The Sword Deity in Tokyo

Chapter 139: Heavy rain, drizzle and shock

Since Qi Chunyang was determined to lead the attack, he did not hesitate.

Almost at the same time that Chun Yang attacked, Kimura and Shu felt a swiftness. Of course, this swiftness cannot be compared with Liu Shengjing Yi. Previously, Liu Shengjing Yi did a split, as if the air had been cut.

加入 Before joining Kendo Club, he had watched some competitions before to learn about competitive Kendo.

He likes Yulong Banner is his focus. Because Sakura Nine High School's kendo competition is Yulong Banner. It also represents the high standard of high school.

Almost at the moment Chunchun attacked like him, Kimura and Shuki could roughly see each other's level.

中 上!

This is the level of all high school students compared to Yulong Banner. This level is already very good, because the competition of competitive kendo is often in the blink of an eye, and it depends on the temporary performance.

Although Chunyang has practiced kendo for almost ten years, some people have also practiced since childhood. It is no worse than Chunyang. Coupled with the talent problem, it can even widen the gap.ァ 新 ヤ ~ ⑧ ~ 1 ~ 中文 网 ωωω.χ ~ ⒏ ~ 1zщ.còм

Bang bang bang bang ...

Hunchun Yang's offensive has just begun and never stopped. In addition to focusing on the actions of the senior and preventing the senior's counterattack, she also focused on the senior's face, small hands, crotch and throat. If you hit these positions, you can score.

However no matter how fast her offensive, no matter how fast, Kimura can always resist her offensive.

Listening to the sound of the bamboo knife colliding, everyone around was stunned.

Know that competitive Kendo competitions are fast. Although it is stipulated within five minutes, most of the competitions start after saluting and end the battle in a few seconds. The slowest will not exceed half a minute.

Anyway, all the members of the field have not seen the duel more than one minute after the start of the game. It's basically between a few seconds and a dozen seconds. Because as long as the game starts, then it is in a combat state, and life and death are often within an instant, so competitive kendo is fast and accurate.

Suddenly, Minister Kimura has been resisting and has not countered. Everyone knows that this is what Minister Kimura wants to see the strength of Chunyang Guqiao. How strong is Kimura, who can always resist?

This moment ... no one knows.

After a minute, Chunyang backed away cautiously, keeping a long distance. Her intense mental concentration and offensiveness made her breath a little breathless.

No matter how he attacked, even the frequent fake moves were seen through by the senior, all the attacks turned into useless work. But she stared at the senior, and she was not discouraged, because she knew the strength of the senior. Isn't that why she wanted her senior to teach her?

Now the senior is going to examine himself, then he has to do his best.

I thought, after she adjusted her breath, her arm trembled slightly, and after maintaining a certain frequency. After she entered the distance of one foot and one knife again, Jiao sang in her mouth and launched the offensive again.

Tochimura and Tree's eyes were slightly condensed, and Chunyang's small movements were in her eyes. But through it, he was surprised. Is this ... "concussion"?

When the two bamboo knives collided again, Kimura and Shu felt a subtle frequency coming from Chunyang's bamboo knives, with a trembling ... This slight vibration passed from the other's bamboo knives to his bamboo knives, so His wrists felt a little subtle.

Of course, this feeling can only be regarded as tickling, even Kimura and Shu know that even if Chunyang goes to the game and uses this "concussion style", it is not enough to defeat a strong opponent.

Because the opponent's "Concussion" is too rough ...

But this is enough to surprise him. Does Chunyang also inherit Liu Shengfei's sword flow?

When Tochimura and Tree were thinking and resisting, Chun Yang's arm trembled. She gritted her teeth, but she could feel her arm starting to feel weak.


When the two swords intersect, Chun Yang's arm can no longer hold the bamboo sword, and Zhen Fei goes out. The bamboo knife fell to the ground, rotated a few times, and stopped. Seeing this situation, although Kitashima hesitated, he quickly raised the red flag with the two other deputy ministers, saying that in this match, Minister Kimura won.

Tochimura and the tree took off the mask and frowned slightly, and he came to Chunyang. It doesn't matter whether the other person agrees to grab the other person's wrist, glance at it slightly, and find that the other person's wrist is red. Then he said solemnly, "You don't know the correct way to use" concussion ", so don't use it recklessly, this will only hurt yourself. "

She was held by the senior, and Chunyang's face was more flushed than her wrists, but she was more courageous because she wore a mask. When she heard the words of Dean Kimura, her eyes flashed with doubt, "" Concussion "? "

Tochimura and the tree grabbed Chunyang's wrist and kneaded it gently. The aura in her hand penetrated slightly, combing the injured meridian slightly. Although "Concussion" is also the basis of Liu Shengfei's sword flow, this sword skill has become independent and can be used as a special trick. "Rainstorm style" is the real basis of Liu Shengfei's sword flow. New 81 Chinese website update fastest computer: https: //

Only if you are familiar with "Rainstorm" and "Drizzle" can you practice "Concussion".

Rainstorm, drizzle and shock are the three foundations of Liu Shengfei's sword flow.

"It seems that you don't know that you are using" Concussion. " How did you learn it? "Kimura and Shu see Chunyang wondering and are more curious. They didn't notice Chunyang's increasingly red face ...

Feeling the relief coming from her hand, Chunyang knew that the senior was using his hand to relieve himself the pressure on his wrist. But even so ~ ~ she is extremely shy, because there are many people watching.

She stuttered, "Teacher Xingu taught me ... Teacher Xingu said that the human body has many acupoints, as well as the wrist. Although Kendo is self-cultivating, it is better than the wrist, arm, shoulder, or even the whole body during the game. Strength skills ... She said that if she could use the strength skills to make the bamboo sword in her opponent's bamboo sword into the opponent's bamboo sword with a regular shock, and then affect the opponent's wrist ... Will the opponent lose the combat power. Teacher Xingu said at the time After discovering the problem, he died within a few days. "

所以 "So ... you've been thinking about this too?"

Chunyang nodded slightly. She didn't dare to take off her mask at this time, for fear of being seen by someone else's hot cheeks. It failed. "

"No, you did not fail. You succeeded! It was just rough." Kimura and Shu released each other ’s wrists and sighed, "This trick you use is called" shock-style "in Liu Shengfei's sword flow. Is a powerful sword. "

"Concussion" was developed by Liu Sheng with one heart, and Liu Sheng with heart at the time was fifty-nine years old.

For this reason, Liu Sheng devoted himself to relying on his own experience and skills, or it took him a full three years to develop it ... This shows that Chunyang's kendo talent is likely to be first-rate.

Tochimura and Shu were also worried that they would not have enough time to train Chunyang, because the county qualifier is about to begin. But now it seems that there should be no problem for Chunyang in the women's group in the county qualifier.


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