As soon as the jade bottle was opened, a stronger fragrance than before instantly hit his nose!

Jin Sanshan hurriedly looked down.

When he saw the two-patterned pills lying quietly under the jade bottle, he immediately took a breath of cold air.

"Two-patterned elixir!"

Jin Sanshan raised his head in shock:

"Friend Chen, I am really shortsighted!"

"I didn't expect that the person behind Friend Chen is actually a master of alchemy!"

The shock in Jin Sanshan's eyes could no longer be concealed.

"All of these are made from those ten medicinal herbs?!"

After receiving Qin Yu's affirmative answer, Jin Sanshan's hands trembled a little, and he carefully covered the jade bottle, then bowed to Qin Yu:

"May I ask, who is the alchemy master behind you?"

"He can use only ten spiritual herbs to refine so many second-grade elixirs."

"I believe I must have heard of his name."

Qin Yu shook his head:

"My master specifically asked me not to tell his name to others."

Qin Yu followed Jin Sanshan's words and concealed his identity.

Su Yi Jin Sanshan wiped the sweat from his forehead, nodded, and then looked at the last jade box.

"This jade box, it can't be..."

At this time, Jin Sanshan was already a little dry in the mouth.

He licked his dry lips and slowly opened the lid of the jade box.

As the jade box was opened, the rich fragrance of the elixir instantly filled the entire medicine shop!

Jin Sanshan trembled as he looked at the pill lying quietly in the jade box.

The pill was full and round.

The three golden lines on it were reflected in Jin Sanshan's eyes.

Jin Sanshan exclaimed and took two steps back.

"Three-lined elixir?!"

"This... this."

Seeing Jin Sanshan's shocked expression, Qin Yu frowned.

He didn't expect Jin Sanshan to react so strongly to the three-lined elixir.

He didn't want to cause trouble.

Seeing Qin Yu's frown, Jin Sanshan thought for a moment and asked cautiously:

"This Huiling Pill was made by the person behind Chen Xiaoyou."

Qin Yu's face turned cold:


"I'm here to sell pills."

"If you don't give me an estimate, I'll sell them somewhere else."

Hearing this, Jin Sanshan hurriedly said:

"Buy! Buy!"

"Three-patterned spiritual pills, it's hard to find one even in a year!!"

"I won't ask any more, I'll give you an estimate now!"

Jin Sanshan carefully put down the pill, then returned to the counter, counted out a large bag of Xuanwu coins and walked back.

"Two one-patterned elixirs, ten Xuanwu coins."

"Five two-patterned elixirs, two hundred and fifty Xuanwu coins."

"And the three-patterned elixir is five hundred Xuanwu coins!"

"Please rest assured, my estimate is far higher than the market price!"

"This is eight hundred Xuanwu coins, keep it well, Chen!"

Qin Yu took the Xuanwu coin, shook it, and a puzzled look appeared on his face:


"Isn't it seven hundred and sixty Xuanwu coins?"

"Why is there an extra forty Xuanwu coins?"

Hearing this, Jin Sanshan smiled immediately:

"The extra Xuanwu coins will be used as a gift to Chen Xiaoyou."

"Chen Xiaoyou, if you have more pills in the future, remember to patronize my shop."

Qin Yu nodded with satisfaction, and then said:

"Senior, I actually have something else to ask."

"Do you have any Juling Pills?"

Hearing this, Jin Sanshan smiled:

"Of course I do!"

"How many does Chen Xiaoyou need?"

Qin Yu thought for a while, and then said:


"Two-pattern ones are best."

Hearing this, Jin Sanshan nodded immediately and turned to get the pills.

After a while, Jin Sanshan put the ten pills into two exquisite jade bottles and brought them back.

Feeling the fragrance of the elixir emanating from the jade bottle, Qin Yu nodded with satisfaction:

"How many Xuanwu coins?"

Jin Sanshan said with a smile:

"Four hundred Xuanwu coins."

"Give me a discount, three hundred and eighty Xuanwu coins will do."

"If Chen Xiaoyou wants to buy elixirs in the future, just come to my shop and I will buy them at a high price!"

Qin Yu nodded and paid the Xuanwu coins.

Jin Sanshan put the elixir that had been packed in the jade bottle into Qin Yu's hand.

"Chen Xiaoyou, come often in the future."

Qin Yu agreed and left the medicine shop.

Jin Sanshan behind him looked at Qin Yu's figure gradually disappearing, his eyes flickering:

"Third-grade elixir."

"What is the background of the person behind this Chen Xiaoyou?"


Qin Yu walked back to his residence.

After sitting cross-legged, Qin Yu took out two jade bottles from his arms.

Poured out a spirit gathering pill, Qin Yu picked it up and looked at it curiously.

"Is this the Gathering Spirit Pill?"

The Gathering Spirit Pill is made from several precious medicinal materials that can absorb the spiritual energy of heaven and earth.

The spiritual energy content in a Gathering Spirit Pill is equivalent to the spiritual energy that a cultivator at the ninth level of Qi Condensation can absorb for a whole week!

Because of this, the Gathering Spirit Pill is also very popular among cultivators.

However, it is very expensive, so ordinary warriors never buy it.

"I can refine it."

"But the martial arts competition will start in ten days.

"Now I have to practice hard and can't waste time on refining pills."

After saying that, Qin Yu swallowed the pill.

The pill sank into Qin Yu's body and gradually began to melt.


The surging spiritual energy instantly exploded in his body.

Qin Yu hurriedly activated the Nine Dragons Swallowing the Sky Art.

Spiritual energy flowed into the meridians, and the two little dragons in the body swam happily instantly.

They hungrily dragged the spiritual energy and shuttled through the meridians!

Driven by the two little dragons, the spiritual energy was like a river bursting its banks, madly hitting the meridian walls.

However, thanks to Qin Yu's swallowing of the Marrow Cleansing Pill, the strength of the meridians is now enough to support the surging spiritual energy river in the body.


As Qin Yu kept swallowing and spitting, the whole room was instantly wrapped in white mist.

This group of white mist was actually all condensed by spiritual energy, which shows how rich the spiritual energy in Qin Yu's body is!

For a whole day, Qin Yu sat cross-legged and practiced, motionless.

After a day, Qin Yu opened his eyes.

I saw that the spiritual energy mist around him had disappeared long ago.

And the medicinal power of the Gathering Spirit Pill in the body had completely dried up.

Qin Yu was a little surprised:

"The spiritual energy in a Gathering Spirit Pill is enough for a warrior at the ninth level of Qi Condensation to practice non-stop for a week."

"Why did I absorb all the spiritual power of the Gathering Spirit Pill after just one day?"

"Besides, I am only at the seventh level of Qi Condensation now. Logically, it should take longer to absorb!"

After feeling that his realm had indeed increased a lot, Qin Yu looked at the two little dragons in his meridians.

Without the medicinal power of the Gathering Spirit Pill, the two little dragons were a little listless.

"Could it be because of the Nine Dragons Swallowing the Sky Art?"

After thinking about this, Qin Yu slowly exhaled a breath of turbid air, and then smiled.

This is a good thing.

This means that when the spiritual energy is sufficient, his practice speed is several times that of others!

Without thinking about it, Qin Yu continued to swallow a Gathering Spirit Pill and sat cross-legged to practice seriously.

The spiritual energy surged out of his body again, wrapping Qin Yu.

Qin Yu's realm began to grow rapidly!

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