The Sword Deity in Tokyo

Chapter 279: Feudal superstition

When Kimura, Shushu and He Maosheng came down to the village, they found that the dark village of Banshang was quiet, but in the fields on the left and right, many people were holding sickles to cut wheat.

This scene gives a sense of black humor. The two looked at each other and had an absurd feeling.

Although ... it is almost certainly the season for wheat to mature, but when is it now?

At seven or eight o'clock in the evening, the whole village is not lighting, but is cutting wheat here? This…

The two stood for two minutes, and Kimura and Shu slowly spoke. "Her Excellency, do you know what this is about?"

He Maosheng shook his head and smiled bitterly, "I was the first time I saw someone cutting wheat at night ... and I looked at it and found that although the village of Banshang was dark, these villagers were all on the ground, obviously with night vision. Ability."

Kimura and Shu nodded, and he also observed it just now, thinking that these people were controlled. But he clearly saw that while the villagers were cutting wheat, they were communicating, and their eyes were divine, not as if they were being controlled. Obviously, the thinking is clear, not like a tadpole.

"Well, Mr. Kimura, Grandpa He Mao!"

The two stood here for a few minutes and just wanted to find someone to ask what was going on. But when they heard a surprise sound coming from them, they turned around and saw it was Ogami Sakami.

He Maosheng immediately showed a kind smile, "Little Otome, we just came down from the mountain and wanted something to eat, just ..." He pointed to the scene, a bit absurd, "What's going on in Sakagami-mura?"

With the eyes of Otoko Sakakami, she kept looking at Kimura and the tree, and then reacted a bit awkwardly. "Ah ... Grandpa He Mao, what did you just say, there are too many people here, I didn't hear clearly."

He Mao lamented the charm of Kimura and the tree under his heart, and then repeated it.

"Oh ... this, I don't even know it." Ogami Sakakami scratched her head and said, "Since I remembered, Sakakami-mura has this custom. Wheat is ripe and must be harvested at night. And the entire Sakami-mura has been It ’s a night event. In fact, I was also curious. Before leaving the village, I thought that the wheat was harvested at night. "

"Did you not ask your parents?" Kimura and Shu asked.

"I remember asking myself when I was a kid, but my parents seemed to answer me, but I forgot it, and I did n’t ask when I grew up ... and everyone is used to it, I guess it ’s a custom in the village." . "

This custom is scary enough.

If someone outside came in and saw the people's congress at Sakakami-mura cutting wheat here at night, it would be scared to death. There is a sense of absurdity in **** picture scrolls.

Without waiting for the two to talk, Otoko Sakakami laughed, "Kimura, Grandpa He Mao, are you hungry, I just came home, my mother cooked a lot of dishes, there are still many left, should you bring some food to Chunyang on the mountain? They eat? "Seeing the suspicious look of the two, Sakakami Otome quickly said," It was an uncle of mine who saw you going up the mountain, so I think you should come to investigate the problem of Unshima Shrine. "

Kimura and Shu and He Maosheng did not speak, all nodded.

The two followed Otome Sakakami, Kimura and Tree looked at the people around Sakakami Village, and he suddenly asked, "Why is there no one in Sakakami Village during the day?"

He thought that when he came here at noon today, there was no one in the house except for an old man who greeted Otomo Sakagami, and he was dead. He Maosheng was surprised when he heard about this problem.

"Because they are all sleeping." Otoko Sakakami looked at Kimura and the tree strangely. "If you don't sleep during the day, you can't mentally and physically cut wheat at night."

It makes sense that they were speechless for a moment.

Soon, the two came to Ozaka's home.

"Otome, why are you back so soon." As soon as he entered the door, Kimura and Shu heard an old voice. The next moment, the three saw an old grandmother with a cane appearing from the darkness. If it were an ordinary person, it would be half scared to death.

"Grandma, this is Kimura and Grandpa He Mao I told you during the day."

"Oh, it's them. Are you hungry? There are food in the cupboard. You can bring them for them."

"Okay." Ogami Sakakami responded happily and went to the back kitchen.

"Take a chair by yourself, don't be constrained." Grandma Sakakami looked at the two eyebrows and smiled. "There are no outsiders in the village for a long time. You should come here for the sake of the Yundo Shrine."

Kimura and the tree and He Maosheng randomly found a stool to sit down and heard this problem. Kimura and the tree did not speak. He sensed this house with the sense of God and planned to see if there was anything unusual. He wouldn't do that in the past because it was not polite, but Sakakami-mura was really weird to him.

You know, people yearn for light. It is counterintuitive to sleep during the day and work at night. After all, do you buy some daily necessities at night? Moreover, Sakagami Village has to take a bus to the nearest town ... and the bus has no reason to pass at night ~ ~ He Mao Sheng Jianmu and the tree next to him do not speak, and he laughs, "Yes, we are I came here to investigate the Unshima Shrine. I am the yin-yang division of the Kyoto Shinto Shrine Administration. The Yunshima Shrine is a shrine recorded in the Administration, so the Yunshima Shrine was destroyed. We must investigate it clearly. "

Upon hearing this, Kimura and Tree glanced at each other.

Shrine Administration? Why hasn't he heard it. It seems He Maosheng has a lie when he talks about lying.

"Shrine Administration? Are you from the government?" Grandma Sakagami apparently didn't know what the authority was, but the other side said that when he investigated the shrine, he was the government's person. village?

"Almost." He Mao Shengzhang said, "Sister Shang, do you know anything about the Yundo Shrine."

Hearing Sakakami ’s title, Grandma Sakakami was obviously quite happy. She smiled and said, "I know a little about this. I heard that Yundo Shrine on the mountain is suppressing a demon. But now Yundo Shrine is destroyed, it should be a demon Did you break the seal? "

Hearing this, Kimura and Shu heart tensed. He Maosheng looked at Grandma Sakakami calmly, he wondered, "Demons break through the seal, aren't you nervous?"

"What are we nervous about? Aren't these feudal superstitions? I grew up listening to this story since I was a kid, and I haven't seen anything magical about the yin and yang division of Yundo Shrine." With that, Grandma Sakakami suddenly thought of something and smile Then he said, "You won't believe it."

He Maosheng and Kimura and Shu looked at each other, quite speechless.

They were so serious that Grandma Sakakami was joking.

"What are you talking about, grandma? So happy?" Atsaka Sakagami came out with the food at this moment, and she couldn't help wondering about the situation.

"What about us at Liaoyun Island Shrine."

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