I am a sword fairy in Tokyo Chapter 266 x Audiobook

"All these for me"

Shiba Chiba couldn't help asking curiously.

"Yes." Kimura and Shu nodded affirmatively. He could see Shiba Chiba's doubts. "This is for your defense."

Shiba Chiba opened her mouth, and she stopped talking. What she wants to say is that she is just an ordinary person and lives in an ordinary person's world. I am afraid that these characters are not used at all. She thinks that these amulets are better left in the hands of the tree.

Kimura and Shuki certainly knew Shiba Chiba's thoughts. He groaned for a while and then directly said, "Aggression Fuyu, for me now can only be regarded as the icing on the cake."

His current level of strength, modestly speaking, should be about the first hundred levels in the world, but in terms of combat power, there may be the first three levels. The addition of imperial swordsmanship cannot be underestimated, so these are like the spirit fire charms. Things basically have no effect on him. Of course, the thunderbolt is still useful. After all, this is a symbol that can only be drawn by the world, so he also has a spare, and he gave two to Shiba Shiori, just in case it is not spare.

On the contrary, some functional runes are very useful to him, like the previous runes.

Seeing Chiba Shiori had to speak, Kimura and Shuji interrupted, "I plan to form a small group, most of them are monks, I don't know if you want to join"

At this moment, Chiba Shiori was amazed, she said with a little joy, "That is to say, I can also deal with those grudges with you in the future, it is for me."

"No." Kimura and Shuki looked at each other strangely, he shook his head, and repeated again, "These amulets are for your self-defense." He asked Shiba Chiba to join the small group, but not to let the other party For the adventure, he would not let a girl without any force remove spirit with him.

In the future, the spirit will really be eliminated as a team, then Shiba Chiba must be sitting in the back of town. When you encounter something weird, you can refer to it. After solving the problem, the IQ of Shiba Chiba can also review it and summarize the experience.

He pulled Chiba Shiori into a small team, which is to use Chiba Shiori's IQ. It's not that the weak woman who has no power over the other's hands is going to risk it.

After Chimura and Shuki spoke openly and explained, Shiba Chiba was quite speechless, but also had an excited mood. She had done so much before, so why wasn't it just to get the approval of Heshu? Now she can form a small team with Shushu and can think of herself, then the previous work is not wasted.

Although it only acts as a think tank, it has also been completely recognized by Heshu.

If you have not made a plan before, show yourself, and He Shu will still notice yourself. Do you think of yourself when you want to form a small team?

I'm afraid not, she thought for sure.

"Do you want to form a team, do you want to find them from Ito?"

After hearing that, Kimura and Shu looked at each other in surprise, he nodded, "Yes, you guessed it."

Shiba Chiba sipped his lipstick slightly, squinting his eyes and saying, "It's not enough to guess that you have to build a team after participating in the Jade Dragon Banner Contest. Then someone must have entered your eyes. Otherwise, there are not enough In this case, even if you have this idea, you cannot implement it. "

Kimura and the tree suit, it seems that he really did not find the wrong person, Chiba Shiori's thinking is really very flexible, he did not disclose too much information, the other party can think of it instantly, really powerful. He nodded. "Yes, these people in the Yulong Banner contest are all elites in the ancient sword world. However, I haven't asked them yet, I don't know if they want to join."

"I will definitely join in." Chiba Shiori looked determined, the effect of Reiki, she has now completed understanding, and she has seen Lilyko gradually lose her memory in front of her, and then turned into a mass of red spirit in white. She saw that Kimura and the tree absorbed the aura with her own eyes. To be honest, when she saw that scene, she was quite intolerable and always felt a little cruel.

But soon also wanted to drive. That's the same truth. After all, people die, they can become ghosts after they die, their wishes can be fulfilled, and then they dissipate in the heavens and the earth, and they are much luckier than those who cannot be transformed into ghosts.

The ghost can also complete the obsession in the heart. If ordinary people do not have too strong obsession, they will die if they die.

Therefore, Shiba Chiba also thought very openly, and completed the ghost's obsession, so that the ghost left the world with satisfaction, in fact, is also a good thing in disguise. And the completion of the ghost's mindfulness has been turned into an aura and absorbed. This is not the answer. Maybe a good man has a good reward? Perhaps, this is a saying of God's own will in the meditation.

"You also told me before that Reiki is the foundation of all cultivation. You are so eager for Reiki. Ito-kun are weaker than you and definitely more eager." Chiba Shiori smiled eagerly, " So if you invite them, they will definitely join. You can even invite them now to see the situation. "

"Okay." Kimura and Shuki have never been embarrassed people. Since Shiba Chiba said so, he directly picked up his mobile phone and started to contact Ito-shi.

"Ito Shi, I plan to form a small team of about ten people. The main purpose of the team is to help and remove spirits. Are you interested in joining?"

"Join and join ~ www.readwn.com ~ Boss I join" At this moment, Ito was back in seconds, and the names of Kimura and Shu changed. He typed excitedly at home, "What is the name of the team?"

Kimura and Shuji stunned for a while. He could see the excitement from the reply of Ito Shi, and was quite puzzled.

However, Kimura and Shuki don't know that their strength in the eyes of Ito Shi is simply unfathomable and this unfathomable person wants to form a small team and invites himself to join. If they don't agree, would it be a missed opportunity. As for the treatment after joining, he did not ask at all.

"Not picked yet, tentatively named x."


Ito was unable to speak up, but he was not concerned about the name at the moment, he was curious, "In addition to me, the boss, who have you invited?"

"I intend to invite Tsukahara to them."

"Did you tell them?"

"not yet."

"Then leave it to me to invite."

Seeing this, Kimura and Tree were alert, he asked, "What do you want to say to them?"

"Of course, let them pay the tour fee, extortion one million before saying it." Ito proudly said, "Of course, money is not important. It is important to enjoy the pleasure of IQ crushing" Obviously, the last time Yulong was charged Note made him feel another pleasure. After all, in terms of military force, he really did not have Tomo Saito and Tsukahara Yuzhen, but their IQ is higher than them, and Ito is also very happy.

Kimura and Shu are speechless. He believes that Ito is really not for money, but for the bad taste in his heart.

After all, the house in Weier Apartment said it would be delivered, and the Ito family was obviously a tyrant family.

"I'll invite it myself, don't make a mess."

"Okay." Ito's tone was disappointed.

I am a sword fairy in Tokyo

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