The System Takes Me to Practice

Chapter 1027: Yang Fan being targeted

Only when Yang Fan and his party left the shop, they were spotted by a group of monks.

These people were all covered with their faces, could not see their faces, and exuded a strength above the golden fairyland. Everyone had a weapon in his hand, which was obviously not good.

"Ma Yun, it seems that we are not very lucky. Once we came here, we encountered this kind of thing. Could it be possible to say that people can be killed here?"

Yang Fan looked at Ma Yun, Ma Yun's face was not very good, and he felt that all his face had been lost.

"Who are you, don't you know that they are my Ma Yun's friends?"

As he said, Ma Yun showed a golden token on his waist with the word "horse" carved on it, and a powerful breath escaped.

"Huh? Where did you guys come from, what Ma Yun's niuyun, I haven't heard of it, just get out of here if you don't want to die."

A burly masked monk shouted.


The squinting old man behind Ma Yun suddenly opened his eyes, and after a cold snort, he slapped him in the air.


The burly masked monk who opened his mouth was shot flying, and his whole body rotated seven hundred or eighty degrees in the air, hitting the ground fiercely.


The burly monk opened his eyes wide, only said one word, and then his head tilted and lost his breath.


The other black-clothed masked monks were shocked and backed away, some swallowing saliva, in disbelief.

"How is this possible? According to intelligence, this Yang Fan is at most only a strong man from the Taiyi realm, and that person actually slapped the fourth-floor army of the Taiyi realm to death."

Among these men in black, a tall man with a height of eighteen said in a deep voice, his eyes moving back and forth on others, seeming to hesitate to continue.


Hearing these four words, Yang Fan frowned closely. Isn't this group of people coming for money?

With such doubts, Yang Fan suddenly made a move.


A spatial fluctuation appeared out of nowhere on the tall man who opened his mouth, and Yang Fan walked out of it, and then grabbed his neck instantly at a speed that the man could not respond.

Whoosh whoosh!

The others reacted and hurriedly fled the scene and came to the distance to watch.

"Such a speed, **** it, that Yang Fan is actually the Great Luojin Wonderland, who is spreading false information?"

An old man's voice came, and Yang Fan followed his reputation, scared him to flee immediately.

"Who are you, seem to be coming for me?"

Yang Fan pulled off his mask. He was a young man in his thirties, but his cheeks were covered with scars, no wonder he was covered with a mask.

Yang Fan couldn't stand the ugly appearance, so he covered his face mask back.

The burly monk hesitated, seeing Yang Fan's displeasure, he said hurriedly.

"We are the Tiansha mercenary group. Someone has issued an order to capture you alive in the mercenary union. As long as you can be captured alive, you will be able to get 100 million of the best immortal crystals."

hiss! ! !

The lord and the preacher didn't know how many breaths of air they took, and their eyes turned to Yang Fan. If they couldn't beat Yang Fan, I'm afraid they would really do it.

"So many, Brother Yang, I want to catch you in exchange for rewards."

Zeng Zhuojun smiled.

"You can add me."

"And I."

Zhan Tiancheng and Xiao Chenquan didn't think it was a big deal, said.

"Who issued the order and when was it issued?"

"I don't know who posted it, and only the senior leaders of the mercenary union are eligible to view this. The release time was when the Fairy Battlefield opened, and currently there are not many mercenaries who know this task."

Feeling Yang Fan's killing intent, the tall monk shivered with fright. He only had the tenth-tier cultivation base of the Golden Wonderland, and he was not Yang Fan's opponent at all.

The tall monk fell to his knees, not daring to look up at Yang Fan.

Yang Fan pondered for a long time, thinking that the person who wanted to capture him alive was most likely to be the dragon clan. After all, he had been immortal with the dragon clan, and it was normal for the dragon clan to capture himself alive.

It's just that I'm worth 100 million of the best immortal crystals, which is obviously to look down on myself.

Thinking of this, Yang Fan had a bold idea in his heart.

"What's your name?"

Yang Fan asked suddenly, causing the tall man to feel terrified, thinking that Yang Fan wanted to kill after he knew his name.

"High...high important."

"Well, what if Gao, don't be so nervous."

Yang Fan showed a harmless smile on the face of humans and animals, and raised Gao Yao, speaking earnestly.

Gao Yao just felt cold all over, especially when Yang Fan put his big hand on his shoulder, his heartbeat reached the extreme.

"Senior, please say something."

Gao Yao's legs trembled slightly, his eyes looked far away, where his teammates were observing.

"I want to know if someone catches me alive, where will they take me?"

Gao Yao was a little confused, and didn't quite understand why he asked.

"You need to be taken directly to the mercenary union, where someone will verify your identity, and then the person who posted the character will be notified to come."

"That's the case, it seems that the person who wants to know the task release can only do this later."

Yang Fan murmured.

"That's good, Gao Yao, I'll let you go back first, but you need to do one thing for me."

"Senior, please say, I will do my best."

Gao Yao listened and was overjoyed.

"After you go back, summon the high-level members of your mercenary group, and then I will kill them all at once."


Gao Yao's eyes widened, and he suddenly regretted agreeing to Yang Fan so hastily.

"Don't worry, I'm giving you the Heavenly Evil Mercenary Corps a good thing for earning mission rewards."

Gao Yao was very speechless, he wanted to kill us all at one go, and what mission rewards he would talk about.

"I want your Tiansha mercenary group to catch me, and then go to submit the task."

Gao Yao's pupils shrank, and he understood what Yang Fan wanted to do. This was the person who wanted to meet the person who posted it.

When Lu Ye and others heard it, they suddenly showed a playful look.

"Brother Yang really knows how to play, doesn't he know it's dangerous?"

"Who knows, if he wants to play, we will play with him."

The preacher disagrees, this is indeed a good way.

"Ah this, senior, are you sure?"

Yang Fan nodded.

"Then I will go and inform the senior management."

"Well, but I hope you don't regret it. I have just made a mark in your body. It will happen if you don't come back within a day. I am afraid that only the strong immortal emperor can save you."

Gao Yao laughed bitterly, knowing that his method of vain and conspiracy had failed.

It didn't take long for Gao to leave and follow the group of players. As for how he did it, it was not Yang Fan's concern.

"Who do you think is going to want me?"

Yang Fan looked at everyone.

"It's also necessary to say that it must be the Dragon Clan, and you are immortal with others. It is normal for them to want to capture you alive."

Lu Ye said.

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