The Sword Deity in Tokyo

Chapter 262: Final exam

Time passed quickly and it was July in a flash.

In the early morning, Chunyang lay on the bed and heard the alarm coming from the bedside table. She slept with a dim light in her eyes, and her voice disappeared.

The next moment, Chunyang rubbed her eyes. She sat on the bed, her eyes staring at the front without focus, and she sat there for a few minutes before she could feel refreshed. Picking up the phone and looking at it, it was 6.53 in the morning.

After yawning, Chunyang grabbed her hair and seemed to have a nightmare yesterday.

In recent days, Chunyang has found that she has not continued dreaming about her mother. Some time ago, she dreamed almost every day, and every time she dreamed about her mother, she also dreamed of the senior.

I haven't seen my mom in my dreams recently, which makes her a little bit lost.

After getting up, get dressed and push out the door. She lives in the innermost room on the second floor, so she can wake up all three others by knocking on the door one by one.

"Get up, Xia Wei!"


"Get up!" Chun Yang took a deep breath and used Jingshan's gas to converge, making a huge sound in her mouth, which was taught by her senior recently.

"Come to death, Chunyang!"

Xia Wei's voice came from the room, and then Chunyang heard a bang in the door, not knowing whether Xia Wei fell to the ground or hit the door with a pillow.

"Ahhh! I want to kill you, Chunyang !!"

Qiu Nai's voice came from the door of the second room.

And the first door was suddenly opened, Dong He was wearing white pajamas, staring at Chun Yang with a shawl on her face, like a ghost, she said quietly, "This will scare people."

Chun Yang smiled, "Today is the final exam, don't sleep anymore, get up early! And you asked me to get up last night." At the ancient bridge home, only Chun Yang's biological clock is the most normal, every day is Get up before seven. At other times, Chunyang called them to get up, but it was not so early, mainly because it was special today.

Final exam!

Hearing these four words, Qiu Nai and Xia Wei suddenly struck a spirit in the room, and they both became energetic, and quickly dressed and rushed out.

"Is the final exam finally coming ... I have been looking forward to it for a long time."

"Hehe ... you look forward to a fart, you look forward to the summer vacation."

"What's the plan for the summer vacation?" Donghe yawned. She slept a little late last night, mainly because she was a little excited, because "Legend of the Sword" will be released in a day or two.

As the new fan of July, fans of "Legend of Sword" have long been waiting for it. As for her, it is naturally because of "Sword of Legend" has its own voice-over!

This is her debut, although only with a small role. And it's still Rachel's daughter ... Thinking of the senior Cos over Rachel, even though it was a young version of Rachel, she looked a little weird.

"Speaking of summer vacation, of course the sea!"

After hearing Xia Wei's words, Qiu Nai sneered, "Return to the sea, do you think reality is an animation, do you go to the beach to give benefits to those stink men as soon as summer vacation? And did we go there last year? Go, aren't you tired? "

Dong He poked, "Qiu Nai, don't you just not swim?" When going to the beach last year, Qiu Nai hadn't learned to swim for a long time. In the end, he could only stare.

"I'm not going this year, I'm going to participate in the CM Man Exhibition! And my game is about to be produced, and it will be released on Steam ... And before that, our working group invited a book artist to let the other party paint us Fandom of the game, when the time goes to the exhibition to sell fanzine, and incidentally promote the game. "

"So fast?" Chunyang was surprised. "Don't you begging for help from the senior?"

"It's not needed anymore." Qiu Nai did ask Kimura and Shu for help before, mainly in the area of ​​action design. The action designers in their group had very strict requirements for the skills and movements of the game characters. She had been looking for a senior after the Yulong Banner contest Help, but because the senior posted a popular science video of Liu Shengfei Jianliu on Twitter, the video explained the three basics of Liu Shengfei Jianliu deeply.

The action designer of their game team, watched this video all watched the magic owl, some time ago, the protagonist's skill action has been designed. But how to see it, there are the shadows of Liu Shengfei Jianliu in it.

"Will Dong go with you then?" Xia Wei was still looking forward to the sea.

Glancing at Xia Yiyi, Dong He shook her head and said, "I won't go." During the summer vacation, she was going to a cram school. She was determined to study hard, how could she waste time in the summer vacation. Thinking, Dong He took a meaningful look at Chun Yang. Recently, Chun Yang has also started to take cram school. I am afraid that the other party may not find time for summer activities.

Dong He's sense of crisis is full, she not only has to compete with Chunyang, but also with Chiba Shiori. The other party is now a well-known light novel writer on the Internet: Teacher Yan Si. Recently, the plot of "Reading Tokyo" has climaxed again and again ~ ~ It can be said that the light novel of "Reading Tokyo" has truly become a phenomenon-level novel.

And just when many publishing houses and animation production companies wanted to contact Teacher Yansi, at the end of the fourth volume, Teacher Yansi issued a notice saying that they had signed a contract with Qingjisha. So "Read Tokyo" has been stopped, and the subsequent content will be presented to everyone in the form of publishing.

Although readers regret this, they did not make trouble, because this is the norm in the light novel world. If the works published on the light novel website are favored by the publishing house, then basically they will not be updated, only the novels will be published.

The Youth Season also took the opportunity to announce that the animation of "Reading Tokyo" has been put on the agenda, and the first season's planning will focus on the previous three volumes.

Although this excites readers, many readers have expressed doubts about the strength of Qingjisha.

After all, Qingjisha is a new company, and it is difficult for them to believe that this company will make "Read Tokyo" well. However, there are also many people who know Qingji Club and know that the animation of "Legend of the Sword" is made by this company. So many people are waiting for the release of "Legend of Sword". At that time, you can guess the quality of "Reading Tokyo" from the animated "Legend of the Sword".

"It seems that we have to go our separate ways during the summer vacation." Chunyang smiled. She certainly did not go to the beach. Last year, she went to the beach because it was a quadruped. Annoying.

This summer vacation, like winter and guessing in his heart, Chunyang has made up his mind to study hard.

The champion of the Yulong Banner contest has been won, and she is satisfied.

The next step is to improve your academic performance, strive to catch up with the seniors, and strive to be admitted to the University of East China in the college entrance examination three years later, and then become a senior's sister.

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