After the voice fell, without waiting for everyone's reaction, Princess Yanyang suddenly swept across the air, turning into a white shadow, and rushing straight into the Golden Luang Temple that had turned into a sea of ​​fire.

She is going to commit suicide!

Perhaps Yanyang Princess also knew that Xu Que would not let herself go. Instead of dying in Xu Que's hands and suffering, it would be better to have a dignified death.

"No princess!"

Zi Xuan shouted in surprise immediately.

But after all, she couldn't stop, she watched Princess Yanyang, swallowed by the terrifying dragon flame, and disappeared without a trace.

Almost when Princess Yanyang rushed towards the collapsed Golden Luang Temple, a avatar of Yang Fan, who hadn't noticed, rushed out of the body, and instantly came into the flames.

The fiery flames rushed mercilessly to the martyred Yanyang princess, her gorgeous dress was lit, her eyes closed, and she waited for death to come.

The majestic energy struck, instantly stunned Yanyang Princess, her soft body quickly fell, and when she was about to be swallowed by flames, a figure appeared out of thin air, caught her, and a princess came to hug her.

The person here is Yang Fan's clone.

The clone tapped on Princess Yanyang to hide her breath, which also caused everyone to think that Princess Yanyang was dead. After doing all this, the clone disappeared out of thin air, and no breath was leaked.

At this time, all the palace buildings around the Jinluang Temple also completely collapsed, and the Royal Palace of Nuo Da, also following the fire, was being destroyed. This also means that the huge Fire Origin Kingdom was destroyed and disappeared into the Lower Five Source Continent.

Xu Que closed his eyes slightly and exhaled deeply. He felt that the breath of Princess Yanyang disappeared, but his heart was calm. Perhaps in the eyes of the king, although Princess Yanyang is beautiful and has been on her, Princess Yanyang never gave up the idea of ​​killing herself.

In the face of such a person, no matter how beautiful a woman is, the king will not be merciful.

Princess Yanyang's suicide caused many people present to sigh, and Zi Xuan also collapsed directly to the ground with tears on her face.

After a long time, many people dispersed, and only some people remained. Looking at the monstrous fire in the palace, they were extremely emotional.

Yang Fan was also very embarrassed, but he didn't regret not helping Huo Yuanguo. Huo Yuanguo was destroyed by himself. Because Huo Yuan Nation is not the source of fire, not the country of the Zhao family, even if it has the blood of the Zhao family, Princess Yanyang.

If Princess Yanyang is willing, Yang Fan will help her rebuild the country.

At this time, the empress sighed slightly, and looked at Xu Que: "You have already taken revenge, what are your plans next? Would you like to follow me back to Tianxiang Valley?"

After releasing the control, the empress Jiang Hongyan returned to Xu Que and said.

Xu Que froze for a moment, shook his head and smiled.

"The man's ambition is everywhere, and my wish is world peace, so I have to save the world."

"What about you, Brother Yang?"

At this time, Xu Que looked at Yang Fan again, and intuitively told himself once again that Yang Fan was not right and very mysterious.

"I think I should leave too."

Yang Fan raised his head and looked towards the sky. Empress Jiang Hongyan and Xu Que also looked at them, but they didn't find anything.

"What are you looking at?"

Xu Quedao.


Yang Fan didn't mean to hide.

"You really come from the fairyland."

There is something in Xu Que's words.

"It's okay. It won't be long before you will go to Xianyu, but you won't meet me again."

Yang Fan is also playing puns.

"What do you mean? Don't tell me, you are going to hang up."

"No, I said going back, not going back to Xianyu."

"Damn, you don't come from the underworld, do you?"

"I have been to the underworld, but it is not called the underworld, but the underworld, located in the underworld next to the mortal world."

Xu Que took a breath and moved his legs unconsciously.

"I really should go and go back to my own time and space. It will be a long time to meet again. For me, it may be two or three hundred years, but for you, it will not be long. Goodbye, Force the king, I will wait for your return on the earth. Hahahaha..."

Yang Fan's figure gradually dissipated in the sound of laughter.

On the spot, Wang Xu Que was forced to show an extremely shocked look.

"Little girl, did you hear what he said?"

"It seems to be saying, waiting for your return on the earth. Where is the earth?"

Xu Que made a thud in his heart, and a chill came. The person just now knew his identity and he was also a traverser.


At this time, the location of the Divine Sword Gate was the retreat that Jian Xiu had prepared for Yang Fan.

"Where is this? Is it hell?"

A female voice came with a trace of hoarseness in it.

The girl slowly opened her eyes, and what caught her eye was a beautiful place. As soon as she opened her eyes, there was a pain in her head, which made her face pale.

"You wake up, this is not hell, you are still in the mortal world."

At this moment, a mature man's voice came from the girl's side, causing the girl to shake all over, and immediately stood up and guarded.

Until this time, the girl can see the surrounding environment clearly.

My location is in a fully transparent house, with birds and flowers outside the house, and the house is located on a lake, which is very magical.

"It's you!"

The girl's voice suddenly became severe, and she recognized the man's identity.

"it's me!"

Yang Fan smiled slightly and waved his palm lightly, tea appeared out of thin air on the table in front of the two of them. Yang Fan picked up the teapot and poured a cup for the girl.

The girl is Yanyang Princess.

"Aren't you the person next to Xu Que? Who are you? Why do you want to save me?"

"Well... you have asked so many questions, which one shall I answer first?"

"Let’s start with the first question first."

"I do know Xu Que, but I know him, he doesn't know me."

Princess Yanyang remained unmoved, still vigilant against Yang Fan.

"As for who I am, this is a bit complicated to say, but I can tell you that I have no malice against you. On the contrary, I have some connections with your ancestors in the fire country."

"Nonsense! You have a connection with my ancestors in the Fire Yuan Kingdom. Could it be that you have lived for 50,000 or 60,000 years?"

Princess Yanyang was so angry that she was not worried that she would die, but worried that she would be humiliated before she died.

"The fire country I'm talking about is not the fire country in your mouth, but the predecessor of the current fire country, the source of three points of water."

Princess Yanyang frowned.

"You do not know?"

Princess Yanyang shook her head.

"Seven or eighty thousand years ago, all the high-level officials of the Huoyuan Country were killed, all the royal children died, and only one married princess survived. And the horse took the opportunity to board the throne and re-established the Huoyuan country. It’s just that the two fire origin countries are not the same country."

"I know this. There is indeed a record of this incident in the ancestors of the Huoyuan Kingdom, but what is it to me?"

"You are the descendant of the princess married outside, that is, the descendant of the royal family of Huoyuan Country, with the blood of the Zhao family lying inside."

Princess Yanyang was shocked.

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