The Sword Deity in Tokyo

Chapter 185: Special Section

Otake Liang has a deep memory of the incident seven years ago.

This is the first time he has met an extraordinary event in his life. Of course, at first, their police officers thought that it was just a plague or a virus ... or that the murderer had deliberately caused such a tragedy.

When I got to the back, I realized that it was a funeral that was killing people.

The one who paid for the funeral and used the power to make people feel full of strength and make everyone in the village work.

And the spirit of high emotions when people work is to pay for the loss of food. In other words, the only thing that pays the mourner is human vitality.

Gao Senyang Qing listened to the appearance of the square-shaped corpse, and then listened to the low voice in Dazhuliang's mouth. Somehow he had a creepy feeling. He couldn't help asking, "The last thing is solved?"

"Resolved ..." Otake Liang hesitated, "but I can't tell you how to solve it."

"Special Section." Kimura and Shu sounded softly. He looked at Otake. "Special Section presumably lets you keep their department secret."

Special Section is an abbreviation, and its full name is "Security Section for Special Extraordinary Incidents."

Similar sectors exist in every country.

"Yes!" Dazhuliang said with suspicion. "Are you from the special section?" After the original case was closed, the special section asked them to keep it secret. This extraordinary incident belongs to state secrets, so he didn't say anything about it. Endured for seven years.

"No." Kimura and Shu didn't say much. "But I know them, so you don't need to keep them secret from me."

The special subjects were actually selected by the **** and ghost Fuming Palace, some young yin and yang masters or witches joined the state institutions to solve extraordinary events for the country. It can be said that this is a kind of experience, and if you really encounter something that cannot be solved, you can ask the **** and ghost Fuming Palace for help.

"Not good." Otake Liang breathed a sigh of relief. In the eyes of everyone's doubts, he solemnly looked at Kimura and Shudao. "Kimura, can I hire you to help me solve this case? After solving it, I have my own weight. thank."

Gao Senyangqing next to him was foggy. Obviously someone with special subjects could ask for help, but Dazhu didn't want to report it if he was good? Thinking, he flashed, didn't he?

Seeing the confusion of Kimura and Shu, Otake whispered, "Recently the police department is about to retire. If I want to be promoted, qualifications and background are not enough, because others also have it, so if I can solve an extraordinary incident, There are a lot more to grasp ... "He is now only the Deputy Police Department, and he still has time to get promoted.

Sure enough ... Gao Senyang's eyes were clear.

It turned out that Kimura and the tree nodded secretly, it seems that Dazhuliang is an official fan. Solving an extraordinary event as an ordinary person is enough to prove that Otake's ability is outstanding. If this matter were intervened by the special section, it would completely become a case handled by the special section, and it had nothing to do with his Dazhuliang.

However, Kimura and Shu questioned, "Daketake Police, how do you know this incident is extraordinary?"

"Because we didn't find any doubts from the scene." Dazhuliang earnestly said, "Reality is not a novel and a movie, and one person will always leave something on the scene, and we surveyed Miss Misang's colleagues and found that they were all with Misang The relationship between the lady is good, there is no hatred of murder. And we did not see anyone entering the room of Ms. Misang from the corridor monitoring, and the monitoring outside is the same. And the room of Ms. 1801, there is no dead end. In other words, the prisoner You must enter the room from the elevator to the corridor and then to Miss Sanshang's house. Otherwise, how can you kill Miss Sanshang? "

"The prisoner can be hidden in the room of the guy ... Mikami." Ito Shiki is also very interested in this case, after all, it is about Mikami.

Kimura and Shuki glanced at each other and looked at each other's looks, apparently already thinking about the death of Mikami.

"Yeah, we thought about this too. But the prisoner can't go into Miss Sankang's room out of thin air. If he wants to hide, he must go through the conditions I just said."

It is monitored from the elevator to the door of the room. While the monitoring in Shihu District was not damaged, they investigated the monitoring and found that no one had ever entered Sanshangqin's room. Of course, just in case they searched every part of the room carefully, they didn't find any secret rooms or the like.

After all, it is the 18th floor, and there are residents nearby. There are also residents on the upper and lower floors, and it is impossible to hide humans.

Coupled with the extraordinary events encountered seven years ago, Dazhu's conscience felt that this matter may not be easy. That's why he invited Kimura and Shuki to the cafe.

Otake's kendo strength is not weak, and he often watches videos of kendo matches. Yesterday's Yulong Banner Tokyo Prefecture Qualifier, he naturally watched it. Shocked by Ito's sword skill, he also looked at Kimura and Shu's strength.

After all, Ito is so powerful that he has not been defeated by Kimura and Shuki. And it seems that Kimura and the tree look very relaxed ~ ~ obviously leave room for more.

Seeing that Otake looked at himself expectantly, Kimura and Shu didn't hesitate, he nodded directly, "Yes." He had no reason for refusal, he himself was to solve the problem, grabbed the evil spirit, except to elute himself In addition to suspicion, it is also to absorb Reiki.

After hearing that, Otake Liang breathed a sigh of relief, then he began to chat with Kimura and Shu with a smile, of course, and he did not ignore Gao Senyang Qing and Ito.

He said that the Baitian District Police Station would follow up on this matter at all times, and he would notify Kimura and Shu as soon as there were any clues.

After half an hour, a few people said goodbye. And Gao Senyang Qing also quickly returned to Jinwen District. In his words, Kimura and Shu are people looking for ghosts. According to the plot of the novel and movie, if Kimura and Shu fail to resolve the incident, most of them are To die. So Gao Senyang Qing didn't want to be implicated.

While Kimura and Shu were speechless, they didn't say anything. He asked the other person to come in to guarantee him. Now that Gao Senyang Qing's task is completed, he has not retained it, but just keeping it in his heart is considered to be due to Gao Senyang Qing's affection.

Instead, Ito Shi has been following Kimura and the tree without leaving, he looked at each other, "What are you doing?"

"I can help!" Yidong grieved. "Did I just say that, maybe there is something I can help."

Kimura and Shuji thought about it, the other party did say that ... but he just thought that the other party wanted to gossip so he followed.

Da Zhuliang did not catch up with each other, mainly because Ito was behind Kimura and the tree. He thought the two were friends and didn't ask much.

"What can you do?"

"Since you are practicing Kendo, and it's so powerful. Then you should know that our Ito family is more connected with the **** and ghost Fuming Palace."

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