The first thousand three hundred and fourteen chapters. Actually, I know how to speak


All the audience present were dumbfounded.

They were directly overwhelmed by Lu Li’s operation.

Lu Li…he heard it all and retelled it!

this moment,

People can’t help wondering whether Lu Li’s headphones are completely soundproof.


Lu Li just said that, just wanting to change to a headset with sound.




Many moods are mixed in the hearts of everyone.


There were a few sensible people present.

Chen Tao, Wu Dan.

They were all dumbfounded when they saw this scene.

Because, only they knew that it was impossible to hear a little sound from the headset they replaced Lu Li.

This is something they can be 100% sure of!

In other words,

On the premise that there was no sound from the outside world, Lu Li could see what Liang Dong said.


Not a word.

How can this make Wu Dan, Chen Tao and the others not shocked.

Could it be that Lu Li really knows how to speak?

At the end of the game, Tian Mei finally said five words.

The results are the same as the Ace Family.

As for whether this result is true, no one cares about it.

Their focus is on Lu Li.

Everyone wants to know how Lu Li said the 30 words that Liang Dong said completely, without missing a word.

The headset is broken, and the outside sound can be heard.

Still, Lu Li is actually capable of supernatural powers.

Faced with so many people’s inquiries, Lu Li said with a smile.

“Actually, I can read lips.”

One second,

Two seconds,

Three seconds.

The next moment, the audience was a sensation!

“My god, I heard it right. Lu Li said, he can read lips.”

“It’s true, it’s this age, is there anyone who knows how to read lips?”

“Lip, this… is this serious? Lu Li really knows how to lip.”

“Damn, awesome! Lu Ergouzi, you have refreshed my knowledge of you again.”

“I don’t believe it, Lu Li, you must be lying. You can hear the sound while wearing headphones.”

“I think so too, what age is it now. How can someone use lip-reading as a cover for cheating.”

“Cut, lips. Do you think Lu Li is a fairy? You know all the skills.”

“That is, you can lip-talk about this matter, I’m the first to not believe it.”

Faced with half of people believing, half of people questioning.

Lu Li just smiled, he didn’t choose to explain anything.

It’s Chen Tao,

He was relieved when he heard Lu Li say this.

He took Lu Li’s earphones and said to everyone,

“Everyone doesn’t believe it, you can come and try it.”

“This headset will never leak any sound in.”

“As long as you put on this headset, it is impossible to hear any sound.”

Hua Tianyu was the first to receive the headset from Chen Tao. After putting it on, he said in shock,


“I can’t hear any sound.”

Upon seeing this, Shen Cong quickly snatched the headset from Hua Tianyu’s head, and he also put it on to try it.


He gave a shocked expression.

“It’s true, I dare to swear, I can’t hear anymore.”

“The quality of this headset is too good.”

More and more people testified for Lu Li.

In the end, everyone reached a consistent conclusion.

The quality of this headset is very good. As long as you put it on, you can’t hear any sound from the outside world.

The reason why Lu Li was able to read what Liang Dong said.


He really knows lips!

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