The Sword Deity in Tokyo

Chapter 148: Rubbish

I'm a Sword Fairy in Tokyo Chapter 148 Trash talk audio novels Listen online

At 10 am, Tachibana Budokan, Area A.

At this point, a sign is erected on the slightly left side. It reads Mingxiu Private Comprehensive High School.

Shimura Uemura was sitting in his school position. He looked at a young girl sitting in the front row of the audience stage with eyes full of love.

"The Minister didn't expect Chiba Xuejie to come to watch the match. This time you must perform well."

"Ahhhh, I'm feeling bloody"

"We Mingxiu will definitely be the overlord of Area A"

Shimura Uemura took a deep breath and nodded. "Don't be too nervous. Although we were eliminated in the preliminaries in the county last year, it was Fengcheng of Qingyuan High School. It was too strong, and now Fengcheng has graduated. Qingyuan High School is not a concern now "

Of course, though. But Umura Shino was still nervous, not nervous about the game, but the kind of feeling that people who had a crush on came to watch the game.

He has a crush on Shiba Chiba

In other words, many boys in Mingxiu High School like each other. But many boys' confession failed, leading everyone to dare not confess.

But he is already in his third year of high school, and he has no chance to confess. Therefore, Uemura Shino made up his mind. This time, Mingxiu High School must win a good position, and this time it must become the hegemony of the district qualifier a.

Otherwise, how could he have a face to confess to Shiba Chiba. And now that Shiba Chiba is still watching the game, he can't even lose face in front of the opponent.

"Victor. Sakura Nine Private College"

With the sound of the referee, there was a warm applause from the audience.

I don't know if it was an illusion, Uenomura Shino found that with the sound of the referee, Shiba Chiba's mood changed. He looked at the field. The first team match was No. 1 Sakura Nine High School vs. No. 2 Fengquan High School.

Since the teacher collected data from more than 20 high schools in Area A, he knew that the Kendo Departments in both high schools were weak and the strength of the members was not good. But Sakura Nine could win this game with just three people, indicating that there is still a certain strength.

Of course, Uenomura Shino didn't take Sakura Nine High School to heart. His eyes were on Wenjing High School.

Qingyuan High School was the first place in the county qualifier last year and participated in the Yulong Banner National Contest. Although it was eventually eliminated, its strength was recognized. Although Fengcheng has graduated last year, I can hear that the freshman in high school is very strong and should not be underestimated. However, Qingyuan High School was assigned to Area C, which does not need to be considered at the moment.

Wenjing High School was the overlord of District B last year. Although it was eliminated and did not even enter the Yulong Banner National Contest, it encountered Qingyuan High School in advance. He didn't expect to be able to meet the seed team of Wenjing High School this year in Area A, which made him sweat.

The competition was very fast. Although it was a team competition, the time of Kendo competition was not too long.

Eleven in the morning.

15th Mingxiu High School vs 16th Xuening High School.

Xue Ning High School murmured Uemura Shino. This high school has not participated in any Kendo competitions before. According to the data, it seems that it was a school with less than five members of the Kendo Department.

Thinking about it, Uemura Shino didn't think too much. He looked down at the first pioneer who played on the mountain, and encouraged, "Under the mountain, it's up to you to cheer." Other members also cheered.

Yamashita took a deep breath, and Zheng Zhengjian nodded, "I will, everyone."

Generally speaking, the strength of the pioneer in the Kendo Department is the weakest. The first one can look at the strength of other schools.

Of course, there are also the strongest in Kendo as the vanguard, and a few people are eliminated first. Even if we are not able to pick five, we can take the lead in eliminating a few people and put pressure on the enemy in terms of numbers.

The level of Yamashita in the Mingxiu Kendo Department is not inferior, and it belongs to the mean level. The usual strength depends on the state. If the state is good, you can even have a few moves with Uemura Shino. The state is not good, basically the bottom.

When Yamashita came into play, he first saw his opponent's surname.


There was a mutter in his heart, after the referee shouted. After the two had saluted, Yamashita looked cautiously.

"I know you, Hiroyuki Yamashita. I heard that you **** your pants in a match against Fengcheng last year."

At the beginning of the game, Yamashita had just been ready, and as a result he heard the opposite Jingshan Ichiro's speech, and he spoke very fast.

After hearing that, Yamashita looked angry, and he growled, "What are you talking about?"

When he played against Fengcheng for the second time last year, he was too nervous, causing his whole body to sweat, and fell to the floor. As a result, he was photographed by reporters and posted on the Internet. Many people laughed at him.

He also knew that the reporter was actually shooting Fengcheng Times, and the whole focus was on Fengcheng Times. But the angle of that photo was too misleading, because of this matter, he had been low for a long time before he eased over. I didn't expect to be mentioned again today.

In anger and anger, he yelled and severed at the opponent with a bamboo knife.

"It's too slow, Yamashita urinates pants." Jingshan Ichiro said in his mouth, blocking the blow directly, then waving his hands. Unexpectedly under the foot of the mountain, he hit the opponent's small arm.

"Winner, Xuening High School, Jingshan Ichiro."


Only then did Yamashita react. He looked at each other angrily. "You asshole" was talking garbage in the game and affected his mood. As a kendo practitioner, wasn't he ashamed to win the game with his lips, it was too shameless Damn it.

His face flushed with anger, but eventually he endured. If he makes trouble, maybe Mingxiu High School will be suspended.

When Hiroyama Yamashita ended, he saw Uemura Shino. He lowered his head and was ashamed, "Minister, I lost that guy, saying garbage words during the game affected me."

Hiroyuki Yamashita said something just now, which caused other members to sacrifice the enemy. Even Ueno Murano couldn't help getting angry. People who practiced Kendo were also training their hearts. But that Jingshan Ichiro is so shameless

With the lessons learned from Hiroyuki Yamashita, the members of the Kendo Department of Mingxiu High School all held their minds.

As a result, when the striker, the backbone and the vice general came into play one by one, they were all defeated by the Jingshan Ichiro. The audience in area a exclaimed when they saw this scene.

This is still the first student who has chosen one to four since so many competitions. As long as Ichiro Jingyama defeats Shimura Uemura of Mingxiu High School, he will be the first 1v5 student.

At this moment, the audience ’s eyes were all focused on Uemura Shino and Keiyama Ichiro, and they were excited. The other high schools who participated in the next round of high school were worried, knowing that only one team from each division ~ can go out to the main venue of the Tachibana Budokan, when tens of thousands of people will watch the game.

Which student doesn't want to compete in the limelight

But Xue Ning High School's strength is frightening. A vanguard is so powerful. What about the next striker and backbone?

Uenomura Shino, wearing a kendo suit and a shield, looked at the audience again before he came out, and found that Shiba Chiba was still not there. He was a little disappointed in his eyes. After the other party disappeared, he didn't appear again.

Thinking, he looked at Jingshan Ichiro, abandoning his thoughts and looking dignified. The other person eliminated four people from their school alone, which was extremely powerful.

He now only hopes that the other party is the strongest person in Xuening High School, so as long as he defeats the other party, as long as he defeats the other four weak ones, Mingxiu High School will be able to catch the eye.

He thinks this Jingshan Ichiro should be the strongest one in Xue Ning High School, otherwise, why should the other party say garbage words to affect his opponent?

Thinking, after the referee shouted, the two saluted.

"You are the general of Mingxiu High School, don't look very good," Jingshan Ichiro whispered. "And when I think you're okay, I watch a **** the audience stage. That's your high school. I asked about it. It seems to be called Chiba Shiori, but do n’t you know that this person you secretly love is actually close to Kimura of Sakurajiu? I heard people say that the two of them seemed to have opened a room in a love hotel. Otherwise, why is Chiba Shiori in Sakura I left at the end of the game. "

Although I knew that the other person said everything was false, it was to anger him.

However, Uenomura still had red eyes and couldn't help thinking about it, especially Shiba Chiba did not know where to go after the Sakura Nine High School game was over.

Thinking, he looked at Jingshan Ichiro.

This shameless bastard

I am a sword fairy in Tokyo

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