The Sword Deity in Tokyo

Chapter 145: Remember the game

Sure enough, Kimura and the tree did not speak. Yasuo Kenichiro extinguished the smoke, and he grinned, "Kimura, is there any interest in coming to Yasuokan to practice Kendo?"

To be honest, Yasuo Kenichiro was helpless.

He lacks money

What is missing is not the money for daily life, but the salary to be paid to Kimura and Shu.

Before he asked Ono to borrow money, he only borrowed 10 million.

Ono had just asked him to take a pledge of Shimizu, but learned that Shimizu was handed over to Kimura and Shuki, scolding him for being confused. Ono Koichi even said that if he was an adult, he would definitely behead him with a sword.

In the end, Ono just raged, Yanagi Kenichiro borrowed ten million.

No way, the Ono family has no money. Although the Ono family has its own business, it only opened a few ramen shops. Coupled with the fierce competition and the overhead required, there is not much money left.

Although known as one of the eight major families, it is actually no different from ordinary Japanese families. It's just that Ono has a reputation from ancient times to the present. In addition, at every Asahi competition, Ono's family can stand out, so it can be based on the ancient Kendo world.

Unlike the Chiba family, the Hokken Kendo Museum is open all over Tokyo.

You drifted away. Kimura and the tree did not speak, looking at each other, revealing such a meaning.

Even if there is a TV station's edge promotion, others are obviously building for Yulong Banner. Although Gogoro is blowing Liu Shengfei's sword flow, but Kimura and Shuji can see that this is to stimulate the victory of high school students who practice kendo .

Maybe this year's Yulong Banner will have a few extra high school players

Of course, none of this mattered to him.

Ryuichi Kenichiro smiled. "Kimura, don't you want to participate in the Yulong Banner? With your strength, can't you win the championship and win the championship, then you can promote the Ryusen Kendo Museum during the interview." He continued, "Advertising as the champion of Yulong Banner will definitely make the business of Yanagi Kendo Museum boom. By then we can earn seven or three points."

Now, because of the TV station, Liu Shengfei's sword flow is exposed to the public, at least those who like Kendo should know it.

Then as long as Kimura and Shu win the Yulong Banner contest, just mention it a little bit, and I'm afraid business will not come

"Although you are teaching in the Kendo Museum, you do n’t need to teach it yourself, just by name. I will teach those students Liu Sheng first. After that, Jingyi should be able to transfer Liu Sheng Fei Jian to the three Basic learning, I will consider teaching some talented students basic. "

After Yanichiro Ichiro finished speaking, he couldn't help looking at Kimura and the tree.

After listening, Kimura and Tree glanced at each other. He knew that Yagyu Kenichiro had the ambition to rebuild Yagyu's family.

Now the TV station only mentions the strength of Liu Shengfei's sword flow, but it does not publicize the Liu Sheng Kendo Museum. The reason why someone came to sign up was because the teenagers were all from this street.

Living here since childhood, I am familiar with Yagyu Kendo Museum. You can hear from those people who just called Yanagiu Ichiro.

But other people only know Liu Shengfei's sword flow. As for the Liu Sheng Kendo Museum, I have never heard of it. As long as he leads Sakura Nine High School to win the championship, then a little publicity, although it will not swarm, but at least the business will take another level.

He also learned that current Yasuo Kenichiro had a daughter of Yasuo Shigei. So I really wanted to accept my disciples and pass on Liu Shengfei sword.

Although he will also Liu Shengfei Jianliu, but in the final analysis and Liu Sheng family is not close. He and Liu Shengjing only stopped at the relationship between students and teachers, not even apprentices.

Thinking, Kimura and Tree nodded, "Yes"

This is actually a hand, but the money is made in vain. Yasuo Kenichiro is nothing more than trying to scorch the jade dragon banner, so that the Yasuo Museum will be hot as soon as possible.

In fact, Yasuo Kenichiro can wait for his daughter to learn about Liu Sheng Fei Jianliu, and then slowly take care of Liu Sheng Pavilion, but this is too slow. Really doing this, it is estimated that it will be many years after Liu Sheng Pavilion became famous.

After all, even if a disciple is accepted, the other person needs to teach the basics, and in the process of learning this teaching, time will pass a long time. And it doesn't necessarily make it to the top of the competition.

But Kimura and Shuki's strengths lay ahead, and Liu Shengjian's knowing that the opponent won the Yulong Banner championship was almost a matter of course.

It is not stupid to have a huge amount of enthusiasm in front of you and not to seize the opportunity.

"Then we sign a five-year contract."

"Ten years." Kimura and Shu said with a faint tone. There was only one chance, and he didn't need to teach others. He lay down to make money. He wouldn't dislike too much money. Your daughter is only in the second grade of junior high school. Even if you have learned Liu Shengfei's sword flow, it will take two years to participate in the competition. Two years is enough to develop Liu Sheng Pavilion to a certain point.

The Kendo competition in the Japanese Junior High School is unobtrusive. Because most junior high school students don't even have an early stage. And when they are growing, neither strength nor speed have reached a certain level.

Only high school students, age, strength and speed also come up, reaching the peak of an age group. Its competition is ornamental.

So even if Liu Shengjingyi won the championship in the junior high school kendo competition, it would not affect anything. Yasuo Kenichiro knew this too, so he hesitated and nodded.

However, this was his temporary intention, so the contract has not yet been prepared. And before Yagyu Jingyi returned home, Yagyu Kenichiro talked with Kimura and Shu for a while, and he hoped that Kimura and Shu could show off their skills on Yulong Banner.


Kimura and Tree glanced at each other, then nodded.

Competitive kendo is about killing with one hit, so most kendo games end the battle in a few seconds. But those who have practiced Kendo can see the danger within seconds, but ordinary people can't see it.

They just sigh that the winner is so fast. Then, it's gone. It is basically impossible to know what skills are in it. So most ordinary people have a fixed mind when watching the game.

That is whoever has the speed and responsiveness will win.

The thinking of Yasuo Kenichiro is very simple. Let Kimura and the tree show off their skills in Yulong Banner, which can attract a large number of audiences and also attract a large number of students to join the Yasuo Museum.

Although the people who came to learn in the early stage ~ ~ joined the Liusheng Pavilion with gorgeous swordsmanship, but in the case of a large number of people, they can also screen out those who are serious in practicing kendo.

In this way, you can make money and discover your disciples, killing two birds with one stone.

Kimura and Shu naturally have no opinion, although he only takes 30%. However, the student was taught by Liu Shengjian, and the Liu Sheng Pavilion is also the property of the Liu Sheng family. He didn't need to pay anything, he only needed to win the championship on the Yulong Banner, and then publicize it and show off his skills a little.

It was easy for him.

After all, the reason why he participated in Yulong Banner was to fulfill the wish of the ancient bridge Sakura Nine. The extra surprise is earning.

And soon, Liu Shengjing also returned home.

After Kimura Kazuo and Yanagiu Kenichiro have reached an agreement, they also begin to teach Yanuki Jingu.

He did not let the other party memorize it, but first roughly remembered it, and then practiced with a dummy body. This can effectively allow Liu Shengjing to memorize the acupuncture points. Remember the website URL, www. biquxu. Com, easy to read next time, or enter "" on Baidu, you can enter this site

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