The Sword Deity in Tokyo

Chapter 282: Sakagami Otome

This hare was stung for five minutes.

Kimura and Tree watched this expression for five minutes without expression. He just saw that he wanted to subdue the other party first, and then pressed for some questions. But after thinking about it, the situation of the other party should be related to the so-called custom. Obviously, this so-called custom is probably not the case. It was the physical fitness of the villagers in Banshang Village.

These are some of the things that Kimura and Shu think of these minutes.

But if it is true, we have to look at the situation of the person in front of him. He plans to follow each other and see what happens.

However, when Kimura and Shuji were thinking, he felt a look. Looking up, the figure was staring at himself at this time, the whites of his eyes had long disappeared, bloody. Only the dark eyes in the middle remained normal.

"This guy has no sense anymore." Thinking like this, Kimura and Shu also wondered, "How did he perceive me?"

You know, just after he converged his breath to the extreme, even if He Maosheng is here, he is confident that the other party will not find himself. But in front of this figure, after eating the hare, he looked at himself for the first time, which was too keen.

"Does the other rely on smell, not vision?"

But this cannot be justified. His breath converges, and the taste of his whole body is integrated into the environment. How could there be such a flaw?

He didn't wait for him to think, just when he thought the other party was going to attack himself. However, he did not expect the figure to take a look at him, then turned and ran.

Unexpectedly, Kimura and the tree stayed for a while. The next moment, he chased up quickly, but his eyes turned away, his face was ugly, and he disappeared.

The opponent was not fast, although they were more than thirty meters away. But at his speed, it only took a moment to catch up with the other party. But before this started, the other party disappeared without a trace.

After finally realizing the slightest opportunity, he slipped away in his own hands. There was a sense of frustration in Kimura and Shu's heart. He carefully looked around and waited until the morning light was revealed. He didn't find the figure. Moreover, he had been hungry for a night and had no food.

When Kimura and the tree returned to the Yundo Shrine, they saw He Maosheng at the door, was about to knock on the door, and saw him come back. He could n’t help but "Hey, Kimura, didn't you take a rest last night?"

Kimura and the tree groaned for a while, without concealing things in the middle of the night, he truthfully told He Maosheng. The other person is older than himself and has a wide range of knowledge, maybe he can know something.

However, He Maosheng was surprised. Seeing Kimura and Shuki, he slightly shook his head, "If it ’s just eating flesh for a living, so are some monsters in this world. But you can disappear without a trace under your attention. I do n’t know about such creatures . "

He Maosheng apparently knew that what Kimura and Shu wanted to ask was not the speciality of the figure eating flesh and blood, but why he could disappear without a trace under his observation, even his breath disappeared.

"Look down the mountain"

"Okay," He Maosheng nodded, and after hearing what Kimura and Shu just said, he apparently noticed something wrong with Sakakami-mura. Especially the figure in Kimura and Shukou made him curious.

Later He Maosheng and Kimura and Shu shouted Chunyang and others. They met the figure in the middle of the night. Although they did not know its strength, Kimura and Shu didn't dare to let Chunyang stay in this place. It happened that he was hungry too, and he wanted to go out to the village to eat something first.

After a few people sorted out and washed, they went down.

When I came to Sakakami-mura, I found that there were still people moving. Seeing this, a few people walked slightly, the pace became slow. After the scorching sun appeared, there was a pedestrian village just now, and it was like a dead village in an instant, making Chunyang look strange.

As Kimura and the tree walked, they searched with divine knowledge. He remembered the **** smell last night. If the figure was really from Sakakami-mura, even if the teeth were cleaned, it would leave a little taste.

But having circled the entire village of Sakami, he didn't notice the **** smell of the rabbit.

Kimura, Shu, and others did not know when they were walking outside the village. On the mountainside of Yundao Mountain, a pair of arms broke through the wet ground, and then a figure slowly sat up. If Kimura and the tree are here, you can recognize the person in front of you at first glance, the figure in the middle of the night.

The figure had gray hair, a tough face, and a big figure. After he got up, he looked at the Yundo Shrine on the top of the mountain and walked towards the mountain step by step.

After arriving at the Yundo Shrine, he sensed it without any human breath. With a little disappointment in his eyes, he walked towards the stone house, and quickly twisted the organs, directly into the tunnel, and came to the water pond, and he jumped in without saying a word.

He stayed under the pool for nearly half an hour before he emerged from the water.

"The jade of the four souls is gone. It seems that they were taken away by Kimura Kim." Although the figure is male, what is shocking is that it is a crisp female voice, and this voice is really Otomo Sakakami , "Without the huge energy of the Four Souls of Jade, how could my wish be realized"

Although Grandma Sakakami hoped that Kimura and Shuki would take away the four souls' jade, so as to implement the plan to lift the curse, Sakakami Otome also accompanied Grandma after leaving in Kimura and Shu last night.

But in fact, the expectation of Ogami Sakami's heart is to get the jade of the four souls. Before, she knew that the jade of the four souls was in the water pond. But at that time she was not strong enough ~ ~ not enough to contact the four souls of the jade, otherwise she would die with just such an evil body.

This is why Grandmother Sakakami hopes that Kimura and Shuki will take away the four souls.

As for the legendary evil people who get the jade of the four souls will become resentment spirits, all fabricated.

The Four Souls' Jade is the purest power in the world. Any demon touches from the outside world will turn into ashes. Without enough power, if you want to control the jade of the four souls, even the broken jade of the four souls will be back bitten.

And Sakagami has been cursed, and all the villagers have become blood-eating monsters. Over the years, they have tried their best to lift the curse, but none of them worked. In the end, they put their hopes on the demon **** on the seal of Yundo Shrine. In their opinion, it was this devil who turned them into this appearance, which was recorded by the ancestors.

Then the bell must be tied, and the people in Sakakami-mura coerced the yin-yang master and witch of Yundo Shrine to destroy the jade of the four souls and want to communicate with the demon.

But after the seal was slightly cracked, although there was something strange, the people in Sakakami-mura did not see the so-called demon

For a moment, they just felt deceived

But I don't know, the demon has been parasitic on a young girl, this young girl is Ogami Sakami.

I am a sword fairy in Tokyo https: //

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