The System Of Infinity

Chapter 99 - The Formations Master

Aiden immediately erected a banner around himself and Artemis using the shadows available and managed to block all of the daggers. After all the daggers were blocked, there was nothing left.

However, the golden barrier was still up around the duo. 

"That is a trapping barrier. The only way to remove this is to either destroy the entire thing or just wait for someone to come here and take us. Judging from the size and the daggers that were released on us, this was probably made by someone from the capital." Artemis muttered while pointing at the golden barrier.

The duo slowly moved closer to the barrier and examined it. It felt like a golden see-through glass but when Aiden was about to touch it, Artemis pulled his hand back.

"That will make lightning travel through your body and you will be pushed back with a giant explosion." The silver-haired woman warned him as he sighed.

"Then should we try attacking it or wait for someone to come here and take us as prisoners?" The prince asked with a grin as the woman could only sigh.

"Well, it's better than just sitting here." She replied and raised her right hand. As clear as day, golden sparks of lightning appeared across her entire arm and Aiden knew that he wasn't dreaming this time.

The silver-haired woman really had golden lightning.

"If you tell anyone about this, I will personally roast you to death." Her lips curled up as she saw the teenager nod. "Then let's start."

Aiden summoned his shadows up to his hands before he decided to use his one with the shadows skill.

It did cost him a whopping 500 EE but it was still worth it in the end.

'So he can use powerful shadow skills too. Who could have known that a child-like him would be this powerful.' Artemis had an amused expression on her face as she saw the black-haired boy controlling the shadows to attack the barrier.

However, his powers weren't something mind-blowing. The beautiful woman with the golden lightning had seen many prodigies and Aiden could have ranked in the top 3 or perhaps could have gotten the first spot.

But if she knew about his other abilities, she would definitely think that Aiden was crazy strong for his age.

"Then on the count of three, unleash all of your best attacks." She explained and started focusing all of her lightning on one spot of her palm.

The gathered lightning started to charge up and the hair on Aiden's body stood up. This was how powerful the lightning was.

'System, why does that attack look similar to Chid- *beep*'

Aiden was let confused when he heard the beeping sound. It was as though someone had censored his words.

< I had to do that Aiden. We definitely don't want the copyright god on our backs. He is so powerful that even many gods fear him. Even a hint of copying things or taking names without the original person's permission. >

'I think he will be a good god to befriend then. I can copy moves without any worries and wouldn't have to strive this hard to find original things.'

< Sometimes basic is the right thing. >

'Yeah, I guess.'

Aiden finished his quick conversation with Sera as he started focusing on the shadows around his palm.

After some experiments, he had found out that he could increase the damage and destruction dealt by the twin beams if he held them for long enough.

And since he was going to mix them, Artemis wouldn't be able to find out that he could use light element too.

"3… 2… 1… Attack!" Artemis gave the countdown as both of them released their attacks at once.

Artemis hit her hand forward in the form of a punch as a golden lightning dragon was released from her hand.

Aiden on the other hand joined both of his hands together in the form of fists and shot them forward. Two combined beams of shadow and light shot out from his hand and went behind the lightning dragon.

The dragon hit the barrier with full force before Aiden's beams followed it and hit the barrier too. It created a huge impact and smoke started to rise from the entire thing.

But after the smoke cleared, the duo saw that the barrier was only cracked. But the cracks were spreading through the entire place.

"I don't think they had time to put a self-healing one. I think this is our chance to shatter this thing and escape. Quickly, attack it again!" Artemis shouted as Aiden created shadow spikes and attacked the barrier again.

The silver-haired woman threw golden lightning bolts at the barrier and after two more of such attacks, it shattered.

"Let's go," Artemis muttered with a small smile as the two of them started moving towards the Shadowstone city again.


Half an hour later.

"They were definitely here." A man wearing a gray cloak muttered as he bent down and picked up a piece of golden-colored see-through mirror.

This was the last remaining piece of the barrier that had been set up by this man. He knew that someone had been trapped inside it since he had been notified of it.

It was the first time he had sensed someone being trapped inside his barrier after he had set multiple of them throughout the forest.

"Sir, how are you sure that it was a demon who was trapped. What if it was just some high-level beast?" A smaller man that reached up to the shoulders of the gray coat man asked.

The man in the coat was his superior and according to the rumors, was supposed to be the best formations master the royal family had.

"These formations are specifically made to trap demons and notify me when that happens. If a beast walked through here, it would easily be able to pass the entire thing and nothing would happen." The gray coat man replied as he narrowed his eyes.

'Why does this place smell like something had burned here. Was the person a fire element user? There are common enough so…' The man's expression suddenly changed as a very wild possibility entered his mind.

"Get to the capital as fast as you can and tell them that the hunter has been seen." The man said as he looked into the smaller man's eyes.

The latter didn't ask any questions and nodded. He then turned around and rose in the air. He was a runner trained for this task and he knew that if he tried hard enough, he could reach the capital in less than two hours.

And since his superior looked as though it was something extremely urgent, he decided to do that.

After the shorter man had escaped, the gray-coated man looked at the remaining piece of the barrier in his hand.

There was a reason that the royal family favored him and that was because of the fragment in his hand.

His barriers could capture the things that happened with the people that were inside the barrier before it had been broken. And to make sure his hunch wasn't wrong, the man decided to check the contents.

But he was left baffled the moment he saw everything.

It looked as though a rogue prodigy and a crown prince were running around together.


A/N: Sorry for the hiatus guys, I just couldn't write this novel. I wouldn't have published this chapter today but I had the sudden motivation to write. I am once again sorry for not uploading.

Thank you for your support and this author's note did not cost you extra coins in case you were wondering.

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