The Sword Deity in Tokyo

Chapter 287: No way is foolproof

In just one day, Sakakami Takeshi and Sakakami Yuta died one after the other.

This made the Mayor of Banshang start to panic, exactly like other villagers thought. This must be the demon **** began to retaliate.

One year ago, they destroyed the seal of the demon, but did not see the demon. They were angry, thinking that the so-called demon was the deception of their ancestors. But after calming down, they also knew that maybe the demon ran away after they broke the seal.

After all, the curse on them is absolutely true. Who fears the day, feeds on blood, and can only move at night?

Even genetic mutations are unlikely to be true for all villagers.

So Takasaka Sakakami is very imminent to get rid of the curse, but tomorrow is the time to get rid of the curse, so he will not be allowed to die anymore in these two days.

To dispel the curse, everyone in the village needs to contribute blood and activate the matrix method in the record. The more blood, the better. Everyone in Sakakami-mura is precious now.

Sakakami Taro had always wanted some people from Kimura and Shu to leave. Naturally, he didn't want to expose the curse of Sakakami. He was afraid that these people would reveal it. But just after seeing the shocking speed of Kimura and Shuji on Yundao Mountain, they disappeared into their eyes in a blink of an eye. Takasaka Sakakami knew that these people were not ordinary people. But really capable people.

Now the demon began to retaliate, and the people in Sakakami-mura could do nothing. And the curse is about to be eliminated. Sudden death is obviously the devil who wants to stop them. Then they naturally let the devil succeed.

Soon, Takasaka went to the room to comfort him, looking at the human skin on the ground.

Subsequently, Takasaka Sakagami took Kimura and Shu and his party to his home.

Although Takasaka was the head of the village, he didn't have a magnificent family, but was the same as other villagers' houses. Because of the curse, even if the people of Sakakami-mura are admitted to a well-known university, they cannot make their mark in the metropolis. Because the villagers in Banshang Village are in a very poor condition during the day, they will easily pass out if they are in the sun.

I can't work normally during the day, why would such a company want it? And basically no one in Sakakami has a good grade. Because during the day is learning time, how can it be learned in the case of poor physical condition.

Therefore, even if Sakakami-mura is moving towards development, it cannot develop. Always in poverty.

Takaro Sakakami greeted everyone to sit down, and he didn't have any shudder. Time was running short, and he opened the door directly to see the mountain road. "What do you want to know?"

Kimura Kazuo and He Maosheng looked at each other, he said, "About the curse."

Sakakami heard this and nodded. He was mentally prepared. Now he can't keep it from concealing. After all, the villagers whispered and disclosed some information. Others apparently didn't mean to hide it, and he knew what everyone thought. Every day I am under the pressure of cursing. Now there are outsiders to investigate the situation. Regardless of whether the people such as Kimura and Shu are good or bad, but there is still a glimmer of hope in the end.

According to the ideas of many villagers, they wanted Kimura and Shu to help. After all, no matter how bad the situation can be, if the curse cannot be lifted, what is the difference between them and life is not as good as death

It's just that he and his grandmother Sakakami have been under pressure all the time, so no one has contacted Kimura and Shuki. Two people died one day now, and everyone's mood obviously fluctuated greatly.

Thinking about it, Sakakami sighed, he was silent for a while, and then slowly spoke, "The curse of Sakakami-mura goes back to our ancestor Sakakami-mura."

With Takasaka's explanation, Kimura and Tree also learned about the curse of Sakakami-mura.

At the time of Maru Sakakami-mura, Ezo, now Hokkaido. At that time, rebels often fought against the government.

During the reign of Emperor Wu Wu, he began to aggressively crack down on Ezo, and the initial battle was not smooth. It wasn't until the time when the emperor extended his envoys that his companion brother Maru was recruiting generals. His companion Maru himself had no ability, but his general, Sakakami Tamura, fought bravely, breaking the Ezo, and calming down Okuwa area in one fell swoop.

However, what everyone does not know is that Maru Sakagami Tamura was promoted to General Levy, and after 20 years of exile, when he met Ezo for the second time, he encountered an enemy who was amazing and could not kill him.

"Can't kill" He Maosheng couldn't help asking, "Is the record true?"

Hearing that, Takasaka looked at He Mao Sheng with dissatisfaction, "Of course it is true. This is an incident recorded in the essay of our ancestors. It was written by the ancestors and has been preserved to this day."

"Perhaps it was because of immortality that this demon was sealed." Kimura and Shudan said indifferently. "Of course, it is also possible that Sakagami Tamura Maru did not find a correct way to destroy the demon, or it was not strong enough."

Seeing He Maosheng's apologetic smile, Sakakami snorted and heard Kimura and the tree, he nodded. "Our village also has this speculation. This undeadable enemy is called the demon by the ancestors. The form of the devil is also Few records, according to the ancestors, this demon form is cloud-like, and any physical attack has no effect on the demon. At that time, because of the demon, the ancestor also invited a powerful yin and yang division. Can not be the other party, and finally the ancestor of the ancestor was involved in danger, and then sealed this demon god. "

Take risks

"So after that ~ ~ the people of Sakakami-mura were cursed"

"Yes," Takasaka said slightly, "but the ancestor of the ancestor was not involved in the essay, otherwise, we might understand the situation at that time."

Chun Yang, who was silent on the side, suddenly said, "Then how do you know how to get rid of the curse, I will come all the way and listen to many villagers discussing that you will hold a ceremony to get rid of the curse tomorrow."

Sakakami smiled when he heard this. A wrinkled face reveals a deep self-mockery, "There is no way to get rid of the curse. There must be no way to get rid of the curse. Sakagami is not only our generation, there are also many village heads of previous generations holding rituals. , But they all failed. Tomorrow's ceremony, whether to remove the curse, we must also ask a question mark. "

But he is the village head. He must stand up and tell everyone with confidence that the ritual of removing the curse will be successful. Otherwise, how to make the people in the village unite many villagers are numb, and if they are not allowed to raise their confidence, it is estimated that they will not participate, because the previous generations have failed too many times.

"How did you hear about the ritual of removing the curse"

The so-called ritual is just a method, and the method cannot always be changed out of thin air.

"I found it at Unshima Shrine."

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