The System Of Infinity

Chapter 96 - I Am Back To Take My Revenge Bitch!

"You are back already?" The owner of the restaurant asked as Aiden entered it again. The place was much empty than before but people were still eating there.

"Everything starts from tomorrow and I am hungry. It's not like I am a great cook." Aiden said with a sigh as he went into a corner and sat down. He could feel that people were staring at him but compared to these who stared at him in the palace., Aiden felt relaxed.

But he didn't let his guard down since there was a chance that anyone could attack him at any moment.

< Aiden, do you remember about that woman who had a fake badge earlier? > Sera suddenly asked as Aiden gave his order and waited for his food.

'The one who I showed my badge to? Of course, I remember her.'

< I think I heard her say that she would get her revenge on that woman. >

Aiden's gaze then landed on the owner of the restaurant before he quickly looked away.

'So you are saying that she might be back any time with behind her?'

< If what you thought was correct and she is indeed a noble, it wouldn't be hard for her to find mercenaries. She is probably mad at you too but since the people here seem to fear those from the royal academy, I don't think that she would do anything to you. >

'So I should run away?'

< That's the least dangerous thing to do now. >

Since Sera agreed with him on this decision, Aiden was thinking of leaving the restaurant immediately after having his dinner and not coming back later on.

But something, or rather a certain someone, tried to stop him.

[ Hey brat, don't you dare run away now. ]

Aiden blinked in confusion when he heard the voice of the god of shadows inside his mind. 

'Wait, is that him talking to me Sera?'

< Yes, Aiden, the god of shadows is directly talking to you. It's possible now because you have the Oracle of Gods skill. You can directly talk with him now. >

'Which means that I will have another god annoying me from time to time.' Aiden replied with a sigh as his food arrived. 

While slowly eating it, Aiden talked with the god of shadows.

[ Tell me why I shouldn't run away right now? ]

[ Because of two reasons. Many gods will think that you are a coward who is afraid to take up challenges though the smarter ones know that you are doing the smart thing. But still, your image is already bad amongst the gods and you should stop trying to make it even worse.

Because in times of need, you will need as many gods behind you as you can. The more enemies you make, the difficult it will be for you to protect yourself. As for the people around you, forget about them. ]

[ What's the second reason? ] Aiden asked back sharply as he looked around the place once again. He couldn't see any hostile presence amongst the gathered people but Aiden was still wary.

[ Men don't turn their back on women when they need help. ]

Aiden spat out the water he was drinking as everyone turned to stare at him again. He did a fake cough before he resumed eating his dinner.

[ That's the worst thing you could have said to convince me. ]

[ Believe me, you don't want to anger some gods and goddesses out there. The god of justice might turn his back on you and I can firsthand tell that you don't want that to happen. ]

[ Fine, I will believe you. But I will only intervene to a certain degree. If she can protect herself with my help, everything is well and good. Otherwise, I would be expected to protect her and I don't want that. ]

Aiden replied as he stood up and left the restaurant. Standing outside the place, he glanced at the walls separating the second section away from the first one.

'I wonder what things I still haven't seen about the demon realm.' He thought with a sigh and decided to go back to the hotel he had booked earlier.

But just when he was about to do that, he saw four people moving inside the restaurant and he could see that one of them had a dagger hanging on the waist.

'Sera, is there a creator of this world?'

< That's a unique question. Why did you ask that Aiden? >

'I asked that because it feels as though I am not in control of my life. Everything is going swiftly for some time and then out of nowhere, I get stuck in the middle of some mess. There is no connection between them yet everything happens one after the other.'

Aiden sighed before he moved inside the place again. Standing at the entrance, he slowly moved towards the shadows and blended in with them, and looked at the four people.

They had taken their seats in one corner and after staring hard enough, Aiden could see that one of them was the woman from earlier.

'Looks like this confirms it. I am fucked up.' Aiden thought with a sigh and like a bad action movie, the four figures stood up and took out their weapons.

But surprisingly, no one screamed.

"I am back to take my revenge bitch!" The woman said with a grin as the three men beside her raised their weapons and jumped towards the owner.

"Dust on the tables and screaming in my restaurant. That is not tolerated." The owner sighed and with a quick motion, she tied her hair behind her head. 

She then raised her hands in a fighting gesture as raw purple lightning ran up her arms. The three men were now directly in front of her and one of them covered his dagger in fire.

"This place has things that will catch fire, you idiot!" The owner shouted and as quick as lightning, pun intended, she jumped forward.

She hit the man on the head with her right leg before using him as a stepping stone. To Aiden, it looked as though he was some kind of martial arts expert from Chinese movies.

Within a few minutes, she had knocked out all three of the men. 

"You bitch!" The woman however was not done with her tricks as she raised her right hand and threw something in the owner's direction.

'Is that…' Aiden's eyes widened when he realized what the thing being thrown was. He quickly jumped forward and before the woman could intercept the thing thrown, he caught it with his shadows.

But the moments his shadows touched the thing, it exploded and blasted his shadows in every corner of the place. But Aiden quickly called them back before looking at the woman.

"Those are banned in every corner of the continent," Aiden said in a sharp voice and teleported behind the woman. "Now tell me, where did you find that?"

"Let me go!" The woman shouted as Aiden grabbed her from the behind but he was using his shadows to do this.

His hands instead held a dagger each and were placed behind her spine.

"You better tell me quickly or else I will shatter your spine and your heart alongside it."

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