The Sword Deity in Tokyo

Chapter 276: Familiarity

I am a sword fairy in Tokyo Chapter 276

The party quickly reached the top of Genting Mountain, and as soon as they came up, they saw a ruined shrine.

The shrine is small and belongs to small and medium-sized shrines.

Before entering the shrine, you must pass through the Torii Gate.

However, the torii gate-shaped front door has been worn by the wind and rain. The two red pillars that fixed the torii have revealed the white wood inside, and the whole is potty. The pillar on the right has completely collapsed to the ground without the support of the pillar on the right. Looking from the sky, the entire torii fell to the ground in the shape of a large boomerang.

He Maosheng stepped forward, looked at Zhulian, which fell to the ground, inspected it slightly, and then shook his head with a sigh. "Junlian has been completely destroyed and the enchantment of Yundao Shrine has been broken."

Generally, shrines with yin and yang divisions have enchantments. The enchantment is based on the torii, and is set on the torii gate. In addition to generating enchantments, it is also to prevent disaster from passing.

The so-called calamity refers to something that is not clean.

"From the perspective of the damage of the Torii, the seal of Yundo Shrine has been broken. It should be half a year," Kimura and Shushu wondered.

"If we run away, we can only explain the situation to the **** Fuming Palace." He Maosheng smiled bitterly. "I'm afraid that we will set up a team to investigate and handle this matter."

He Maosheng, Japan ’s great yin and yang master, the **** ghost Fuming Palace, asked the other party to come over, mainly to understand the situation of the Yundo shrine. However, although He Maosheng is powerful, he has always been a cautious person, so he wanted to invite others to investigate with himself. Of course, if you get any benefits, it is natural to distribute according to work.

If you can't find anything, it's nothing more.

Although the Yundo Shrine has been reported in the god-ghost Fuming Temple, it has remained outside the circle of Japanese yin and yang divisions. The discovery of the collapse of the Yundo Shrine was only discovered when a witch from the **** ghost Fuming Palace visited a friend. After seeing this, the witch did not enter the investigation, but informed the **** and ghost Fuming Palace as soon as possible.

The other party apparently knew that Unshima Shrine suppressed the demon, so he did not go to the shrine to die.

"According to the **** and ghost Fuming Palace, Yundao Shrine was destroyed and it should be a year old." He Maosheng sighed. "In this case, you should inform the **** and ghost Fuming Palace earlier, but it is a pity."

Now that there is no one at Yundo Shrine, it is clear that both the yin-yang master and the witch in the shrine have suffered unexpectedly.

Chunyang was on the side, watching the terrible scene, and couldn't help but say, "Why did the people in Sakagami village not rebuild the shrine? According to Grandpa He Mao you just said, this Yundao shrine should be suppressed and suppressed by generations of Sakagami family. . "

"Because after the yin yang master and witch of Yundao Shrine were overthrown, the inheritance of Sakagami's family was broken." He Maosheng didn't speak, and when she spoke, her pretty face looked like a young man with a stern expression, " The inheritance of the cloud island shrine is that each generation of yin and yang masters or witches select qualified people in Sakakami-mura and teach them carefully. Then they take over the role of suppressing the demon, so the villagers of Sakakami-mura do not know what the cloud island shrine is Yes, they only know that there is a Yundao shrine on Yundao Mountain, that's all. "

"So it is." Chunyang suddenly realized.

Ordinary villagers in Sakagami don't know what the Unshima Shrine is doing, they thought it was just an ordinary shrine. Coupled with the closed village, the village is extremely backward and poor. The Yundao Shrine looks like this now. If you want to rebuild the Yundao Shrine, it is estimated that each family will pay for it to rebuild it. However, the roads repaired by Banshangcun were gravel roads, not concrete roads. If they paid for rebuilding the Yundo Shrine, no one would do it.

Perhaps the people of the first generation of Sakakami-mura knew about the role of Unshima Shrine, but now it has been more than a thousand years ago. I am afraid that only the yin-yang masters and witches of Unshima Shrine are aware of this.

They also do not take the initiative to inform the people in the village, after all, this will cause panic.

I heard that Kimura and the tree looked forward, and the entire shrine had collapsed. However, this scene gave him a familiar feeling.

Thinking, Kimura and the tree came to the shrine. Although the shrine in front of it is completely damaged, it can still be seen faintly.

And this scene made him more familiar.

"Where is the seal suppressed by Unshima Shrine"

"It still has to look for something." He Maosheng looked helpless.

"Okay, then we look for it separately." Kimura and Shu pulled Chunyang and instructed, "follow me."

"Well," Chunyang responded hard, and Guqiao Yingjiu looked at her daughter with excitement, and she could not help but slap her lips.

He Maosheng naturally had no opinion, and he let Fei Bird and Bu Yi follow him. Although it takes a long time to find the seal, it is safer.

Moreover, the Yundo Shrine itself is not large, so it doesn't take much effort to investigate.

But in half an hour, a white Qianhe crane flew over. Under Chunyang's curious eyes, Qianhe crane suddenly said, "Master Kimura, I have found the seal point. Come with me."

Listen to the sound, it's Asuka.

Chunyang's eyes flashed with her favorite color. Apparently Qian Zhihe could still communicate, which made her a little yearning.

Kimura and Tree didn't talk, but they followed ~ ~ but within a few minutes, they came to a room. Unlike Yundo Shrine, although the house is a stone house, it is intact.

As soon as they entered the door, they saw the three of He Maosheng, and the thousand paper cranes flew into the hands of the birds, turned into a yellow rune, and were carefully closed by the birds. Seeing Chunyang's eyes, Asuka smiled and said with a flamboyant tone, "This is a thousand paper crane charms, used to spread news. But the flaws are also obvious. The distance of the spread is too short. I am still studying How can thousands of paper crane charms communicate for thousands of miles. "

Thousands of paper crane charms are obviously a bit of a chop in modern times, after all, as long as there is a mobile phone, they can be completed. But Qian Zhihe Fu was developed by Asuka, and he will show off when he is fine.

The bud next to it was speechless.

"Here it is." Kimura and the tree did not have anything strange about the Qian Zhihe Fu. He had seen this a lot, and he had all the effects of Fu Zhi. The flying bird was in front of him, it was just a little witch and a big witch.

"The residence of the yin and yang masters of the Yundao Shrine of all ages." He Maosheng stood by a table, and he bent slightly, holding a wooden desk lamp covered with dust on the table, twisted slightly.

The next moment, Kimura and the tree saw the whole table sinking. Within a short while, a passage to the ground was revealed.

The organs are obvious, but Kimura and Shu also know that I am afraid that the yin and yang divisions of Yundao Shrine live here to suppress the demon at all times. In addition, the yin and yang division outside does not come very often, so even if the organization is obvious, outsiders will not know.

Kimura Kazuo and He Maosheng looked at each other and took the lead to say, "I'll go first."

He Maosheng bowed his head, and he was welcome.

He is a yin and yang division, and Kimura and Shu are sword repairs.

According to the Japanese monk circle, Jian Xi's lead is a hidden rule.

I am a sword fairy in Tokyo

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