The Sword Deity in Tokyo

Chapter 199: This face is not right!

After hanging up the phone, Kimura and Shu prepared a little, and then went out.

Although he was wearing men's clothing, all the way down, Kimura and Shu could notice that passersby's eyes drifted towards him. Obviously, Liu Tianyi's face is enough to reverse sentient beings even if he does not have the passive charm of the other party.

After getting on the tram, although it is the weekend, there are still many people. And the phenomenon of being watched is even more rampant. Some people with quality also know that they are aiming secretly. Some even stared at her.

Uh ...

A sound of camera sounded, Kimura and Shu looked coldly at a diagonal boy, the other side grinned at seeing himself.

Candid, still so crazy?

Thinking of this, Kimura and the tree smiled, and this smile directly made the person who was secretly staring at him stunned, and the boy diagonally opposite was even more shining with eyes, showing his admiration. Then the boy saw Kimura and Shu stood up and walked in front of him. The next moment, his heart throbbed, and he could not speak before he saw Kimura and Shuki holding up a small hand like white jade, and then slap it on his face.


This time, the boys were directly beaten, and he fell to the ground.

The others were taken aback by the sudden sound, and many people stared at Kimura and the tree with a stun. They didn't expect this elf-like girl to be so irritable.

"How about a cell phone?"

Koizumi Hideo lying on the ground covered her face, and when she heard this, she sighed that the girl's voice was also good.

But the next moment, a feeling of shame rose from the bottom of my heart. At this moment, even if the girl in front of him looks so beautiful, he has no feelings of pity. The dignity of the man has been trampled to the ground, and so many people around him have watched, making him angry, "Are you trying to die?" Dare to hit me? You ... "

Before speaking, Kimura and Shu directly stepped on Koizumi's face. Then, holding the collar of Koizumi Hidedo, he directly lifted the other side, groping the other side's pocket with his left hand, and took out the mobile phone.

Keeping the other party on the ground, Kimura and Shuki turned on the other party's cell phone and found that they had to unlock their fingerprints.

"Unlock." Kimura and Shuji stood up with Koizumi Hideo, speaking in a light tone.

"Impossible," Koizumi Hideo resentfully said, "I have my privacy inside, and I can't unlock it for you." Although he was swollen with cheeks, his heart was even more angry, but he stood up and looked again. When I went to the face of Kimura and Shupei's peerless style, and heard the soft voice again, I lost most of my anger.

Of course, he didn't know what to do. Although he was beaten by the other party ... and stepped on his feet, dignity was swept away, but he really let him hit the other party. The other party is so beautiful, what if I break it?

If Kimura and Tree knew each other's thoughts, it would be possible to raise their despair for this world of looking at their faces.

"what are you doing!?"

Kimura and Shu Wenyan said that when they were about to kick over, they saw a man, a woman and two policemen coming forward. Obviously, they heard the movement here and ran over to check.

Kimura and Shu thought that the other was talking to him, and when he was about to speak, he saw the policeman stepped forward and pushed Koizumi Hideto aside, his actions were rough. Seeing this, Kimura and Shu kept silent, apparently the other side was asking the boy who had shot him in front of him.

The next moment, the policeman looked at Kimura and the tree, his eyes exuding a stunning look, his expression softened, "You are all right."

The policewoman next to me ran over, looked at him with a worried look, and leaned on his shoulders, worrying in a tone, "Rest assured, have you encountered a foolish man. It's all right now, we will arrive and we will surely bring the bad guy That's how it works! "While comforting, the policewoman couldn't help but stare at Kimura and the tree, it was so beautiful.

There are such beautiful girls in this world. The lack of words in her heart could not describe the beauty of the other party.

Kimura and Shuki pushed each other's hands calmly, and before they opened their mouths, they heard the boy shouting, "I'm not a idiot. I didn't do anything. I was also slapped and stepped on. Do n’t you watch it? Do n’t believe you ask other passengers. ”

As soon as he spoke, he heard people around him talking.

"Ha ha ... we all saw you harassing this girl, you are still sophistical."

"Sneak shots, sneak shots, don't you admit it? Really look down on you, are you still a man?"

"Mr. Police, this guy is so crazy, maybe he's a idiot. You should investigate."

"This guy is a pervert. When he was first stepped on, he still showed an expression of enjoyment."

After hearing this, Koizumi had almost vomited no blood. I enjoy Nima too! Just now Kumura and Shu's foot made him so painful ... he wondered if he was disfigured. As soon as he wanted to speak, he heard the male police officer look at him coldly, "Take the phone out ... delete the photo."

"In her hands." Pointed at Koizumi and pointed at Kimura and the tree, slightly aggrieved. He just took that photo very vividly. I wanted to use it as a wallpaper licking screen in the future. In a few minutes, you have to delete it. I had known it secretly, and I didn't expect this girl to be so irritable. At this moment, Koizumi Hideo regretted it.

Kimura and Shu gave the cell phone to the female police officer. At this time, he felt quite unreal. He didn't say a word, and the matter was qualitative.

At this moment, he suddenly felt that the value of the face was really important. But ... he thinks these people are also very exaggerated. Liu Tianyi is indeed very beautiful ~ ~ From the mirror, he also admires it. But he does not have the ability of the other person's passive charm. These people seem to have not seen beautiful women for hundreds of years.

But a person who is so exaggerated can also be called a special case. However, a group of people were so upset by Liu Tianyi's face fans that this face does have a unique charm, even if there is no passive charm, it is enough to attract passersby.

Thinking, he suddenly awakened, remembering the conversation between the mentor and him after Liu Tianyi left in his previous life.

"Su and you guys are really amazing! Others see that Liu Tianyi doesn't have an unfascinated soul, you're good, and you don't change your face! I have to say that you can be regarded as talented."

"It's okay. Although Liu Tianyi is beautiful, I'm human and have independent thinking. As long as my will is firm, the other person's charm can't move me."

"You are wrong Su He, Liu Tianyi's charm is just a passive ability. Other people who can cultivate can also resist the charm of the other person as long as they maintain their heart. What is really powerful is Liu Tianyi's face, upside down All beings. Liu Tianyi as the princess of the fox, this face is blessed not to say ... the other's face has reached a perfect state. There are too many beautiful people in this world, but the public's aesthetics are different The beauty in the eyes of different people, regions, countries and even races is also different. But Liu Tianyi can let people who see each other be attracted regardless of men and women. This is the power of the other person's face. "

In the previous life Kimura and Shu didn't care about this, didn't think deeply, so they left behind. But now I want to think about it ... At that time, the mentor hinted that what Liu Tianyi really did was not the other's passive charm ability, but this face.

Thinking, he subconsciously touched his face, his eyes thoughtful.

This face is not right.

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