The Sword Deity in Tokyo

Chapter 257: Special lessons to

Hearing the sound, Yuta Miyamoto held a pen and looked at a small three-inch sword floating in the air next to him. His face was pale and sweaty. At this moment, the crisis of life and death emerged from his heart, and deep in his heart, involuntarily emerged fear.

His heart growled ... why, why is he so strong? !!

However, he did not dare to resist, biting his teeth, "It was a year ago."

A year's time.

Kimura and Shuki smiled. "You're really hopeless, but you're lucky."

Shiba Chiba next to him kept watching and didn't speak, and now seeing Miyamoto Yuta bowed his head, but saw Kimura and the tree had no movement, a little confused.

But soon she was not lost.

A dark shadow suddenly entered through the window, but neither Shiba Chiba nor Yuta Miyamoto saw.

The next moment, the black shadow saw the scene in front of him, and suddenly hesitated.

Less than a minute later, Miyamoto's family broke into more than a dozen people, led by Mr. Mitani.

Uninvited Mr. Mitani, when he saw Kimura and the tree, couldn't help but inhale, he respectfully said, "His Excellency Kimura." At this moment he secretly screamed, how could he meet each other here?

There was a matter about Ma Yousuke before. Although there was no news from the Ma family, Arima did not come to the special section to report. He noticed that it was wrong. Therefore, the director of Mitani inspected it with his own rights. Although he was not fully informed, he also knew that the person named Kimura and Shushu was powerful and terrible, and it was not something they could easily provoke.

Before he talked to the other party, because of the power of the Ma family, he also helped to relieve You Ma Yousuke. After learning about the situation of the Arima family, his heart was always in a trance state, and he didn't know how the other party would handle himself.

After learning that the other party ran to the Yulong Banner contest, he was relieved. I also thought that the strength of the other party was so horrible that I was too lazy to hold them accountable for their special lessons.

Thinking about it, he smiled bitterly, but he did not expect that one day he would be glad for his weakness.

But at this moment, he froze and panicked. How could you meet each other here.

Yuta Miyamoto, this guy, they have been paying attention for a month. The reason why Miyamoto Yuta can be found is because a member of the special class group saw a grim-faced woman on the street, followed by a ghost-faced warrior, which surprised him.

Staring at the scorching sun during the daytime, and still being able to wander around the crowd on the street, how strong is this ghost?

After investigation, I learned that the uncle's woman was named Kita Orange, who was in her early twenties and had just graduated from college.

In order not to hit the grass and scare the snake, the special class followed up and observed it secretly, and found that there was not only one ghost warrior. Every three days, another warrior with a grimace will change his shift. This is what they saw with their own eyes, otherwise, the warrior with a grimace is the same, and they really can't tell the difference. And with the investigation, I also know that this ghost warrior is not as strong as imagined.

After all, the people in the special class tracked and the other party didn't find it.

While taking advantage of the gap between Grimace Samurai, the people in the special class also sent people to follow the Grimace Samurai. Then I came to the Miyamoto family, but I did not know the truth of the Miyamoto family, and the people in the special class did not break in without authorization. In order not to alarm Yuta Miyamoto, the people in the special class were not under surveillance. Because someone noticed the inside, there were a lot of creatures similar to the ghost warrior.

This discovery also makes special lessons tricky.

The director of Mitani was very decisive. He directly sent a team to ambush the ghost warrior, and planned to test the strength of the opponent. As a result of the battle, I was a little surprised. This grimace warrior looked too strong and mysterious.

After learning this news, the director of Mitani also made a decision and chose a time, intending to come directly to the door.

He plans to use a dress first to see how Miyamoto Yuta behaves. If the other party is a vicious one, he will compensate the other party for killing the ghost-faced warrior. When possible, he can also absorb the other party into a special department.

But Miyamoto Yu is too afraid that the chance is not a good person, because at the time of monitoring, the ghost warrior had killed two people. Both were male and both wanted to be close to Kita Tachibana and were killed silently at night.

After so long observation, everyone in the special class knew that this grimace warrior was probably a bodyguard. So after investigating the two men who died, they were shocked to find that these two men were just ordinary people ... but the ghost warrior killed people directly at night, which made many people unacceptable.

Being able to join special subjects, although they are younger generations of major families, they have a sense of justice in their hearts. Grimace warrior's indiscriminate killing of innocent people has angered many people.

This is also the reason why Mr. Mitani brought so many people here. There are still a dozen people in the periphery. Most of the people in the special class came tonight. The appearance of Kimura and the tree disrupted Mitani's plan.

The team members next to Mr. Mitani looked at the class leader with shocked eyes, and then quietly looked at Kimura and the tree, wanting to see who the other party was, he could make the class leader behave like this, even without regard Own face.

Shiba Chiba also curiously looked at these appearing people ~ ~ From the uniform uniform, these people are obviously people of the same organization. However, she stayed nearby, kept silent, did not disturb He Shu, just looked.

"Leader Mitani?"

"It's the next one." Although the head of the Mitani section was still in his heart, he responded calmly, and he grinned. "Honor Kimura, I didn't expect to meet you here. It seems that you and the special class are really destined. I will inspect you for special lessons. "

The members of the other special classes were stunned. They were all young elites of each family. They did not see Mr. Mitani's smile on them.

Kimura and Tree were unconvinced. He looked at Yuta Miyamoto. At this time, the other side looked at so many people, obviously confused and frightened. When his own strength does not work, Mrs. Miyamoto now looks like a cowardly beast, only to be slaughtered.

"You are here for him," Kimura and Shushu said indifferently. "This guy has done a lot of evil and left it to you."

"No problem." Hearing this, Mr. Mitani also knew that he didn't need to talk to Yuta Miyamoto. Kimura and Shuki had already determined the matter, and he couldn't brush the other's face. Coupled with the investigation, I also know that Miyamoto Yutai is not a good person.

While the two were talking, they did not find Yu Miyamoto's frightened eyes, gradually despairing, especially during the conversation, they did not look at him, the kind of contempt that made him feel trampled on his dignity. His desperate eyes gradually resentment. He knew that he had been arrested, so the smart pen in his hands would be forced to be withdrawn and no longer belong to himself.

Without a pen, he killed so many people. Can he be forgiven? Thinking about it, the next moment he looked away.

"Don't even think about what I can't get!"

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