The Sword Deity in Tokyo

Chapter 270: Vein activation

Activate blood, fusion god. It's only eight words, which is easy to say, but as I said before, there are prerequisites.

For a perfect fusion god, it is best if the soul of the dead is related to the living.

In the era when the Aura was not revived, this blood relationship was too difficult to find. Because ... most people who can become good ghosts after death cannot be cultivated. And before death, you must have a strong obsession to become a soul.

Just these two prerequisites are nothing.

And activating the blood, the fusion god, is actually not simple.

The path of the **** of the gods is the path that the Japanese yin and yang masters and witches devoted themselves to open up. The purpose is to strengthen their strength and break through the limits of the traditional realm.

In the age of thin aura, it is basically impossible for a person to cultivate to metamorphosis. Even if you practice to build foundations in the fourth and fifth layers, it will be difficult.

Like Ito Shizuka and Tsukahara Yumiko, don't look at the second stage of swordsmanship just after entering high school. But this is cultivated by resources. From the perspective of Kimura and Shu, these geniuses ... I am afraid that if there are no adventures in life, they can only stop at the fourth stage of Jianyi, maybe they can break through the fifth stage before they die.

Wuyi of Jianyi is basically invincible in this era.

Kimura and Shu's current state is in the fifth base of Zhuji, but before accepting Arima's indemnity and Lily's aura, now he can break through to the sixth with a kick.

The reason why it is so fast is mainly due to the two evil spirits that Qiuzhi High School almost stepped into the world of metamorphosis.

The two evil spirits were formed under very special circumstances.

It is difficult to meet such evil spirits.

In the age of thin reiki, the difficulty of cultivation is difficult to reach the sky. Therefore, in order to strengthen their own strength, a few people practice with one heart, but most of them will put their minds on ways to increase strength.

In Japan, Shigami was developed this way.

In the early days, Shishen was not so easy to be able to merge, even the direct blood was a life of death. After the transformation of the yin and yang masters and witches from generation to generation, the activation of the bloodline and the fusion **** became safe and convenient.

After learning that the blood is activated and the fusion **** is not in danger, Chunyang is relieved. At this time, she also remembered that when she was eating, many people looked at her with deep envy.

At that time, she was very cute and didn't know what these people admired. After the senior had given her science, she realized that she was envious of a mother who had died as a ghost. But ... if she let herself choose, she would rather not take this opportunity, and would like to revive her mother.

It is a pity that man cannot die again.

With this idea, Chunyang followed the senior into the house step by step. She worried, "Senior ... is there really no danger?"

"Really." Kimura and Shu are not impatient with Chun Yang's repetitive questions, thinking in other places. If you are yourself, you have to keep asking ... Even if you get a positive answer, you will be worried.

"Well ... I believe in seniors." Chun Yang smiled reluctantly.

Seeing this scene, the ancient bridge Sakura Jiu, she was thinking that she was going to die, so she kept saying in her dreams how good and wonderful Kimura and the tree are, and now her daughter ’s love status is estimated that What is what.

However, Guqiao Yingjiu was skeptical that the role of doing things in his dream should not be so great.

She also sells Kimura and Shuki to Qiunai, but looking at Qiunao, she doesn't seem to have any special feelings for Kimura and Shuki.

I'm afraid ... Chunyang should have love for Kimura and the tree.

With this in mind, Furuhashi Sakurako and Chunyang sat opposite each other.

Later, as Kimura and Shu said, they sat in the middle of the array and clasped their hands.

This action was a bit shameful, but Chunyang didn't say anything, and her mother didn't say much.

"Are you ready?"

"Okay." The mother and daughter spoke in unison, then smiled at each other.

Kimura and Tree nodded. The next moment, the aura in the body burst out, and a ray of aura was like a dragon, quickly covering the entire formation.

After Reiki covered the entire formation, the first to feel the difference was Guqiao Yingjiu. A comfortable feeling spreads all over her body. She thought that it would be very painful to activate the bloodstream ... I did not expect it was not this time thing.

However, when she didn't see it, the moment the matrix method was activated, numerous small holes suddenly opened on the two sides of the entire house, and a rush of white air poured in.

Seeing this, Kimura and the tree really did.

Activate the blood, but also lead to incense.

Incense is the only thing that can transform it into crystals. The words of the practitioners, although they can control them, can only be used as a guide.

Therefore, the ancient yin and yang masters and witches conveniently used incense ~ ~ to activate the blood vessels and inhale the incense to relieve the monk's pain. In simple words, incense is an analgesic and a tranquilizer, which can alleviate the pain and negative effects when activating blood vessels.

This is why you come to Fukuyama Shrine, because incense is only available in large quantities in Japan.

At this time, Guqiao Yingjiu and Chunyang both closed their eyes subconsciously and felt the comfort.

In the eyes of Kimura and Shu, Chunyang's whole body was glowing with red light. The red light covered Chunyang, and a thin strand of red thread passed from the palm of her hand into the body of the ancient bridge Yingjiu.

When more red thin lines are input, Chunyang's face becomes pale. After half an hour, Chunyang's face was pale as paper, but soon the process passed. The ancient bridge Sakura Jiu was full of warm feelings ... At this moment, she seemed to have a feeling of being born, and found the feeling of being a person.

You need to know that although she is a materialized ghost, being a ghost and being a person are two different things. It feels different too ... but now she has the touch of being human.

But this feeling comes fast and goes fast.

Kimura and Shuzu watched quietly, but he didn't need to be in the room. And staying in the room, in addition to worrying about accidents, just want to see what the bloodline activation and fusion gods look like. In the end, Chun Yang's bloodline can activate Guqiao Yingjiu's ability.

After all, he is a scientific researcher. I have never seen anything like this before, so I am curious. After all, there are so many ways to cultivate in Huaxia, and he usually doesn't touch the Japanese gods at all.

After more than two hours, even in summer, night came.

After the white scent of incense was cleared, the mother and daughter of Guqiao Yingjiu and Chunyang slowly opened their eyes.

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