"The war horse we rode before has been released into the forest."

"How do we get to Shouyuan Mountain?"

Qin Tomb rubbed his eyebrows with a folding fan, feeling a little distressed.

Hearing this, Qin Yu clicked the jade plaque on his waist:

"I remember that in the disciple pavilion, you can rent tamed spiritual beasts."

Upon hearing this, Qin Tomb smiled slightly.

Qin Yu guessed something, looked at Qin Tomb, and shook his head:

"I will pay for the rental of the spirit beast this time."

“When you earn contribution points, remember to pay them back.”

Qin Tomb smiled cheerfully:

"It's natural."

The two came to the Disciple Pavilion and rented two cloud eagles.

Cloud Eagle is a second-grade spiritual beast. Among the second-grade spiritual beasts, it can fly very fast.

Moreover, Qinglong Academy has a way to control beasts, so there is no need to worry about two cloud eagles rising up and hurting people.

The two led the two cloud eagles to the outside of the mountain gate, then drove the cloud eagles and flew towards the sky.

The mountain gate at your feet is getting smaller and smaller.

Qin Tomb lowered his head and looked at the scenery under his feet with interest.

Qin Yu closed his eyes and began to practice slowly.

Even though Yunying was extremely fast, the two of them traveled for a day and a night before reaching Shouyuan Mountain.

The cloud eagle hovers and crows over Shouyuan.

Qin Yu opened his eyes and looked down at his feet.

I saw that Shouyuan Mountain is not tall, it can only be regarded as a small peak.

Through the heavy fog, you can faintly see the green hills.

Seeing this scene, Qin Yu frowned.

He looked around Shouyuan Mountain twice, and then looked at Shouyuan Mountain again:


"There is no fog around, so how come only Shouyuan Mountain is wrapped in fog?"

Hearing this, Qin Tomb also frowned beside him.

He was also a little confused.

"Could it be that there are some weird spiritual plants on the mountain that cause the water mist?"

Qin Yu looked at the scene at his feet, thought for a while, and said:

"The mission mentioned that there is a Shouyuan Village next to Shouyuan Mountain, right?"

Hearing this, Qin Tomb nodded.

Qin Yu continued:

"Then let's go to Shouyuan Village to inquire first, and then discuss the crusade."

Qin Tomb agreed.

Two cloud eagles circled Shouyuan Mountain from mid-air in search of it.

After a while, I saw a small scene of a dilapidated village.

Qin Yu and Qin Tomb rode the cloud eagle and fell from the sky.

After Cloud Eagle landed on the ground, he folded his wings and squatted on the spot obediently.

Qin Tomb jumped off Yunying, patted Yunying's head, and was about to turn around.

However, Qin Yu beside him frowned and suddenly summoned the rusty sword from the jade medal on his waist.


Upon hearing this, Qin Tomb hurriedly opened the folding fan, his spiritual energy circulated in his body, and he looked around cautiously:

"What's wrong, Sixth Prince?"

"Are there any enemies?"

Qin Yu shook his head and looked at the small village full of thatched houses with no wooden fences around, with a serious expression:

"The smell of blood!"

"There is a strong smell of blood in this village!"

Upon hearing this, Qin Tomb's face became alert, and the breeze wrapped around him.

Qin Yu held the rusty sword in his hand, and the four vein dragons were swimming rapidly in the meridians, ready to perform martial arts at any time.

He frowned, suddenly thought of something, and narrowed his eyes slightly.

The powerful consciousness shrouded all around.

After a while, the small village in front of him was completely covered by Qin Yu's consciousness.

Qin Yu's brows deepened, and after a moment, he gritted his teeth.

He withdrew his consciousness, carried the rusty sword, and walked towards the village.

When I came to the door of a house, I reached out and touched the wooden door. The wooden door squeaked and opened inwards.

The miserable scene instantly fell into the eyes of Qin Yu and Qin Tomb.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Qin Tomb turned pale.

Qin Yu slowly gritted his teeth.

I saw an old couple in the house.

The two of them were nailed to the wall, lifeless.

Their abdomens were wide open, and their heads were stuffed inside.

Looking at the disgusting scene in front of him, Qin Yu's face became colder and colder.

Qin Tomb behind him gritted his teeth.

"Could it be the gangsters on Shouyuan Mountain?"

Qin Tomb said fiercely:

"If this is true, let's go up the mountain now!"

Qin Yu took a deep breath, turned around and walked a few more houses.

Inside the houses are horrific scenes.

There was not a single living person in the entire village, not even a living animal.

The entire village has turned into a hell on earth.

"Bury the villagers first."

"Then go up the mountain and find out more about it."

"If it is really the crime of gangsters..."

"Then we will massacre the mountain!"

After hearing this, Qin Tomb, who was sitting on the big rock and panting heavily, gritted his teeth and nodded.

The two spread out and soon collected all the villagers' bodies together.

"Barbarian Bull Fist!"

Qin Yu's boxing technique lit up, hammering out a big hole in the land behind the mountain village.

After ten punches, the pit was large enough to accommodate a hundred people.

Qin Yu and Qin Tomb moved the bodies of these old mortals into the pit, and covered them with soil with gloomy expressions.

After doing this, Qin Yu clapped his hands, picked up the rusty sword, and said with cold eyes:

"Let's go up the mountain!"

Cloud Eagle waited obediently outside the village.

Qin Yu and Qin Tomb began to climb the mountain.

The two of them didn't hide their energy at all, using their footwork to rush up the mountain quickly.

It took only an incense stick of time for the two to climb to the top of Shouyuan Mountain.

Looking at the low wooden fence in front of him, Qin Yu frowned and suddenly sniffed.


"Why is there such a strong smell of blood here?"

Qin Yu had been fighting with spirit beasts in Tianlan Mountain to refine his body, so he was extremely sensitive to the smell of blood.

The two looked at each other and saw the confusion in each other's eyes.

Qin Yu thought about it and stretched out his hand to push open the wooden fence in front of him.

However, when his hand was stretched out, it was blocked by a transparent cover.

A circle of ripples spread over the entire cover, revealing a semicircular light cover covering the entire bandit mountain gate.

Looking at the light cover in front of him, Qin Yu frowned.

Qin Mu behind him was a little surprised:


"Why is there a formation here in a place where bandits gather?"

You know, it is very expensive to set up a formation.

Moreover, it is difficult for ordinary dynasty warriors at the foot of the mountain to learn the art of setting up a formation.

Therefore, most of the people who can set up the formation are disciples of the sect.

Even if some imperial cities want to set up formations, they can only ask the formation masters in the sect to set them up.

Moreover, the formation is very expensive, even the smaller imperial cities are reluctant to set up a large formation.

There is actually a formation to protect the hilltop where the bandits gather?

And seeing that the range of this formation is so large, the formation attainment of the person who set up the formation must be very high.

Qin Yu looked at the light shield in front of him and frowned:

"Qin Mu."

"Step back."

"I will break this formation!"

Qin Mu nodded, immediately stepped back a few steps, and stood behind Qin Yu.

Qin Yu raised the rusty sword on his shoulder.

The spiritual energy in his body marched through the meridians.

"Mountain and River Sword Art!"

"Fourth level!"

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