The System Takes Me to Practice

Chapter 1084: Goodbye Xuanyuanlong

"Hi, you are the only one left."

Yang Fan came to Zhang Tianyang with a grinning expression, and the Variety Yuhun Knife in his hand was aimed at his neck.

"I...what if I spare my life, I am willing to exchange my life with all my wealth."

Zhang Tianyang was also uncomfortable. At this moment, the toxins in his body had spread all over his body, coupled with the self-detonation of the colorful mysterious bird, he was seriously injured.

"No way, I have enough people here, not one behind you. So..."

Without saying a word, Yang Fan flashed a cold light from the Soul Sword in his hand, soaring a blood line, and Zhang Tianyang also stepped into the back of the other four.

With the death of Zhang Tianyang, the system reminder sounded again. Unfortunately, only four of them died in Yang Fan's hands, but they also earned 500,000 points, 20 million of the essence of the exercises, and made a small profit. My mood has improved a lot.


At this moment, the warrior suddenly appeared, glanced at Yang Fan lightly, and said solemnly.

"You are very good, you can kill them so quickly, then..."

However, before the martial artist had finished speaking, another person suddenly appeared, and with his appearance, the words of the martial artist came to an abrupt end.


The person who suddenly appeared was the guardian, the master of the entire heritage.

"I don't know what's up with you when you come out?"

To a certain extent, the martial artist is also a weapon spirit, just a clone of the guardian. After such a long period of separation, the clone can no longer be integrated with the ontology, and finally becomes a wise man and a martial artist.

"The assessment is no longer necessary."

The spirit guard spoke, this sentence scared the warrior, and where he did not do well, the spirit guard wanted to erase himself.


The warrior said cautiously.

It's just that the spirit guard did not answer, but looked at Yang Fan, and then knelt down in front of the warrior with a thump.

As a clone, the warrior also knelt down uncontrollably.

"I have seen the master."

The spirit guard was humble and seemed to really want what he said, he was just Yang Fan's servant.

As soon as he said this, Mr. Zhao's eyes widened, and everyone who was close to Yang Fan, such as Chen Shuyue, was shocked.

"Get up, Qi Ling."

Yang Fanxu lifted his hand, and an invisible force acted on Qi Ling's knees, dragging him up, which made Qi Ling feel shocked.

"Master, the old master is waiting for you!"

The old master in Qi Ling's mouth should not be surprising, it should be Xuanyuanlong. After all, after his strength broke through to the Golden Fairyland of Great Army, Xuanyuanlong's inheritance mark on himself told him the whole story of some things.

"Okay, I'll go now. Donkey, if you can't wait, you can go out first."

In the past, Yang Fan not only had to accept all the family property, but also cultivated in it. I'm afraid that when he comes out, he doesn't know how much time will pass.

So Yang Fan was vaccinated in advance to prevent these people from panicking.

"Okay, you go."

Lord Lv waved his hand, his expression, as long as anyone who is familiar with Lord Lv knew, Lord Lv was envious.

"You don't seem to be surprised."

Mr. Zhao didn't know when he came to the side of Lord Lv and his party and spoke slowly.

"This is nature. We and Brother Yang are living and die together. We don't seek to be born in the same year, and we don't seek to die in the same year."

The preacher smirked.

"Then do you know who the inheritance here is?"

Elder Zhao was very curious, a small tool spirit actually possesses the strength of the tenth level of the Immortal Emperor Realm, so the master of this tool spirit is definitely not simple.

"Well, let him tell you when Brother Yang comes back."

Although the person in front of him is powerful, he is not his own after all. Naturally, it is impossible for the preacher to tell him such secret things.

Mr. Zhao was not angry, and all this was in his expectation.

At this time, at the core of the place of inheritance, there is a pavilion suspended on the water. In the pavilion sits a person with an illusory figure, as if it may disappear at any time.

The surrounding space flashed, and Yang Fan and the spirit guard appeared out of thin air.

As soon as the two of them appeared, the illusory figure of the pavilion turned around, but it was Xuanyuanlong.

"You finally came."

Xuanyuanlong's voice sounded as if it was the kind of feeling that he had suffered a serious injury.

"Yeah, it's been a long time, it's almost a hundred and fifty years."

Yang Fan was a little bit emotional. One hundred and fifty years, almost half the time of a dynasty in ancient China, was indeed quite long for him.

Hearing these words, Xuanyuanlong's mouth twitched fiercely, and only Yang Fan could say this.

"I really didn't expect that you actually only spent more than one hundred and fifty years, and your strength actually reached the point where you can kill the cultivators of the Immortal Venerable Realm, but the realm is Da Luo Jinxian."

Although Xuanyuanlong's words were emotional, but from another aspect, he was asking how Yang Fan did it.

Yang Fan didn't say anything. With a thought, all the avenues he mastered appeared one after another.

Looking at the various avenues that emerged in front of him, Xuanyuanlong was dumbfounded, and shook his head, not knowing whether he felt fortunate or sad that he could find such a descendant.

But this is not over yet.

After all the avenue rules appeared, from the position of Yang Fan's dantian, three kinds of small light clusters appeared, and at the same time, there was also the phantom of the Chaos Tyrant body.

Xuanyuanlong stood up abruptly, his expression seemed to have seen some earth-shattering secret.

"You are actually... the Chaos God King Body. Now you have evolved to the Chaos Overlord Body level."

Having said that, Xuanyuanlong laughed loudly, and the laughter lasted for a long time.

Gradually, Xuanyuanlong stopped laughing, and his face became very solemn.

"Who else knows about your possession of the Chaos God King Body?"

"Not many, except you, there are only three. One is my woman, one is the saint of Yaochi, and the other is the ice god."

"Is the Ice God? She knows it is reasonable, but why does the saint of Yaochi know?"

Xuanyuanlong raised his eyebrows slightly, and once the appearance of the Chaos Divine King Body spread out, it would probably cause a riot in the entire Immortal Territory.

From another aspect, a person with a chaotic **** king body can definitely be promoted to a **** as long as he doesn't fall in the middle.

"The identity of the saint of the Jade Lake is not simple. The Bing Shen said that she is the reincarnation of a divine king who separates the soul. Now she has awakened her memory, and she has also taken a fancy to me."

Yang Fan touched his chin without worrying at all.

Xuanyuanlong looked stunned, how did he find these two words so weird.

"She wants to seize me and obtain the Chaos God King Body."

Xuanyuanlong's expression was speechless, and the inheritor he had chosen had already been favored by the gods. What should I do? Is there no hope of revenge for the Xuanyuan family?

Xuanyuanlong felt sad and desolate in his heart.

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