The Sword Deity in Tokyo

Chapter 190: Individual match

I'm a Sword Fairy in Tokyo Chapter 190 Personal Tournament Audiobooks Listen Online

Jingshui Di lingered for a moment, and quickly reacted.

Dead people can also be found.

"Is there any other information?"

"No." Kimura and Shuki only took this picture. As for the name, home address, etc., he didn't understand it at all, but he still said, "This woman, most likely, died in Tokyo."


Jingshui Diling scolded in his heart, and more people died in Tokyo. Just one photo, one face, I'm looking for a fart. And if you die for a long time, your face is corrupted and you have become a skeleton, how can you find it?

Thinking, Jingshui Lingling with a gentle smile, he said by himself, "Master Kimura, you can rest assured that you will definitely find this woman. But this may take a little time."

"Okay." Kimura and Tree breathed a sigh of relief. He was also afraid that the current water purification spirit was too weak and incapable. It now appears that even if Reiki has not recovered, the ability of water purification and spirituality cannot be underestimated. Thinking, he solemnly said, "So what do you need"

"What" water purifying spirits stunned again, "isn't it a matter of course to serve such a strong man?"

Kimura and the tree were also crippled.

In the past life of rejuvenation, you need to pay for the help of the earth spirit.

Earth spirits around the world form a Earth Spirit Alliance. According to the rules of the Earth Spirit Alliance, looking for Earth Spirit to help, weaker than Earth Spirit, you need to pay a little more. Equivalent to the strength of the Earth Spirit, then it is equivalent exchange. And if it is stronger than the earth, then the reward can be relatively less.

He heard that this rule had existed before the Earth Spirit Alliance was formed. Do the earth spirits not yet erect such rules.

Kimura and Shuji said quietly, "Nothing" can save the province, which is his principle of doing things.

But the water purifying spirit was alive, and he didn't think he didn't hear it. A hot smile appeared, "Master Kimura, if you want to be paid, I don't mind."

With a slight sigh, Kimura and Shuping said peacefully, "Then what do you want. I have Liu Shengfei Jianli here, and I can pass you a trick and a half." He knows the rules of the spirit, and generally does not require money, and At the beginning, the headquarters of the Earth Spirit Alliance included various moves, spells, runes, and exercises. These were traded by the Earth Spirits from other places and others, expanding the Earth Spirit Alliance's library.

"I don't want swordsmanship," Jingshui Diling hurriedly said, "I beg you, Mr. Kimura, to find me a witch. The previous witch went to college. My shrine has been cleaned for almost a year."

Kimura and Tree groaned, "I don't know many people, and if you are looking for ordinary people, I won't pay."

"I can pay my salary," said Jingshui Lingling quickly.

Suspiciously glanced at Jingshui Diling, Kimura and Shu slowly nodded, "I can help you find it, but I don't know if others agree."

"Don't be in a hurry, Lord Kimura, look for it slowly. After you find the person, if you are satisfied, you can bring it over." Jingshui Di Lingmei smiled.

"Then you can help me find the person as soon as possible. It is best within three days." Then, Kimura and the tree took out a rune and gave it to Jingshui Lingling, and instructed, "When you find the body, crush the fuze. symbol."

"That's fine, I'll do my best." Jingshui Diling heard the time limit and couldn't help receiving the fuze.

After finishing the work, Kimura and Shu didn't stay much.

The next day, Kimura and Shu came to the school and followed the teacher Matsura to the Tachibana Budokan.

Yesterday was the women's team competition and today is the individual competition.

Sitting in the car, Chunyang sneaked over and asked curiously, "Senior, why didn't you go yesterday?"

Yesterday, Sakura Nine High School Girls won the first place. For the first time, Chunyang enjoyed the scene of tens of thousands of people cheering. She was a little fluttering among the earthquake-like applause. Of course, she did not forget the two powerful girls of Doi and Tsukahara in other areas, although a little bit fluttering, but not proud and complacent.

To her disappointment, Kimura and Shuki were not at the scene yesterday. After listening to Mr. Songcun's case, I asked for leave.

If she had been in the past, she would definitely not go to inquire about the senior. But Chunyang feels that although he has made up his mind to catch up with the seniors, in daily life, he has to contact the seniors. Otherwise, after immersing in hard work and learning the grades, then you will be rusty in life.

Therefore, Chunyang wants to be integrated into the life of the senior, hoping that the senior can think of her as soon as possible, and call her if there is any difficulty.

"There was something yesterday." Kimura and Tree smiled, but didn't say much.

Chunyang's eyes flashed disappointment, apparently her weight in the mind of the senior was not heavy.

However, Chunyang wanted to split. Kimura and Shu are not reluctant to say it, but because Chun Yang's strength has not reached a certain level, even if they talk about how the other party can not help at all, they are only worried about the increase.

If Chun Yang's strength is triple or above, he will talk to Chun Yang. After all, in the end-French era, the triple base building has been considered a strong combat force. But now Chunyang can only be regarded as the first step into cultivation. It is estimated that the evil spirits who have formed for a period of time will not survive for a few rounds.

Soon, everyone went to the Tachibana Budokan ~ ~ Today's individual event is the last event of the prefecture qualifier and the last day of the Tokyo prefecture qualifier.

Because there is no distinction between men and women in the individual competition, at this time Chunyang is standing next to Kimura and the tree. She looked at the audience at the venue and looked at the senior, and she said, "Sure enough, senior, you are too popular now. Women's team yesterday During the match, there were not so many people on the scene. "Although there were many people yesterday, there were still vacancies in individual positions. However, today's individual match is full, and the seats are full, which is surprising.

"Hey Kimura." Ito was on the other side, seeing Kimura and the tree, could not help saying hello. Seeing that Kimura and Shu didn't respond, he came directly, dissatisfied, "You all saw me and didn't say hello to me"

"Jumping and jumping like a girl like you," Kimura and Shuji said, "I don't think you're sad about Miss Sankami."

"Oh, that scumbag." Ito smiled disapprovingly, and he waved his hand. "I don't believe in love now, but I will wait for my dad to find a matchmaker blind date. My dad is Yan Kong. The girl he values It wouldn't be worse. "Then he looked at Chunyang, his eyes lit up," This is a bitch. "


Chunyang looked at Yidong Curiously. This student of Qingjiang High School, who was defeated by the senior, even became familiar with the senior. In the end the other person suddenly made her face flush.

"Don't bark, Chunyang and I are friends."

"Oh" are so intimate names, and friends, Ito shouted with a smile, "I understand"

"Eastern Iraqi, it's your turn."

"Come here." Ito quickly responded, and then faced Kimura and Shudo. "That Kimura, I'll go first."

"Go on."

I am a sword fairy in Tokyo

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