The Sword Deity in Tokyo

Chapter 294: I hate people threatening me most

I am a sword fairy in Tokyo Chapter 294 I hate people threatening me most

Seeing this, Ogami Sakami could not help but be surprised. She was shocked that although Maru Sakagami Tamura became a god, her strength was much higher than when she was a general.

In other words, the two are not comparable. After all, Maru Sakagami Tamura was just an ordinary person before his death, and he can cultivate after his death, and his strength is no longer the same.

The result did not expect that in just one round, Maru Sakagami Tamura was beheaded. This made her look dignified, it seemed necessary to get the blood of Kimura and the tree, otherwise it might not be able to survive tonight.

Although Sakakami Otomi can control the blood of creatures, she must taste the blood of the person she wants to control in order to easily control it. This is a limitation of her ability.

However, the next moment, her face changed drastically. "How is it possible?" She suddenly discovered that she could no longer control Maru Sakagami Tamura.

She can be resurrected from death again and again, so Maru Sakagami Tamura was naturally given the ability to resurrect from death, but Maru Sakagami Tamura is too huge. If you want to resurrect, you will consume a lot energy. With her current strength, she can only revive Sakakami Tamura Mari forty or fifty times.

Forty or fifty times, you should be able to get the blood of Kimura and the tree.

But now, her abilities don't work.

Seeing this, Kimura and Tree couldn't help showing a smile. "It seems that your control ability is just that."

He had just cut off the head of Saka Utamura Maru with a sword, and in order to prevent the other party from resurrecting, he directly threw a separator. And this spacer was painted with red aura.

Since his strength continued to improve, Kimura and Shuk knew that he could use his strength to resolve basically anything he encountered. But sometimes there are some things that can't be solved by strength.

So before going to bed every night, he would meditate on drawing symbols. There were many types of symbols he drew, and he did n’t draw many of them, only one or two. Isolation symbols were one of them.

There are too many people who can manipulate avatars or puppets in the Reiki revival era. Isolators are an effective puppet to deal with such monks.

In addition to this world, strength is sometimes not unique. And different countries have different cultivation systems.

In fact, Chinese cultivating immortals, Japanese yin and yang masters, and British magicians, etc., are actually the use of aura.

Different cultivation systems also result in different abilities. As for who is stronger, it is natural to bring up the realm, and the power of casting spells will increase, which is obvious.

But some weird methods are invincible.

Like Otome Sakagami right now, he still doesn't know what the other party has. So he treated it very cautiously. It wasn't that he didn't want to help the people in Sakakami-mura, but the relaxed expression of Ogami Sakakami. It didn't seem to be fraudulent, so he knew the other party must have other means.

Seeing the dramatic change in Ogami Sakami's face now, he couldn't help thinking. Isn't Sakakami Tamura's hand being Ozaka's hole card?

It should be that if there is no isolation sign, Maru Sakakami Tamura can be resurrected again and again, then it will definitely become a huge hidden danger. As long as Sakakami Tamura Maru consumes his physical strength and aura with death, in the end it must be his failure. And he couldn't kill Ogami Sakami for a short time, and dragged to the end, he must have lost.

So now Fu Lu's role has also become apparent.

"What means are you doing?" Atsaka Sakakami was so angry and frightened that she wanted to calm down, but she was caught and signed a contract to serve her life after she was born, and finally came to Maru Sakagami Tamura. It is not studied day and night.

The people who studied her did not consider her as a thoughtful creature at all, and were finally sealed for more than a thousand years. Until the seal was broken and escaped, Ogami Sakakami always had a relatively simple mind.

If you look at it according to your actual psychological age, it is estimated that Ogami Sakami is 17 or eighteen years old, which is why she chose Ogami Sakami to have her body.

Hearing that Kimura and Shu didn't speak. He used Fuyu and the other party did not see it. He Maosheng and others behind him saw it clearly.

When the bird saw the flickering Fu Run, which had just flashed, it turned into a transparent light curtain, covering the whole body of Saka Utamura Maru's body, her eyes couldn't help sparkling.

He didn't dislike cultivation, but since he knew that his sister's qualifications were better than him, he became less interested in cultivation, and instead loved Fu Fu more.

As long as some powerful runes are painted, they can even kill someone more powerful than him.

Such things as Fu Lu really do. As long as you have aura in your body, and then have money, you can have the thrill of killing the strong ~~ ~ This kind of feeling, we call it 氪 金 大哥Pleasure.

Asuka's biggest wish is to develop a powerful attacking rune, so that the yin and yang divisions in the circle worship him. It's a pity that he hasn't done it till now. The paper cranes are all semi-finished products. He never saw the separator in the hands of Kimura and Shuki.

Not only Asuka has not seen it, He Maosheng has lived for so many years, and he has never seen a separator. It ’s scary enough to make your master lose control, because if you think about it, if this rune can make the yin and yang masters lose control of the **** of style

Thinking about this, He Maosheng didn't know why there was a sense of anxiety.

If Kimura and Shu know what He Maosheng thinks, they will probably laugh. Because the separator was developed by the Japanese, this rune was developed to deal with the yin and yang masters of the **** of style, so that the yin and yang master lost control of the **** of style.

However, the separator has a disadvantage, that is, it cannot isolate the blood-lined gods like the ancient bridge cherry blossom nine, and can only slightly affect, but the higher the quality of the separator, the greater the influence.

When Sakakami Otome saw Kimura and Shuki not talking, her heart was a little flustered, but in the end she calmed down and looked at the villagers around Sakakami village. She suddenly smiled and was charming. "Kimura-mon, you can't move around. I don't know if I will shake my hand and kill all the people in Sakakami-mura. "

Immediately after the words were spoken, the sun and moon sword turned into a blue light, and once again Sakakami Otome's head was cut off.

This scene surprised everyone.

"I hate people threatening me the most." Kimura and Shu laughed sneer. "Also, I suddenly thought of one thing. Since the Four Soul Jade can seal you, can you use the Four Soul Jade as a means to cut it? kill you"

I am a sword fairy in Tokyo

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