The Sword Deity in Tokyo

Chapter 304: Is it murder?

I am a sword fairy in Tokyo Chapter 304 Is it murder? Listen to audio novels online

After the small team separated, Kimura and Shu were not idle either.

However, after finding a dilapidated gazebo, Kimura and the trees cleared up a bit, and then sat down.

When Ito was looking for them on the Jinshan Mountain, there was not as much as he was, and there was not as much as he was.

He has dealt with the affairs of Sakakami-mura in the past few days. Although he finally shoots Otomo Sakakami in Gei, he is tense every day and doesn't have much rest. After handling Sakakami-mura, Ito was called over again. Although his body was not tired, his spirit was still a little tired.

It was Chunyang's spirit, but Kimura and Shu knew that this was the first time Chunyang had dealt with such an extraordinary incident, although it didn't help. But the mood must be high, after all, this is an event that ordinary people cannot see.

Now Chunyang just happens to have high emotions. When there is a lot of interest, even if you stop the other party, it seems that Chunyang must follow up secretly.

Thinking, Kimura and Shushu picked up their mobile phones. Jinshan's signal was abundant. Unlike Yundaoshan, there was almost no signal. In the past few days, the news of Kimura and Shu has been blocked.

He didn't look for Shiba Chiba in the group. If he sent a message in the group, wouldn't it let others know that he was lazy here?

Kimura and Shuki did not send out the information, but told the information received today to Shiba Chiba.

Of course, what Saito Tomo also said before, he did not say that Shiba Chiba is probably clearer than he knew.

After speaking, he asked, "Where do you think monsters will hide if there are monsters?"

This question is very unreasonable, but Kimura and Shuki know that Chiba Shiori is flexible, and Saito Tomo also took many photos before uploading to the group. He believes that Chiba Shiori should consider this issue, plus On the Internet, you should be able to find photos of Jinshan, so although the other party rarely speaks in the group, he believes that Shiori should be a little speculative.

Jinshan is very rare, and if you want to kill people, it is very simple. But Daisuke Kojima has no enemies, so murder is basically impossible. The most important thing is that Saito Tomo also said in the group that it is obvious that there is a soul on Jinshan, and the other party is also confused by the beauties. Then the chance is that the monsters who are grieving or released at some point.

Although I didn't smell any odor after going up the mountain, it was normal. After all, Jinshan is so big. If the grieving spirit is only in one place, it is normal that he can't smell it.

As a result, Shiba Chiba didn't answer his question, but he asked sourly, "You went on a tour with Chunyang."

"No," Kimura and Shu explained, "bring Chunyang to Kyoto to help her activate the blood."

As for going to Sakakami-mura, it was just a drop-in, but also the purpose of opening Chunyang's eyes.

"That's it." After hearing the explanation of Heshu, Shiba Chiba's complex emotions instantly became simple. She turned over the question that Kimura and Shu just asked, and smiled confidently. "Do you think Daisuke Kojima?" Must have been killed by monsters or grudges? "

"It should be so with the information we have now." Kimura and Shu paused, "The most important thing is that Daisuke Kojima disappeared for two days, and the police searched for half a day, but did not find the body of Daisuke Kojima. , Then it is very likely that it was harmed by a grudge or a monster. "

"It's possible that you said, but in fact, Daisuke Kojima might have been murdered." After Shiba Chiba typed and sent a message, she felt Kimura and Shu must be unbelievable, and then added, "The crowd on Jinshan is rare. You I feel that an ordinary college student will go up the mountain to sketch, should he recklessly go up the mountain, and he should first figure out whether Jinshan is in danger or not. "

"If Daisuke Kojima goes to Jinshan after asking clearly, then it is certain that there is no danger on Jinshan. But you also said in the group that few people on Jinshan have been going up the mountain for decades, and there are warning signs below the mountain, then Prove that there must be risks on Jinshan. "

"But Daisuke Kojima still went to the mountain to sketch. Where do you think Daisuke Kojima would sketch?"

Hearing this, Kimura and Shuji thought for a moment, then suddenly, he typed, "Should not go too far into Jinshan, but outside Jinshan"

"B." Shiba Chiba smirked and said with a smile, "You are all caught in a misunderstanding and think that it must be a grudge or a monster that killed Daisuke Kojima. This possibility is possible and very Large. But it cannot be ruled out that someone was murdered. "

"And we can rule out the beast attack. If the beast attacked Daisuke Kojima, the police are not needed, and the people in Kobayashi should be able to find out."

Kimura and Shuwen nodded, and the beasts attacked humans, but they would not clear the traces.

However, the people in Xiaolin Village and the police station searched Jinshan and did not find Daisuke Kojima, so the beast attack was ruled out.

"If you exclude the beast attack, you will still be killed and murdered by the Wraith or Monster."

Seeing this information, Kimura and Tree can think of Shiba Chiba's confident look on the other side of the phone. He couldn't help smiling, and pulling Chiba Shiori into this group should be the most correct choice he made.

A few seconds later, Shiba Chiba's information was sent again, "In fact, in my opinion, Daisuke Kojima has a similar chance of being murdered as a monster."

"As a normal person, if Daisuke Kojima knows that there is danger on Jinshan, he will either not go up the mountain or choose a safe place with a high probability. If this place is located, it should be very close to Kobayashi Village, or make him feel there is A place of security. "

Sense of security

Kimura and Shu put down his mobile phone ~ ~ and looked around, could not help but look around. Then he took a deep breath and picked up his mobile phone and typed, "After going up the Jinshan from the right path, there is only a hundred meters in the east direction. There is a gazebo."

This place is where Kimura and the tree are sitting now. This pavilion should have been established by people in Xiaolin Village decades ago. After all, people in Xiaolin Village will definitely not rest in dangerous places if they want to rest after going uphill for hunting. The establishment of this gazebo should be set up in Xiaolin Village.

The establishment of the gazebo here means that this is a place that people in Xiaolin Village think there must be no danger.

Well, if Daisuke Kojima asks the person in Kobayashi Village a safe place on the Golden Mountain, then people in Kobayashi village will definitely tell Kojima Daisuke this pavilion.

However, during the day, when he saw the police asking the village chief of Xiaolin Village, the village chief did not disclose the news of the gazebo.

Don't you know the village chief?

Thinking of the village chief's age of over sixty from his face, Kimura and trees are clear, the village chief must know, or the village chief told the location of this gazebo, Daisuke Kojima. Xiaolin Village did not find Daisuke Kojima here, so the village chief naturally concealed it, apparently he did not want to be related to the disappearance.

After all, if reported by the media, Xiaolin Village will be affected as a tourist attraction. As a person in the village, instead of preventing travelers from going up the mountain, it is a mistake to tell them where the mountain is safer.

Of course, it is not ruled out that Kobayashi is the murderer who killed Daisuke Kojima.

But this probability is extremely low and basically impossible. After all, Daisuke Kojima is just a tourist Kobayashi Village without any reason to kill each other.

It is possible for those in Kurosaki.

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