong He, only Qiu Nai's hobby has changed. However, Xia Wei's changes let her relax. If the other party is still the underworld boss like a child, then she will have a headache.

"How are you going to accomplish my daughter's goal?"

Kimura and Shu didn't speak. There were still people in the classroom. He just clicked on Chunyang's questionnaire and signaled that he would start with Chunyang's goals first.

He remembers that the district qualifiers for the National High School Kendo Competition should start soon ... thinking that he picked up his mobile phone, sent a text message and asked Shimoyanagawa. If clubs want to participate in various high school competitions, they must get permission from the school and student union, and then teachers will lead students to participate in the competition. So high school students should be very familiar with various competitions.

Soon, Yanagawa Izumi sent a reply.

"Minister, the county qualifiers for the National High School Kendo Contest are still half a month away. I just checked it online. As of now, 76 schools in Tokyo have registered to participate. There may be more to come later, but It should not be too much. "

Kimura and the tree groaned for half a month.

He also glanced at Chunyang's short-term goal, leading the Kendo Department to win the national championship. Generally speaking, this so-called championship should be the championship of the team competition, but for insurance purposes, he will also sign up for the individual competition.

That's right, Kimura and the tree have made a decision. He will also sign up for this Kendo competition. Naturally, he will also join the Kendo Department. But what about the women's group ... Kimura and Shu frowned when he thought of it. Although he doesn't understand the rules of competitive kendo competition now, in the end, kendo competition is still strength-based. Mastering Liu Shengfei's sword flow, he is very confident in winning the men's national championship and the individual championship.

This is not conceit, but confidence.

To be a human being, you must have a self-knowledge ~ ~ The problem of obsessiveness like Yuriko's is to create novels, and naturally he doesn't know what to write about. But in Kendo, if he loses to a group of high school students, what else is he practicing?

So what's important is that there is the ancient bridge Chunyang ... If the women's team fails, it is obviously not the goal.

You have to find a way to improve the sword strength of the ancient bridge Chunyang.

Thinking, he stood up and planned to go to Kendo.

Just then, he received a message in the mail, and when he opened it, he was a little confused.

The news came from Qiu Nai.

"Roar, I'm here, learn anything, let's say yes first. Borrow money and everything is free."

? ? ?

Kimura and Shu looked at the question mark ... then he quickly saw the message from ‘yes’ yesterday and the message to the other three.

For an instant, he looked at Guqiao Yingjiu with an angry look.

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