The system is a broken bowl

Chapter 75 Puppet Bug

At this time, Luo Furong's voice came from outside the house again. "Why did you come here after drinking? Brother Tiancan is still looking for people everywhere."

"Sister Luo, come and help Brother Ge, he's drunk!"

Pu Yiwei saw Luo Furong helping Ge Li walk away, and her pretty face turned red again. She knew that Song Chen must have heard what she just said.

Speaking of which, she was not very familiar with Song Chen, but since they met in Sanyan Town, somehow, Song Chen's shadow always appeared in her heart inexplicably.

At first, she thought it was because of Song Chen's selfless treatment of E'er, until everyone was trapped in the tomb of the Moon Wolf King, on the verge of life and death, and Fan Qi expressed his desire to live and die with her, she realized that she had fallen in love with Song Chen.

Love is very wonderful, and it has little to do with the length of time spent together and the degree of familiarity.

Just like she and Fan Qi, they have been fake husband and wife for many years, and they have also made a name for themselves as the double killers of Tianmen, but she has no feelings for Fan Qi at all.

"Sister Pu, the master wants you to go over there."

A disciple of the Tiandao Sect ran to find Pu Yiwei.

"I know, I'll go right away."

Pu Yiwei glanced at Song Chen's door again, then turned and left.

After a while, Song Chen was about to open the Xumi space, when he suddenly smelled alcohol, and his consciousness was released, and he found that it was Ge Li outside the door.

He was very surprised. Didn't Brother Ge get drunk and let Luo Furong help him away? Why did he appear here again?

When he opened the door, Ge Li was standing there with a smile, not drunk at all?

"Brother Ge, what are you doing?"

Song Chen welcomed Ge Li into the room.

"Are you pretending to be stupid or are you really stupid? I, Ge Li, entered the Tao with wine, and this little bit of wine can make me drunk?"

Ge Li sat down carelessly. "I'm helping you test Pu Yiwei! Brother, when we were in the Moon Wolf King's Tomb, I found out that she was interested in you. I just tried it and found out that she was not only interested in you, but she had already fallen in love with you!"

Song Chen was surprised. "No way? How long have I been with her!"

"Brother, I'm an experienced person. Believe me, a woman doesn't need any reason to love a man, not to mention that you are so outstanding."

Ge Li smiled, and then said seriously: "This girl is a good girl! Facing the threat of death, she insisted on looking for you, and wanted to die with you!"

Song Chen wanted to say, "But I haven't fallen in love with her yet", but after listening to Ge Li, he was silent.

Ever since he had that strange dream, he knew that there was a woman among those who betrayed and framed him.

Strangely, he didn't hate that familiar woman, and even felt a little guilty.

It seemed that there was a voice telling him that it was because he neglected and hurt that woman that his enemies had an opportunity to take advantage of him.

"Brother Ge, I know what to do now. Thank you for your concern!"

Song Chen changed the subject. "Hasn't Sister Furong been with you all the time? How did you manage to escape?"

"Don't try to retreat as you advance, kid."

Ge Li rolled his eyes at Song Chen. "It's okay to tell you. It was your sister Furong's idea to let me test Pu Yiwei! She even made me spill a large glass of wine on me on purpose."


The two laughed at the same time.


At this time, Luo Furong's voice came from outside the house again. "Why did you get here after drinking? Brother Tiancan is still looking for people everywhere."

"Sister Luo, come and help Brother Ge, he's drunk!"

Pu Yiwei saw Luo Furong helping Ge Li walk away, and her pretty face turned red again. She knew that Song Chen must have heard what she said just now.

Speaking of which, she was not very familiar with Song Chen, but since they met in Sanyan Town, somehow, the shadow of Song Chen always appeared in her mind inexplicably.

At first, she thought it was because of Song Chen's selfless treatment of E'er. It was not until everyone was trapped in the Moon Wolf King's Tomb, on the verge of life and death, and Fan Qi expressed his desire to live and die with her, that she realized that she had fallen in love with Song Chen.

Love is very strange, and it has little to do with the length of time spent together and the degree of familiarity.

Just like she and Fan Qi, they have been fake couples for many years, and they have also gained the reputation of the double killing gods of Tianmen, but she has no feelings for Fan Qi at all.

"Sister Pu, the master asked you to go over."

A disciple of Tiandao Sect ran to find Pu Yiwei.

"I know, I'll go right away."

Pu Yiwei glanced at Song Chen's door again, and then turned and left.

After a while, Song Chen was about to open the Xumi space, and suddenly, he smelled a smell of alcohol, and his consciousness was released, and he found that it was Ge Li outside the door.

He was very surprised. Didn't Brother Ge get drunk and let Luo Furong help him away? Why did he appear here again?

When he opened the door, Ge Li was standing there with a smile, how could he be drunk at all?

"Brother Ge, what are you talking about?"

Song Chen welcomed Ge Li into the room.

"Are you pretending to be stupid or are you really stupid? I, Ge Li, entered the Dao with wine, and this little wine can make me drunk?"

Ge Li sat down carelessly. "I am helping you test Pu Yiwei! Brother, when we were in the Moon Wolf King's Tomb, I found that she was interested in you. I just tried it and found that she was not only interested in you, but she has fallen in love with you!"

Song Chen was surprised. "No way? How long have I been with her!"

"Brother, I am an experienced person. Believe me, a woman doesn't need any reason to love a man, not to mention that you are so outstanding."

Ge Li smiled, and then said seriously: "This girl is a good girl! Facing the threat of death, she insisted on looking for you, and wanted to die with you!"

Song Chen wanted to say, "But I haven't fallen in love with her yet", but after listening to Ge Li, he was silent.

Ever since he had that strange dream, he knew that there was a woman among those who betrayed and framed him.

Strangely, he didn't hate the familiar woman, and even felt a little guilty.

It seemed that there was a voice telling him that it was because he neglected and hurt the woman that his enemies had an opportunity to take advantage of him.

"Brother Ge, I know what to do, thank you for your concern!"

Song Chen changed the subject. "Hasn't Sister Furong been with you all the time? How did you manage to escape?"

"Don't use the trick of retreating when you advance, kid."

Ge Li rolled his eyes at Song Chen. "It's okay to tell you. It was your sister Furong's idea to let me test Pu Yiwei! She even made me spill a large glass of wine on me on purpose."


The two laughed at the same time.


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