The Sword Deity in Tokyo

Chapter 176: `` Drizzle ''

I am a sword fairy in Tokyo Chapter 176 "Drizzle" audio novel Listen online

Not only the audience, the commentators faltered. The next moment, both Iwai and Ito sweated coldly.

In fact, as an explanation of competitive kendo, it can be considered relatively easy.

Because the Kendo competition is almost over, the end time is basically a few seconds. Rarely does this happen.

Of course, the long game between the two sides is also harmless. But if you ca n’t see the attack trajectory as a commentary, how do they explain it?

And when they were nervous, they were extremely shocked.

The victory of Kendo itself is instantaneous, so the player's instant attack speed is invisible to the naked eye. But that was only for an instant.

Except for the video of Kimura and the tree in Akihabara Square, you can hardly see the high-speed sword swing like Ito Sei.

At this time, the three referees stood on the field, and their pressure was also very great. The sound of bangs came from the ears, which meant that all of Ito's offensives were resisted by Kimura and Shuki. If Ito ’s offensive stops, will the other side win?

Without seeing the trajectory of the attack, it is impossible for them to give a verdict.

It seems that I can only bring up the video at that time

Kimura and the tree were a little surprised. Because the sword technique used by Ito Seki is Liu Shengfei's heavy rain. In terms of speed, Japanese history of Kendo Yagyu Fei's sword speed can rank among the top three.

However, what he didn't expect was that Ito Shi had learned it.

Thinking of it, Kimura and Shushu blocked the bamboo sword, followed by Ito's offensive, and the two bamboo swords stuck together.

The drizzle type is different from the torrential rain type, and it is a sticky word.

Regardless of the opponent's attack, as long as the drizzle is deployed, the consequences of being stuck cannot be escaped. Drizzle type is the most grammatic rainstorm type.

The torrential rain type pays attention to the extreme speed, causing dozens of dozens of swords to strike, just like the actual torrential rain is endless and never stops.

At the moment when Kimura and the tree were fighting back, Ito felt that he was stuck in a drizzle in his hands, making him feel like he was breathing heavily, as if every piece of air was putting pressure on him. As time goes by, this pressure is growing.

The sword-swinging speed in his hand slowed down instantly

"It seems that Ito Shige cannot sustain such a high-intensity blow, but I did not expect that Minister Kimura had even blocked all Ito Shige's offensives. It is amazing."

Iwai explained that he was relieved to see this scene.

"Ito's move just now looks a bit like the swordplay of Minister Kimura in Akihabara Square."

"You should be talking about the rainstorm style. This move was taught by Yanagi Kendo Museum." Listening to this, Ito spoke directly, then thought of something, and laughed, "I am not advertising that Yanagi Kendo Museum is already open. Twitter also posted a video of Minister Kimura's key to explaining the storm. "

"Oh, Minister Kimura passed the rainstorm to the public," Iwai said in surprise.

"According to Minister Kimura in the video, the rainstorm style is the basic movement of Liu Shengfei's sword flow. The drizzle and shock style are collectively referred to as the three foundations of Liu Shengfei's sword flow, and only by mastering these three foundations can he learn Liu Shengfei The core sword art of the sword flow. "

"This" Iwai could not help but be shocked, "The torrential rain type is just basic swordsmanship"

"Yes, this is what Mr. Kimura himself said in the video." And Ito looked at the game, and said, "And I have finished watching that video. If I read correctly, the current Mr. Kimura should use It's drizzle. "

"According to Minister Kimura, the drizzle style is mainly sticky words, which put pressure on the opponent from the whole body and even the air. So we can see that now Ito's players are slow in movement and wielding swords. It ’s getting slower and slower. ”Ito thanked himself for following Kimura and the tree before, so after watching the video on Twitter, he said bluntly,“ But the downside of the drizzle is that the bamboo knife in your hand must be stuck. Opponents can put that pressure under pressure. "

"It seems that this drizzle is very powerful." After all, it is a professional kendo player. Iwai explained it. "As long as this drizzle is successful, the initiative is in the hands of Minister Kimura. Ito can only passively resist pressure And if Minister Kimura wants to fight back, he just needs to grab his bamboo knife and leave his opponent's bamboo knife for an instant. "

"Yes," Ito explained.

However, what surprised the two was that over time, Kimura and Shu moved the bamboo sword away and did not fight back.

Waiting for Kimura and the tree's bamboo sword to break away, Itoshi shook his hands slightly. He held the bamboo sword tightly. Without releasing his hand, he heard Kimura and the tree opening.

"Use other swordsmanship, Liu Shengfei's swordsmanship does not work for me."

The reason for the delay of Kimura and Tree is to show the power of Liu Shengfei's sword flow to the audience, and he wants to see the sword skills of Ito.

Because the opponent's swordsmanship is copied. He thought the other party's copy was rough before, but the other party can change the Jingshan Qi confluence, and it also showed the rainstorm completely.

Therefore, at this moment he would like to see other swordsmanship.


Ito was a little breathless at this moment, and he was tired from drizzle pressure.


A stream of air ~ ~ was attracted to the air. Within five seconds, Ito recovered his spirit.

Seeing this, Kimura and Tree were a little surprised, "This is"

"Momoi's breathing method can alleviate fatigue, but there are disadvantages." Ito Seki held both hands with a bamboo knife. At this moment he did not act lightly, but squinted and said quietly, "Do you know swallows?"

Kimura and Shu didn't respond, but revealed doubts and didn't understand the meaning of the other person's question.

"The swallow can withstand the wind to escape the blade, it has nothing to do with whether it is fast or slow. No matter what kind of knife, there is no way to swing without vibrating the air." Ito moved slightly, his mouth kept on, "while the swallows It is the vibration that changes the direction of flight. Therefore, no matter what kind of blow you can't cut off the swallows. The knife is just a line. So it makes sense to not catch the swallows that are coming and going in the air. "

"Some swordsmen think that it is only necessary to surround the retreat of the swallows. One knife attacks the swallows, and the other knife seals the swallows that are dodged by the wind. To succeed, it must be done at the same time. If so, the two swords will be too slow anyway. For this reason, there should also be a third knife to block the side retreat. "Ito cut a knife to Kimura and the tree, after being blocked, he said again," It is a pity that Kendo matches The bamboo knife is too short. Only a long knife can block the swallow's path while waving three swords at the same time is too heavy for the body. In addition, with a long knife, I am not good at it, so I developed this trick. "

As soon as the voice fell, Ito's body was aura, and the eyes under the mask burst into a bright light.

"This trick is the sword skill I created while watching the Sasaki family's Yanliu Kendo in the Asahi competition."

"I call it"

"Secret Swallows Swipe Back"

I am a sword fairy in Tokyo

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