The Sword Deity in Tokyo

Chapter 133: "Concussion"

Kimura and Shuki apparently didn't know what Yoshinori Ichiro thought, and if he knew, he might smile. www? www. ranwena`com

In fact, in a strict sense, the state of the sword sage is the sword heart clear.

虽然 Although there are many people named Swordmasters in Japanese history, they are just titles. They are given by others who fear the power of these people.

Tadashi Yanagi is one such man who has been given the title of swordsman. The other party actually has not reached the state of swordsman transparency and should not be called the true swordsman. It was just that Japan had no clear kendo classification at the time.

In order to say the real situation of the sword sage, Japan should have three people.

Biography of Tsutsukahara Hara, Miyamoto Musashi, and Asahi Bunko.

The last one is still the swordsman after the resurgence era. Now it is just an ordinary person, just the owner of an antique shop. From the present point of view, in addition to the ancient sword master who was not famous in ancient times, there are only a few people in Japan who reach the sword master status.

Of course, Kimura and Shuji also know that there are many crouching tigers and dragons in this world. Perhaps in modern Japan, there are people in the state of sword sage, but they are just not famous, or they do hidden cultivation in the old forest in the mountains.

After thinking about it, Kimura and Shu drinking tea, he was waiting for Yasuo Kenichiro to come back, he thought the other party was going to get the prepared contract.

However, Kimura and Shu didn't wait long. It wasn't Yasuo Kenichiro, but a middle school student.

With a single pony tail, her chest is flat. The face powder is carved with jade, and the little tiger teeth are very cute. This should be the daughter of Mr. Liu Sheng, Kimura and Shu guessed.

"What kind of Kimura are you ?!" When Kimura and the tree looked at each other, Yagyu Jingyi was looking at each other. She had wanted to go home after school, but because she was the minister of Kendo, she could not be absent for no special reason. So after urging a staff member to train, she thought that a teacher teaching her swordsmanship would come today, and she hurried back.

自然 Naturally, she didn't come to worship when she came back ... she came home so early, or she wanted to let the other person know that not everyone can be her master of Liu Shengjing.

"Yes," Kimura and Shuki smiled. "You are Mr. Yanagiu's daughter, and my future student?"

"Who is your student?" Liu Shengjingyi looked at the other person in a school uniform, raised his chin slightly, and hummed with his face raised. "If you want to teach me, you have to be qualified."

I was as proud as Mr. Liu Sheng said. And in this case, if you do n’t teach the other party, you will probably resist in the future.

"How should this qualification be obtained."

"It's easy, beat me!"

As soon as Liu Shengjingyi's words fell, Kimura and Shu felt the sharp and domineering sword in the other's body, and he looked at the other side, and found that the other side's eyes seemed to contain a flame called war, endless. .

"Okay." Kimura and Shuki stood up and nodded in agreement, Liu Shengjian Ichiro didn't know why to go, it was so slow to get a contract. However, since you are here to apply, it is natural to let students and their parents know his strength.

After waiting for Liu Sheng Jingyi to change to a white dress, she came to the Kendo ground and found that Kimura and the tree were already holding bamboo swords.

"Aren't you changing?"

Tochimura and Tree smiled, "No need."


Yan Liusheng Jingyi glanced at the other side severely, which was a contempt for her. But she didn't force the other side, let the other side suffer the painful tasting in the ego.

I came to Kimura and the tree, Liu Shengjingyi stood with a small face and straight upright. She was holding a bamboo knife in her left hand, and her hand was placed on her waist. The right hand hangs down, sticks to the side of the thigh, the upper body leans forward slightly, and nods towards Kimura and the tree.

Seeing this, Kimura and Shu also saluted. This is a ceremony of Japanese Kendo.

After the salute was finished, Liu Shengjing was holding the knife in both hands, Liu Mei's eyebrows were upright, and Kimura and the trees were reflected in his eyes. "Drink" in the mouth, full of momentum, and rushed straight up.

When I first met Yanagi Yasugi, Kimura and Shu saw the sword of each other at a glance, full of fierce, fierce, and overbearing! So it's no surprise to see the other party rushing directly after the ceremony.


柳 When Liu Shengjing's bamboo sword waved over, the bamboo sword turned into an afterimage, and the air seemed to be chopped at this moment, and a strange sound came.

Tochimura and the tree could see more than ten flaws in Liu Shengjingyi at a glance, but he did not move, but raised his hand.


As soon as the two bamboo swords came into contact, suddenly a huge force burst out from Liu Shengjing's body.

There was a click, and the bamboo knife in Kimura's and tree's hands was cut and divided into two. He receded slightly, avoiding Liu Shengjingyi's unstoppable undercut, and raised his eyebrows, but he did not expect that Liu Shengjingyi was born with divine power.

Of course, this power is nothing to him. But the helpless thing is that although the quality of the bamboo knife in his hand is good, under the power of Liu Shengjing, if it is to resist, it is estimated that it can not support a few knives.

He just wanted to see how well Liu Shengjingyi's strength is, so as to make a training plan. It seems that it is better to end this test as soon as possible.

Tamarix Shengjing sees Kimura and the tree bamboo knife divided into two, and there is a glimmer of pride in his eyes.

She was so powerful and born with divine power when she was young, that when she was young she was seen as petite and wanted to bully her. As a result, she was punched back by one punch, and sometimes she was taken to the hospital without being born light or heavy, and it was not until her parents' strict teachings that she knew she was strong.

I wondered, and she looked subconsciously at Kimura and Shuki's hands, and found that the other arm was steady and there was no trembling.

She froze in her heart, but she didn't think much. The moment after the split, her footsteps moved, she once again bullied her, and raised her sword upwards. When she mentioned halfway, she suddenly changed direction, and the bamboo sword turned around, and she slid across the waist of Kimura and the tree.

Tochimura and Shuke smiled. It seems that the other party is not a reckless husband, but they still use their brains.

But all of this is in his eyes, and naturally he will not be stumped by this little trick. He took the initiative to attack for the first time, holding a half-bamboo bamboo knife, his arm trembling slightly, and the next moment he half-bambooed the bamboo knife and twitched it towards Liu Shengjing's bamboo knife.

Yuliu Shengjing was too late to ridicule ~ ~ and felt a shock coming from the bamboo knife in her hand. She ‘ah’, her arms were numb and weak. At the next moment, the bamboo knife in his hand was released directly and was thrown out ... One second later, he banged directly on the wall.

Yan Liusheng Jingyi lowered her head and stared blankly at her hands. It was found that both hands could not restrain the trembling at this moment, beyond their control. A swordsman lost the sword in his hand, so it was clearly a failure. And Liu Shengjing didn't even know what was going on.

"Is this ... concussion?" At this time, there was a surprised voice of Liu Shengjian Ichiro, who saw his daughter bewildered and sighed and explained, "The concussion created by Master Yixin was used to deal with weapons of the weapon type. By law The shocking power of the opponent's weapon became a helper, and this shocking power was introduced into the enemy's body, causing the arm of the enemy to be weak for a short time. "

"Yes." Kimura and Shu nodded and agreed.

Yan Liusheng Jingyi heard the words, and suddenly realized. She looked at Kimura and the tree, gritted her teeth, and lowered her head to the other side.

When Kimura and Shu thought that the other party would apologize to him, or acknowledged him as a teacher, Liu Shengjing Yi yielded, "You have the right to rub my head."

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