The Sword Deity in Tokyo

Chapter 159: White death

I'm a Sword Fairy in Tokyo Chapter 159 White Dead Audio Novel Listening Online

"You are really a swordsman"

After his father scooped into the ring, Yasuo Kenichiro couldn't help asking again.

His father stayed in the ring for twenty-seven years. Because of the spirit stripping, he would come out and breathe every once in a while, talk to him and take a look at his granddaughter.

The other day, when his father came out, he stunned and said that there was a sword sage in the Liusheng Kendo Museum.

According to his father, at the same time that he had been stripped of his evil thoughts by this ring in the twenty-seven years, his mental strength was also condensed and more solid. So he is very sensitive and can sense some vision.

When Kimura and Shuki taught Yasunari Yuki in Yanagi Kendo Museum, he felt the power of Kimura and Shu from the ring and made him feel depressed. As if the inferior was facing a supreme emperor.

During his lifetime, Liu Shengkang was the second section of Jianyi, which was also the base swordsman. The person who can make him feel powerful is obviously not just as simple as repairing high, so according to his guess, Kimura and the tree should be a swordsman. It was learned that his granddaughter did not visit the teacher, but instead asked Kimura and Shu to sign a teacher contract, and Liu Shengkang scolded his son Jian Yilang.

Yasuo Kenichiro is also wronged. How he knows that Kimura and Shuki are really sword sages is also incredible. Kimura and tree are only 17 years old this year

Kimura and Shuki glanced at Kenichiro, and he nodded. When Kenichiro was excited about what to say, he interrupted directly, "Where is Takeda Hiroko?"

He was actually curious about this ring from Liu Sheng's family. You should know that the formation method is the strength of Huaxia. In the era of rejuvenation, various formation methods were developed by Huaxia. But after thinking about it, whether it was the jade pendant of the Requiem Front or the ring of the Soul Retreat this time, his close observation was very similar to the ancient Huaxia things. He guessed that they might all be objects from Huaxia to Japan. So he I didn't ask.

Now that he has a chance to get this ring that depicts the stripping of souls, he naturally has to work hard to complete the obsession of Liu Shengkang.

According to the father and son Yagyu, Takeda Hiroshi is the only sword sage in Japan today, and of course this is the only question mark. Therefore, he regards Takeda Hiroshi as a swordsman who is well-known in the ancient Kendo world. As for whether there is any surviving swordsman in Japan besides Takeda Hiroshi, he will also ask a question mark.

The state of Japan ’s sword sage is a sword heart. He is similar to Takeda's wide realm, so the contrast of strength will be prominent, and in addition to strength, it will also be compared on swordsmanship, secret skills, and killing moves.

Now his strongest killing skill is Imperial Sword Art. This is his strongest means of killing. Now his Imperial Sword art can cut off mortals, which is the sword state divided by Japan.

As long as Takeda Kuan did not reach the sword mood. So for Kimura and Shu, he killed Takeda Kuan as a probe.

"I don't know." Yasuo Kenichiro snapped at the question he wanted to ask, answering in his mouth, "But at the end of the year, Takeda Hiroshi will set up a lineage in Yuanlingshan. At that time, various kendo families in Japan will be convened to hold the race. Logistics. "

"Natural Logistics" Kimura and Tree wondered, "Isn't it natural and ruthless?"

Liu Shengjian Ichiro sighed deeply and spoke heavily, with a deep hatred. "The other side did repair the chain more than 20 years ago, but the other side created a natural and unrelenting flow. . Natural Logistics is the director of Bozhongjia. Observing nature and everything is the new school of swordsmanship. "He said, his eyes were faint and cold," and the other side made friends with many Japanese families. The relationships are very close. "

"Oh," Kimura and Shu were silent for a while, with irony, "Sure enough, they are wicked."

Twenty-seven years ago, the other party repaired the chain naturally and relentlessly, killing the innocent Liu Shengkang and his wife with the reason of repairing the chain. According to Yasunori Yasuhiro, Takeda Kuan is ruthless, which means that most of his emotions are spiritual flaws for Takeda Kuan. But then the other party introduced new ideas to create natural logistics, and also made friends, obviously the so-called feelings are flawed and become a joke. In other words, Liu Shengkang and his wife died completely in vain.

The enemy has also become a Japanese swordsman, respected by various families. Presumably, Liu Shengkang learned of this, and the hatred in his heart had long been hard to fill.

"It seems that you had cultivated swords before to take revenge on Takeda Hiroshi." Kimura and Shu said in a certain tone. Liu Shengjian Yilang repaired the chain by Liu Shengyidaoli. What he pays attention to is to sharpen a sword in ten years. . The longer the sword's meaning is contained, the greater the power of its sword-drawing.

"Yes" Yanagiu Ichiro sighed. "It's a pity that I am also in the second stage. I want to find Takeda Kuhn's revenge, and the chance is slim." Of course, even if the chance is slim, he never gave up. This is family hate, and Takeda Hiroshi is too heartbroken. If this revenge is not reported, he feels like a child.

Kimura and Tree nodded to show understanding.

According to statistics from previous lives, before the reiki revived, the ancient sworddo world in Japan produced swordsmanship, and most of the people who could repair the chain were at the level of Jianyi to Jianyi four.

I heard that the strongest one is 130 years old and has lived for more than a century, reaching the level of eight swords. However, the aura of the previous life suddenly recovered, and the other person was suddenly washed away by a large amount of aura in his sleep. The organs that are beginning to fail can't withstand such a powerful aura shock, and die directly. This is funny, but also regrettable.

Since he was not interested in Japan in the past life, and was not interested in the dead, he did not know the name of the other party. However, from the information point of view, the other party should not be Takeda Hiroshi ~ ~ According to Yan Shengkang, Takeda Hiroshi is now estimated to be about 70 years old.

"I'll go to Yuanlingshan tomorrow."

"So fast" Ryuichi Ichiro was startled, "Will you wait?"

"Why" Kimura and Tree wondered.

Ryuichi Kenichiro had a hard time in his heart, but he didn't dare to tell the truth. Now he said that I was afraid that you would have encountered Takeda Kuo in the past and was cut off by the opponent

This is not a child's play. Kimura and Shuki are really going to take trouble with Takeda Hiroshi, then the two will never die. He thinks Kimura and the tree are still young, and they can talk about it in a few years.

In the final analysis, although Yasunori Kangdai told him that Kimura and Shuki were sword sages, the other party also acknowledged himself. However, Yasuo Kenichiro didn't know the bottom, after all, Kimura and the tree looked too young and immature.

Seventeen years old, sophomore year, still young. Even in the realm of the sword sage, in the practice of swordsmanship, it is certainly not as fine as Takeda Kuanai.

The two really want to fight, in the eyes of Yanu Kenichiro, Takeda Hiroshi's odds are a little bigger.

Kimura and Shuji saw that Yoichiro Kenshiro was silent, and he smiled, knowing his heart.

"Don't worry, I'll take a look first and observe. I'm not ready to trouble the other side now, look at the strength of the other side first."

On hearing that, Ichiro Yanagirou breathed a sigh of relief, "I don't think I was in a hurry, my father has been waiting for twenty-seven years, and I don't care about this time. You can hone swordsmanship, and when you are really confident, go to take trouble with Taketa Kan

"I will." Kimura and Shukou responded, but secretly said in their hearts, I don't hear the truth about revenge and overnight. In the twenty-seven years, I am afraid that Liu Shengjian's revenge is not as firm as when he was young.

Of course, his own strength is probably the main factor in the health and well-being of Ryuichi Ichiro.

I am a sword fairy in Tokyo

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