The System Takes Me to Practice

Chapter 938: Liberation of servility

With the blessing of power, the fire emperor's flying speed was so fast that Xu Que couldn't catch up even if he used three thousand thunders.

"Let's go, let's follow along."

Yang Fandao, without waiting for the empress Jiang Hongyan to react, she shuttled directly through the space and arrived in front of the imperial city for four hours.

The empress Jiang Hongyan looked horrified, her eyes widened to stare at Yang Fan, and she said solemnly.

"Who are you and what are you doing lurking next to Xu Que?"

Saying that the female emperor is going to make a move.

"You want to shoot at me, don't you know my strength is very strong?"

Yang Fan became interested. In the original work, Jiang Hongyan was a woman who was forced to admit that only gods can help. Isn't she a god?

"How can I know if I don't try."

Jiang Hongyan snorted coldly, exploded with strength that did not belong to her current realm, and shot instantly.

A blue water ball swept over, and Yang Fan held his hands behind his back. This time he wanted to be a peerless master, just like the Fire Cloud Cthulhu.

The water mass passed through Yang Fan's body, without the slightest incomparableness, and blasted on the city wall, causing a collapse.

The female emperor Jiang Hongyan frowned, wondering why this happened.

"Girl, although you are very beautiful, don't be so fierce. If Xu Que sees this, I think I want to move you."

"State your purpose of approaching Xu Que."

The female emperor's voice was a little cold, completely opposite to her previous calm and approaching appearance.

"It can't be said, and it doesn't have to be said."

Upon seeing this, the female emperor Jiang Hongyan planned to make another move. This time she would use her full strength.

"It's useless, you are too weak now, even if you become an immortal, you can't defeat me if you don't become an immortal king."

Yang Fan Xu raised his hand, and an invisible force acted on the empress, suppressing her close to the strength of the refining period.

Four hours later, there were two sounds of breaking through the air in the distant sky. The Empress saw that it was the Emperor Huo and Xu Que who had arrived one after another.

When the Emperor Huo saw the Empress and Yang Fan who were already on the edge of the imperial city, he became more vigilant.

"I will not deal with the matter between the two of you."

Yang Fandao.

The Emperor Huo entered the imperial city, Xu Que rushed there afterwards, only to discover the unusual when he approached.

"What's the matter? Why is this?"

Xu Que's eyelids twitched.

"This is a sacrifice. Once it is completed, the Fire Emperor will be blessed by immense divine power, and no one can beat it. But this divine power will not last. After its demise, the Fire Emperor will also die. If you are afraid, I Send you overseas to hide for a while."

Yang Fan said instead of Jiang Hongyan, he knew that with Xu Que's character, he would never do what he said.

"Hide? Are you kidding me, I still need to hide the dog emperor?"

Xu Que was not happy anymore. The Empress shook her head immediately when she heard it. Everything was just like what Yang Fan said before. Xu Que's strong character would definitely not shrink back.

"This is divine power, unbreakable. Since ancient times, people's souls have been accustomed to being enslaved. You can't change this. Because this is the true power of imperial power. !"

The female emperor sighed and said lightly, now she can only do this.

"The soul is enslaved?"

As soon as Xu Que heard this, his eyes widened. Seeing the expression of Bing Wang, Yang Fan knew that everything had returned to the timeline, and his arrival had not caused a serious deviation.

Then the corners of Xu Que's mouth raised, revealing an expression that a man understands.

"You little naughty, really, let's say it earlier, isn't it that the soul was brainwashed by the hypnotism of the feudal emperor system, I thought it was a big deal."

With a big wave of his hand, Xu Que suddenly took out the electronic piano, put it on his lap, turned on various mixing effects, and smashed it into a song that Yang Fan could no longer be familiar with—"Volunteer March"

It's just that Xu Que's change of soul is no longer a Chinese, but a member of the Huoyuan Kingdom. I don't know if it will be harmonized. After all, this is legally tampering with the national anthem.

An exhilarating feeling of qi and blood suddenly hit the whole body, and the people in the imperial city were energetic, and an inexplicable force aroused the emotion of resistance in their hearts.

The loud and majestic singing came from Xu Que's mouth, instantly resounding through the entire imperial city, purifying everything. In the muddy eyes of the people, there was a trace of clarity, as if to get rid of the fire emperor's sacrifice.

In the air, the fire emperor was also dumbfounded, watching in horror that the majestic divine power on his body was dissipating, instantly anxious.

"No, no... stop for me, shut up for me!"

He roared savagely towards Xu Que.

It's just that his roar didn't work, it was completely overwhelmed by Xu Que's majestic and loud voice, crushed by the justice in his singing, and constantly liberating the servility among these ignorant people.

This supreme song representing liberation is the song of the Chinese nation’s complete liberation of servility. It is sacred and inviolable. It represents the spirit of a great nation and represents indomitable strength!

Hearing this, even the patriotic feeling in Yang Fan's heart was aroused, and he couldn't help but hum.

"Get up! Get up! Get up!"

The more Xu Que sang, the more exciting he became, and many people were infected.

They no longer knelt on the ground, no longer bowed their heads, and stood up one after another, their solemn and neat gazes all fell on Xu Que's body.

"No, little beast, you little beast, shut up for me!"

The Emperor Huo raised his head and roared, then suddenly turned and rushed towards Xu Que.

Yang Fan had already felt that the power of faith in the fire emperor was rapidly declining, and the strength produced by the previous sacrifice also declined at this time.

If it were in the original work, at this time the female emperor would take action to block the fire emperor, but now...

Xu Que was knocked into the air by the fire emperor, even if the fire emperor's current strength had declined, he still pressed Xu Que to fight.

As a last resort, Xu Que had to break the last power of faith in the fire emperor, and the national anthem suddenly became louder.

Do more and more ignorant people wake up, shouting "kill the emperor of fire, liberate the fire country" slogan.

At the same time, a manuscript of the Declaration of Independence was also distributed by Xu Que.

"We believe that some truths are self-evident: all human beings are created equal, and the Creator has granted them certain inalienable rights, including the right to life, the right to freedom, and the right to pursue happiness..."

"We appeal to the most lofty justice in the world, showing our solemn intentions..."

"We solemnly declare...Fire Yuanguo will become independent since then and cancel all obligations of allegiance to the royal family!"


Almost at the same time, the fire emperor who was fighting with Xu Que spit out blood. This was the consequence of faith backlash, but it was this assist that caused the fire emperor's strength to decline again.


In the sky, there was a dragon roar that only Yang Fan could hear. Looking up, the golden dragon of national luck began to disintegrate at this moment. According to the current speed, it will disappear completely in at most an hour, and the state of the flame will be destroyed.

I like the system to take me to practice. Please collect it: ( The system takes me to practice. The literature update is the fastest.

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