The Sword Deity in Tokyo

Chapter 135: 5 red lines

Kimura and the tree were sitting on the tram, holding two swords in their arms.

Sun, moon and clear water.

Along the way, Sun Moon Sword has been trembling. He can feel dissatisfaction and grievance from the other party's consciousness.

When he got home, he smiled and said, "Well ... Shimizu sword is for you."

He has made up his mind to refine the Qingshui Sword into the Sun and Moon Sword, and let the effect of Hong Mao Shi be inspired by the Sun and Moon Sword.

Although the Sun Moon Sword is not heavy in his hand, it is very light to him and harmless. However, the words of Yujian are consciously controlling the sun and moon sword. Each point of weight is a great burden on the spiritual consciousness, and it will consume a lot of mental energy in the process of the royal sword.

This is why in the era of rejuvenation, Hong Maoshi is an indispensable material for refining flying swords. After adding Hong Maoshi, not only can it increase the speed of the flying sword, but also increase the endurance of the imperial sword.

When they got home, Kimura and the tree called out the ancient bridge Sakurajiu who slept in the sun and moon sword.

Although there is claustrophobia, sleeping in it will not cause anxiety and depression.

Guqiao Yingjiu rubbed her eyes, she looked out the window, and found that it was still daylight, and she shouted, "This is not the night yet." She had asked Kimura and Shu to wake her up at night, but now she is still Approaching night.

"I have something to do," Kimura and Shu curiously said, "and why are you sleeping ..." He was surprised.

Guqiao Sakura's nine eyes dodged and did not answer.

Kimura and Shu see this, regardless of each other. Anyway, the other party can't be far away from him, the other party can only add mental strength to sleep.

He didn't start immediately, but picked up his mobile phone and sent a message to Donghe.

"Because I cos with Rachel, I am more familiar with the manager of Qingjisha Village. He also has the opportunity to dub the" Legend of the Sword ", but the role plays are relatively small, and you need to audition to get recognition in order to get Chances are, should you try? "

At the water apartment, Dong He was raising a glass and drinking honey water. Sweet honey dripped into the water, squinting her eyes. For her, any ingredient is a treasure given to human beings by the heavens, so you should taste it well.

The mobile phone on the table vibrated. She picked it up and saw it. It was a message from Mr. Kimura.

There was a flash of doubt in Dong He's eyes. Before that, the other party sent her a message, but he said nothing after a word or two. In her mind, she guessed that the senior was experiencing financial difficulties. She wanted to help, but she could not find an excuse ... After her tutoring, although her thin gap with the senior had disappeared. But relationships also stop between acquaintances and friends ...

And she knew that with her seniority's personality, if she came to borrow money from the other party, the other party would definitely not accept it, so she had no choice but to help.

Thinking, she took a look at her cell phone, and her breathing was short.

The dubbing opportunity of "Legend of Sword", although it is a small role audition, but it is also a huge opportunity for her.

She had previously watched the video of Kimura's senior cos on the Internet. Although there was speculation in her heart that the senior association was familiar with the people in Qingjisha, Xinlei did not mean to ask the senior to help, because the relationship between the two had not yet reached that stage.

As a result, she did not expect that the senior would contact her. Suddenly she thought of something, and silence would type.

"Senior, you sent me a message last time. Was this the case?"

At a glance, Kimura and Shuki reacted to Donghe and said that Guqiao Sakurajiu used his mobile phone to send information to his daughter. The matter was hard to explain, and it was an excuse for the other person to deliver it, so he replied decisively.

"Well ... but it wasn't settled before. So it's not easy to tell you. Now it's determined that you can audition, so do you want to try?"

"Thank you for giving me this opportunity. I want to give it a try."

Dong He did not refuse, the opportunity did not come easily, and this was the opportunity that the senior had specially found for her, and she could not live up to the expectations of the other party. It's just ... she didn't expect the senior to be concerned about her seiyuu, which moved her.

When I was moved, my heart was strange. Senior ... Is this chasing me?

She didn't have this kind of thought before, but a boy should be pursuing her to such an extent to a girl? Isn't it right ... maybe this opportunity is just a blessing for seniors? Just happen to think of her?

But ... even so, I have to thank myself.

"You're welcome."

Seeing the news, Donghe immediately wrote back.

"Senior, if you have any questions in the future, you must look for me."

Dong He can't find any reason to help Kimura and the tree now, but there is always a chance.


After Kimura and Shuki finished sending the message, regardless of whether the other party responded to the letter or not, he turned off his cell phone and prepared to start refining the Sun Moon Sword and Shimizu Sword. In the previous life he was a PhD student in Fu Yuke, but sometimes he also mentored the tutors of Alchemy and Alchemy. So I gradually learned something.

Of course, though, I learned something. Can not repair the chain, there is no opportunity to practice. But I haven't practiced it, but in theory he is one by one. Although now giving him a pile of material for him to refine, he certainly failed. But refining the material is still important. What's more, Qingshui Sword is not a magic weapon or a magic weapon, it's just an ordinary weapon, it is even simpler.

A glance at Sakura Jiu of Guqiao revealed that the other party was playing a computer and he didn't care.

Although it is a refining sun and moon sword, it is not dangerous. All he has to do is merge the two. You must know that the Sun Moon Sword is essentially a wooden sword. What really matters is the sword spirit.

"Wait for a while ~ ~ Wen Yan, the sun and moon sword tremble.

Seeing this, the spirit of Kimura and the tree congealed, and the aura of Linghai in his body began to surge, and then an open flame slowly consolidated from the void.

Although it is a solid flame of reiki, refiners in the era of rejuvenation prefer to call it the heart fire, which means that they are carefully crafted by each heart.

The flame quickly enveloped the Shimizu sword. Kimura and Shuji did not refine the Sun Moon Sword for the first time, because the Sun Moon Sword and his heart were in touch, so the refining was fast ... so he took advantage of the best spirit now, and then he refined the Shimizu sword.

It is different from the Sun Moon Sword because it is necessary to refine the Hong Mao Stone in the Shimizu Sword.

Because this is the first time, Kimura and Shu are very cautious, and the refining is very slow, not speed, but success. After all, Shimizu sword has only one handle.

This scene was also seen by Guqiao Yingjiu, and she did not bother each other, watching the scene in front of her in amazement. This extraordinary power is enviable. However, she knew that she didn't have much time, so what she had to do now was to improve her daughter's academic performance as soon as possible.

When the time came to 1 a.m., Kimura and Shu refined half of the sword.

But alchemy and alchemy are boring. Fortunately, with the help of the Sun and Moon Sword, there is a steady stream of aura in his body, far from being exhausted.

And Guqiao Yingjiu looked at the time. Now, at this point, they should all go to sleep. She saw that the spirit of Kimura and Shushu were all concentrated on the refining sword, and she could not notice her at all.

Thinking of it, Guqiao Sakura Jiu's consciousness moved along the five red lines that she could see from a distance, and merged into one of them.

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